Wednesday 28 February 2018

Two Unilorin Alumni selected among 50 youths across Africa to participate in Canvassity Pan Africa Youth Democracy Fellowship 2018.

CANVASSITY Pan African Youth Democracy Fellowship 2018 is a dynamic youth program designed to improve the capacity of young people to effectively engage and support elected representatives and government institutions to improve government efficiency, raise accountability and foster citizen-government collaborations in Africa.

CANVASSITY Season 3 shall admit 50 pro-governance youth leaders into its yearlong knowledge and action-based fellowship.  The Fellowship shall require participants to participate in two workshop semesters of 10 days and 5 days respectively in Nigeria. All participants shall also identify an issue under any of our 6 focal areas they are passionate to address through a policy process and engagement with elected representatives and government institutions during the fellowship. Participants shall also participate in a campaign to promote the AU African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance (ACDEG) in their home countries.

CANVASSITY Pan African Youth Democracy Fellowship 2018, Season 3 will have 50 bodacious youth influencers, youth NGOs and young professionals!

The duo were among the 50 young Africans that will be participating in “CANVASSITY” Democracy Fellowship Program for 2018.

The selection process was in two phases in which articles were written allowing young people share their thoughts on what they can do to solve problems in their country.

The contest was thrown open to young Africans after which the first 100 were selected and the 100 proceeded to contest again in which the final 50 were selected.

The Semester 1 of the Canvassity Fellowship will be hosted at Presken Hotel and Resorts, Ikeja, Lagos from February 25 to March 7, 2018.

Olugbode Ayomikun Emmanuel completed his master degree programme in the department of Biochemistry, University of Ilorin in the 2016/2017 academic session.

Olaogun Micheal Sunkanmi holds a bachelors degree in Mathematics Education from University of Ilorin and recently completed his master degree programme in Public Admin from University of Ilorin in the 2016/2017 academic session.

​Headquarters:​ Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife.
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​Twitter:​ @campuseditorsng
​Instagram:​ nanceonline
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​Date:​ 28/02/2018


Sparkling greetings to all tertiary institutions press boards who are members of NANCE or intending members.

Trust this meet you well. The above named association with all sense of humility calls for representatives from different institutions to represent them in the general assembly of our dear association.

The President or the Chairman of Guild of Editors are automatic members  while two editors will be chosen among the schools' Guild of Editors.

NANCE's General Assembly is the Parliamentary arm of the association with the job of performing legislative functions for the association.

All schools are hereby advised to submit names and contact of their representatives between now and 10th of March, 2018 to the mail of the above named association.

The General Assembly will be constituted unfailingly on the 11th of March 2018 after all schools would have been expected to have sent the details of their representatives to the association's mail.

Thank you for your time and cooperation. Long live NANCE!!!


Adejumo Kabir,
Public Relations Officer, NANCE

Jonathan Oladimeji,
General Secretary, NANCE

Omole Isaac,
President, NANCE

​Headquarters:​ Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife.
​Email:​ |
​Twitter:​ @campuseditorsng
​Instagram:​ nanceonline
Our ref:_____________________
Your ref :_____________________

​Date:​ 28/02/2018

Campus Editors Launch "WokeEditors" Initiative

The "WokeEditors" initiative is an initiative of the National Association of Nigerian Campus Editors which aims at improving the reading culture amongst editors and journalists from all Nigerian tertiary institutions.

It is an initiative geared at ensuring that campus editors are educated and enlightened as regards the scope and activities attached to being pressmen.

The online library of NANCE is being updated with books from now till the middle of march with the aim of the body to ensure that by the middle of march, the body has over 2,000 online books(PDFs) in stock for consumption by its members.

To be a beneficiary of the WokeEditor initiative and to get books, you have to be a registered member of the association, send a mail to requesting for journalistic books and the PRO of the association who doubles as Librarian will do the necessary to the editor's personal mail within 72hrs upon the receipt of the request.

Therefore after download, the beneficiary editor notifies the body of the books received via the association's mail and he or she is expected to give the association feedbacks cum synopses of the books he or she has gotten and how they have benefitted him or her.

We do not want to have brilliant and smart editors alone, but editors that are brilliant, smart and always stay "Woke".



Adejumo Kabir,
Public Relations Officer, NANCE

Jonathan Oladimeji,
General Secretary, NANCE

Omole Isaac,
President, NANCE

Sunday 25 February 2018

Bee Media Solution has held the second edition of her youth mobilisation event, themed, "The Impact Makers 2.0."

Abideen Olasupo, CEO OPAB Industry, delivered an intense lecture on the new occupational scope in the electronic and physical world.

The google ambassador stated skills young men and women should arm themselves with as they walk into the professional space. According to him, most tertiary institutions will not teach those skills.

CEO of PickPedia, Mr Abiodun Alex Sowemimo was also present to give bits on how to be a domain broker, make money from virtual freelancing, and tap into the world of unlimited funding from Google.

He responded to questions as he wrap up his presentation, stating that, he believes in a Nigeria where the son of a carpenter can become anything.

Hon. AbdulRasheed Taiwo who represented the Speaker, Kwara state House of Assembly exchanged admonition with the crowd. Also in attendance was a former Students Union President of the University of Ilorin, Ahmed Lawal — Ambassador.

The Director Bee Media Solution, Mr Olaniran Abiola, in a conversation with the press, stated his desire to see that "The Impact Maker" campaign travels around tertiary institutions in Nigeria.

He enthused that, "nation building starts with youth empowerment," as he appreciates all partners who gave their support to the .

The event was graced by eminent personalities in the electronic and physical business worlds.

Akinyemi 'Princely X' Adedeji,

Saturday 24 February 2018

A team of Unilorin( University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria, West Africa) Alumni and Students has designed a web-based speech system that can read and speak more than 15 languages including all dialects of Yoruba and Igbo languages."
( )


An excellent online language system. 
Our Text to Speech Service currently supports converting texts of more than 15 languages and dialects of the Niger-Congo and Yoruboid languages (including all dialects of Yoruba and Igbo languages) into spoken speech. Our Yoruba TTS System recognizes Yoruba number system names ranging from 1 to 40,000...

Main page:

Igbo TTS page:

Hausa TTS page:

Yoruba TTS Page:


Thursday 22 February 2018

February 22, 2018.

The official carrier of Unilorin SU President

As of fact, the official vehicle of the SU President has been kept aground for barely two months over what seems to be a technical hitch.

The once posh outlook of the Sienna vehicle is now a shadow of its former self—with broken head lamps, ubiquitous scratches, deflated tyres, and damaged handles. Worse still, the interior even looks disheveled and worn out; which suggests how terrible the car must have been handled by its handlers.

Though the official carrier of the SU President, I believe it still remains the Commonwealth of members of the Union. And therefore, it's important for Union property to be handled with utmost care. The car in question, has been parked directly behind Rhema Chapel, and before Excellence Schools at Tipper Garage, Tanke, Ilorin.

One noticeable thing that strikes the retina, is that, the handle of one of the doors was intact during the first three weeks of inspection. To my surprise, the handle is no longer there upon my return after a month and a week. 

In fact, a critical observer will notice that the current damaged state of the handle, is suggestive of forceful removal by suspected hoodlums or thieves.  I don't understand why such a prestigious car should be allowed to degenerate into such a debilitating state. This same vehicle has been driven by two former SU Presidents, with Reedof being the third in a row. 

For the purpose of record, the vehicle was gifted to the Union by a company known as Sovereign Campus Concept, as part of its corporate social responsibility during the Idris Alao-led administration.

Eminent, Observation's successor, used this same vehicle regularly and occasionally parked it in front of Student Affairs while in good shape; he would do so just to walk by feet like other students for some time. Why is that of Reedof any different? 

What adducible reason will the 'Together We Can' administration give this time as being responsible for the embarrassing state of the official vehicle of Mr President? Money, bureaucracy or black magic? 

Well, I believe unilorites want to see the vehicle back on its feet working optimally. Mr President, please fix the problem.

OSUJI, Chima Francis

January 25, 2018.

It's unfortunate to see how the collective aspirations of a people is being hijacked and thwarted by anti-forces of the rule of law. The most shocking of this excessive display of power politics is the 'insider job' carried out by those who have been entrusted with the sacred duty of ensuring free, fair and credible elections. They're the masquerades dancing spiritedly to the enchanting tune of the powers that be. Their sole mission statement is designed to subvert the mandate of the electorate. Put differently, they're the foot soldiers being used by the controlling hands of the Commanding Officer to squash the face of the opposition. 

Unfortunately, Mr Animashaun Emmanuel Oluseyi (Hesjay) is the biggest casualty in this game of power politics. This brave, audacious and intelligent young man was screened out under controversial circumstances by the electoral committee.  And what reason did they adduce? His purported failure to meet one of the criteria by serving twice consecutively in the Senate? Really? This is preposterous! In fact, it's the most laughable comedy half hour show we've ever seen. The whole world knows this isn't the true position as regards Mr Animashaun's eligibility. He has not only served in the Senate twice consecutively but also has been a consistent congressman of ILUMSA. 

Heaven knows the tool of interpretation employed by the relevant authorities to exclude Mr Animashaun from the presidential race. Though the interpreters may have been vested with the power to exercise discretion when it comes to constitutional questions, yet they must do so judicially and judiciously in the public interest.

The object of this piece is not sponsored blackmail, however, we're using this medium to tell the power brokers involved in the ILUMSA 'electoral arrangement' that the world is watching. This is indeed a shame of the highest order as well as a huge dent on the magnificent image of ILUMSA. The whole brouhaha makes nonsense of the enviable history of the association over the years. In fact, ILUMSA general elections has never been this politicized and hijacked by external forces. 

Members of ILUMSA should take solace in the fact that, regardless of the times, there's always an expiry date to every act of oppression. Yes. Oppression will eventually fall down to what is called 'People-Power' — legitimate resistance and human rights. History is replete with great lessons of public figures who have been taught the hard lessons of life. The great Julius Caesar of Rome was conquered by members of his inner circle. Adolf Hitler was defeated by an alliance of nations despite his near conquest of the world. Alexander the Great also had his own fair share of this misfortune. The apartheid regime was eventually dismantled. American Segregationist policy bowed to the pressure of civil disobedience. Spartan figures like the late Sani Abacha, Idi'Amin of Uganda, Charles Taylor of Liberia, etc. were equally not spared by the two-edged sword of karma. A cursory look at the aforementioned scenarios, reveals a common denominator — that life itself is transient, and by extension, no living mortal on the surface of the earth can ever play God. Never!

The ongoing election of the Ilorin Medical Students Association (ILUMSA) is a classic example of broad daylight robbery; the election has been marred with a truck load of irregularities from day one.  The whole process has become a viable tool in the hands of the electoral umpires to tactfully delist certain political aspirants from the presidential race. God bless Ilumsites for registering their dismay at the polls where, collectively, they affirmed their collective resolve by sending a strong signal to some quarters that the people are indeed sovereign when it comes to electoral matters. Consequently, the sole presidential candidate who is generally regarded as the 'endorsed candidate' by the power brokers, could not muster the constitutionally required two-third majority votes to be declared winner. For the purpose of record, out of the total valid votes of 305 cast, he managed to secure 94 yes votes, but 211 voters said no to his ambition. This represents a poor showing of 30.8 percentage in a scale of hundred. This is record breaking!

Prior to Mr Animashaun's exclusion from the race, a former presidential aspirant was equally delisted for the same reason. However, his exclusion was eventually received in good faith as justified on the premise spelt out by the electoral committee. But then, that of Mr Animashaun remains fantastically absurd to the extent that it defiles existing material fact and simple logic.

Sequel to the poor showing by the sole presidential aspirant at the last election, a so-called 'run-off' election had been scheduled to hold today the 25th January, 2018. What's interesting about it? All those who were previously screened out remain ineligible to contest. The most ridiculous of the new electoral guideline is the proviso that says if an aspirant is running unopposed, he/she will be deemed elected 'automatically'. In other words, the electoral umpire is saying, 'there's no need for 2/3 majority votes, just come as you are, if you're unopposed, that's an automatic ticket for you'. No problem Mr Electoral umpire, the fate that befell the previous sole presidential aspirant, will greet those cleared to run the presidential race if they are products of predefined electoral arrangement.

Another issue worthy of mention is the Ilumsa Senate. The Senate President was reported to have resigned from office on the premise that, his tenure has come to an end. By implication, the power to regulate electoral guidelines has been deferred to a third party based on the doctrine of necessity. We have some fundamental questions for Mr Former Senate President: with your wealth of experience on the floor of the House, don't you know that government is a continuum? Mr Retired Senate President Sir, haven't you heard of the ageless maxim that says there's no vacuum in government? Flowing from the aforesaid, you remain the Senate President until and unless a succeeding parliamentary session is inaugurated. Our real question then is, why did you make such hasty move to resign yet acting as an office holder at the same time? Or is there be an undertone for doing so beyond what the ordinary eyes can't see? You resigned yet was said to have interpreted the constitution along with your Commanding Officer behind closed doors, isn't it? 

Where on earth has it ever occurred that a whole governmental institution is kept aground in a vacuum by virtue of tenure expiration before a general election? Where on earth is the power to interpret the Constitution vested in an entity other than the legislature or the judiciary? In fact, the so-called Ilumsa constitution itself is a complete sham; it embodies in part, laws borne out of political interests as against public morality. It needs overhauling so as to give little or no room for external interference. As it stands now, most stakeholders are afraid to speak for fear of victimization. Everyone prefers to watch as events unfold and do nothing about it. They prefer submitting themselves to resignation in the final analysis simply because they operate in a unique environment that is defined by administrative superiority and docility in the guise of loyalty. Wake up Ilumsites! You're all stronger together through the agency of aloha!

This is not a clarion call on Ilumsites to mutiny against the school authority at the COHS as regards the ongoing electoral fraud. However, aggrieved parties are urged to adopt lawful means to seek redress. A good point of call is the Student Union Court whose judges are largely incorruptible and have delivered sound judgements well received by many. Recently, these most senior judges have reversed unpopular decisions by authorities within the Union and as such, we believe justice will surely be served. 

Even the Student Union seems helpless about the situation due largely to the position of the Ilumsa constitution which arrogates unfettered powers to the office of Executive Adviser, or the overwhelming nature of the whole scenario. Obviously, political thespians are threading softly in order to avert a collision course with each other, thereby leaving the fate of Ilumsa members hanging in the balance. Could this be a reenactment of the proverbial hardship suffered by the grass during the duel of two elephants? We believe the general wish of Ilumsites should be respected. And that's one of the beauties of the University of Ilorin which is renowned for its 'no-door policy' between the school authority and the students. This is one of the reasons behind the cordial relationship between the Student Union and the university management in spite of consistent moments of disagreement.

But then, there's need to ask an important question: will the aggrieved parties ever summon the courage to file a law suit in the Student Union Court if it turns out that their mandate has been stolen? Well, let the key players ponder on this, and decide their own fate legitimately. One thing is certain, the world is watching and posterity is taking record of the goings on in Ilumsa right now.

This is an editorial of the Union of Campus Journalists, University of Ilorin Chapter, Ilorin, Kwara State. All rights reserved.

Senator Shehu Sani has accused Kaduna State Governor Nasir El-Rufai of tyranny, describing him as a ‘military administrator.’

The All Progressives Congress (APC) lawmaker also reacting to the demolition of APC faction secretariat, a building belonging to Senator Suleiman Hunkuyi, in Kaduna State, said El-Rufai is only angered by his suspension.

As an aftermath of crisis rocking, APC in Kaduna State saw the emergence of a faction formed by members loyal to the two suspended APC Senators Suleiman Hunkuyi and Shehu Sani in the state. The new faction opened a new State party Secretariat at 11B Sambo close in the state but the building housing the secretariat was demolished on Tuesday, February 20.

“What is happening in Kaduna is simply tyranny. We don’t have an elected governor we have a military administrator, one who thinks that everything should go his own way. He engineered the party to suspend us, to suspend me. That is about a year and half ago. When the suspension (El-Rufai’s suspension) came, he became very angry moving about bulldozers to bring down buildings,” he said.


The N70m handed over to the Northern Senators Forum has been swallowed by monkeys in the farm of a ranking senator. Shehu Sani (APC, Kaduna) told newsmen minutes after Senator Abdullahi Adamu was removed as the chairman of Northern Senators forum.  
Senator Adamu was accused of mismanaging N70 million belonging to the Northern Senators. Shehu Sani said that it was alleged that some monkeys swallowed the money at the senator's farm.


Global anti-corruption watchdog, Transparency International (TI), has again ranked Nigeria low in its 2017 Corruption Perception Perception Index (CPI) released on Wednesday. The latest ranking has Nigeria in the 148th position out of 180. The country, according to the CPI, scored 28 out 100, a figure lower than the average in the Sub-Sharan region.

CPI score relates to perceptions of the degree of corruption as experienced by business people and analysts and ranges between 100 (highly clean) and 0 (highly corrupt).

Nigeria's latest placement indicates that the country has not made progress in its fight against graft, despite claims by the Muhammadu Buhari Presidency that it is making a headway. In the 2016 rankings, Nigeria scored 28. In 2015, it scored 26. The year before that, it scored 25. In 2014, the country scored 27 and 25 in 2013.


Wednesday 21 February 2018

The 200level mass communication students of the University of Ilorin, held the second edition of their annual photography exhibition at the school auditorium basement.

The photography exhibition, tagged FotoClique2018, is a collaborative practical works of the 200level students of photojournalism and 300level public relation students of the department of mass communication. Both courses are tutored by the same lecturer, Dr Kadiri Kehinde Kadijat, the convener of the exhibition.

The 2018 exhibition, themed; THE CONVERGENCE, saw the presence of eminent personalities like the Vice Chancellor, represented by the Deputy Vice Chancellor R.T.I, Professor Gabrel Olatunji; the Dean of the Faculty of Communication and Information Sciences, represented by the Sub Dean, the Head of the Department of Mass Communication, Dr Saudat S Abdulbaqi and the three evaluators who are coincidentally from the three major tribes in Nigeria.

Professor Olatunji, who had also represented the vice chancellor at the fotoclique'17, reveals that he had been fascinated by the fotoclique'17 and even if the VC had not asked to be represented, he would have been at the exhibition on his own accord. He appreciated the convener, Dr Kadiri and assured her that the University will definitely put more into Fotoclique and make it bigger in future.

The first evaluator, Obidinma Nnebe, a street photographer, spoke extensively on the challenges and prospect of photojournalism. He admonished the need to be passionate about photography before delving fully into it, as there are various challenges that would require a lot of perseverance on the part of the photographer. Nnebe, who had quitted a year into his office job to focus on his photography career, encouraged the evaluators to disregard people’s opinion of photography and it will eventually pay off.

In his words, “...don’t be discouraged about people’s opinion of photography. Many people think it is useless but the feeling of people paying for and appreciating your work is fulfilling. I’ve had two exhibitions so far and I’ve had people pay for my photos. It’s a good feeling.”

Ayodeji Ogunro, the second evaluator, a documentary photographer spoke on the essence of research in photography. Using some of the pictures of moments he captured at a Fulani settlement and an IDP camp, Ogunro described how a picture can tell a deep story about the lives and challenges of some people. He explained that research is very essential in documentary photography as it helps the photographer to understand his subject and to know the best ways to approach them.

“You know what to do to take pictures and to be great, all you need to do is to start now,” he said.

The last evaluator, Fati Abubakar, a documentary photographer from Borno state, described the WHYs and HOWs of photography. According to her, she ventured into photography to reshape how people around the world view Africa and especially her state, Borno that has suffered numerous attacks courtesy of the Boko Haram insurgency.

She encouraged the exhibitors to take advantage of their presence in Africa, capture beautiful moments that will lighten up the dark picture people abroad have registered in their minds. Fati Abubakar described the role of a photojournalist as a very sensitive one where the lives of people will be captured and shown to the world.

“Your role as a photojournalist is to first engage with the society you’ll be capturing. Know your object first, their concerns and how they feel about you capturing them. Photojournalism should be 70% talking and 30% capturing...tell the story of the GOOD, the BAD and the UGLY. Balance up your story, as much as you’re wowed about your environment, the bad aspect counts too” she said.

At the exhibition proper, the evaluators assessed the pictures displayed for exhibition at both amateur and professional levels; top three pictures were picked at each level and certificates of excellence were presented to the winners.

Right before the end of the event, the second edition of the photo magazine, APERTURE, a publication of the 200level mass communication  students, was unveiled by Dr Kadiri KK and a brief review of the magazine was done by the Editor in Chief, Fatimah Shehu and the Chief Planner, Adeshina Opeyemi.

Other lecturers present at the occasion include, Alhaji Liad Tella, Dr Lambe Kayode Mustapha, Dr Razak Adisa, Dr Patrick Udende, Dr Salawu, Mrs Mustapha, Miss Adegoke, Mallam Mustapha of corporate affairs, and Hassan Ahmed of juju house of comedy, among others. 

Ganiyat Olowoyo,


Friday 16 February 2018

Infant and Under-five Mortality Rates: Nigeria Makes Progress

Tomisin Ojebode

University of Ilorin

Nigeria has recorded her lowest infant mortality rate in seventeen years. According to the recently released Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS), the current mortality rate in Nigeria is 69.8 deaths per 1000 live births which is lower than that recorded in the 2011 MICS; it is in fact the lowest recorded since Nigeria returned to democratic rule in 1999.

Infant mortality is the death of a child before its first birthday anniversary while under-five mortality is the death of anyone below the age of five years. Together, both have witnessed 27% reduction in the last 6 years.

According to Dr. Terka Bitto of Federal Medical Centre, Makurdi, Benue State; the reduction in the rate of child mortality might be because of the “increase in health advocacy and female child education because a mother that is more health aware is most likely to take her children for immunization”. This suggests that if this improvement is to be celebrated, kudos must be given to both governmental and non-governmental organisations especially multinational ones like United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF) and World Health Organisation (WHO).

Dr. Bitto stressed further that “In the northern part of the country, there are more initiatives currently going onto ensure mothers get optimal care”. He emphasized on the important effect of immunization as he recalled that there was a time that “even President Buhari was seen immunizing one of his grand children.”

There is no doubt that an infant mortality rate of 69.8 is still very high. It is far higher than that of South Africa (31.0); Ghana (35.2) or even Sierra Leone (68.4). This means that a lot of work still has to be done by governments and non-governmental organisations.

According to an officer of the Nigerian Security and Civil Defence Commission (NSCDC) who preferred anonymity, government must do much more to improve on security. According to her, this will make it easier for health workers to access all the local areas to immunize children. This will ultimately further reduce infant mortality.

This position is buttressed by the fact that, according to UNICEF, 70% of child death is caused by “preventable or treatable infectious diseases such as malaria”. Vaccination is therefore a strong key to reduction in child mortality.

With improved security, better equipped health facilities and better motivated health workers, Nigeria can easily overtake her neighbors in the low rates of child mortality. The current reduction in the rate of child mortality is a strong motivation for all stakeholders to do more.


Maternal and child health, The children,UNICEF org, Nigeria.

Nike Adebowale, 2017, Nigeria infant mortality rate falls- UNICEF, Statistics Bureau, Premium Times.


"It is a platform for us to share innovative and academic information" - Reedorf.

The Student Union University of Ilorin, has witnessed the birth of an application that will help students get information at their fingertips.

According to a Scoolnetwork representative, the application is meant to improve the academic performance of the 'Better by far' students. The application is designed to save test, lecture and examination schedules, give announcements and reminders of those schedules and other things saved on it.

Answers were given to the questions asked about the application as well as commendations on the effort of the team.

The programme ended with a closing remark by the Student Union President, introduction of the Scoolnetwork team and a group photo session respectively at some minutes past 6pm.

The event had in attendance some Student Union executives including the President, representatives from faculties, departments and associations on campus.

Jimba Azeez

Shittu Aisha Adetoun


The 300 level department of Mass Communication students of International Communication and Community Relations, has launched her annual  one-day sanitation programme within the faculty of Communication and Information Sciences tagged #CISCLEANANDSAFE.

The sanitation program organised  by the students were extensions of their courses, where students were charged with the responsibility of cleaning the faculty while students of community relations took the faculty as a community and cleaned it up as a basic theme gleaned from the course.

The lecturer in charge of International Communication, Dr. L.K Mustapha, said, the international system is filled with multiple problems including the environmental hazards befalling nations of the world, therefore if everyone chooses to clean its corner the world will be a better place to survive.

Lecturer in charge of Community Relations, Mrs. M.L Mustapha, applauded the students for a job well-done while she encouraged students to be ambassadors of environmental sanitation.

The programme was graced by the Dean of the faculty, the HOD mass communication and the lecturers-in-charge of both courses, who commissioned the cleaniness campaign.

GOUNDIPE, Abdulhakeem.

Wednesday 14 February 2018



This is to notify all students that the best place to enjoy your valentine with your VAL is at the Indomie Valentine Groove as there will be games, dance and enjoyable activities.

Gate Pass: Free
Venue: LT1
Time: 4pm
DJ: Atech
MC: Peperenpe


Proudly supported by Student Union, University of Ilorin.


Tuesday 13 February 2018

Israeli police will recommend that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu be indicted in two corruption investigations, according to reports from local media.

Police officials were set to release their findings at 8:45 p.m. local time Tuesday (1:45 p.m. EST), but the Haaretz newspaper reported that they will recommend that prosecutors pursue the charges.

In the so-called “Case 1000,” Bibi is suspected of accepting gifts from billionaire benefactors — including cigars and champagne from the Israeli-born Hollywood producer Arnon Milchan — in return for advancing their interests.

Meanwhile, “Case 2000” involves a suspected illegal deal between Netanyahu and Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper publisher Arnon Mozes that would have provided him with positive coverage in exchange for hurting rival daily Israel Hayom.

Netanyahu has denied any wrongdoing, claiming on several occasions that “there will be nothing —because there is nothing,” the Haaretz newspaper reported.

Following the police announcement, Netanyahu is scheduled to make a live statement from his residence, the Times of Israel reported.

The news of a daring snake reportedly to have turned Nigeria currency into some comestibles feeds being fed on has sparked unsolicited reactions – Our hard earned money. Nigerians in our usual wishy-washy and hassled manners, jumped into the swiftboat and started drumming out sentiments – Reactions that betray, perhaps not only the intention of the "divulger" but as well that of rigorous reasoning.

Understanding the chosen ways Nigerians have adopted over the times in reacting to issues in their immediate environment. Especially events that appear novel or unique in some ways would go a long way to unravel reasons why things seems as they are, and those of which actually inform this society of ours where we all live in contemptness.

To start with, the reality an average Nigerian has failed to accept is the fact that we are now in a digitalised ambience. Nothing really is unusual, especially events of these days. Until Nigerians begin to understand this starring reality, distortion in events and the misrepresentations of intentions would still continue to grow and the result would remain backwardness.

In a case of being in the same mission alongside your peers, you choose to work in isolation thinking working in peer will lessen your pace; Forgetting that when you work alone, you work (indeed) faster but you get fatigue in a shortest while and consequently the mission, afterwards, hits a dead-end.

However, in contrary, doing the same with peers, you stand a formidable chance to explore far, in fact, often without fear and aches. What this anecdote denotes is simply that why have africans refuse to shed off the shackles of primitivities? The world is evolving, why is Africa lagging behind... Why have we chosen to tread in isolation? Should we then round it up that Religion is truthfully an opium of the people? And if it is, why Africans have chosen to take it in excessiveness?

Religion hazardous effects are really painting boldly in our fabric as people. The level of brainwashing acquired by the opinionists in the treading matters is enough to question our species of human race. It appears more like an Achilles task, how we have found it difficult to distance our thinking away from political, ethnic and tribal colourations. Every event that surfaces is now being confronted by politically and chauvinistically tainted tongues. No sane individual will quarrel or queries political awareness and awakened of his people but political culturalisation and association are to be flanked by some fundamental ethics.

Political imbroglios are supposed to be hypotheses to test our advancement in intellectualism - How we have been able to shift from primitive reasoning to flocking alongside global intellectualism expedition; not other way round! Events that wired or informed our reasoning should be ones critically reasoned. 

The Nigerian media have really not been able to justify the mandate at its disposal. A majority of these media houses now believe in sensationalism and the core values - pictching for news contents from the human angles and holding vast to the objectivity concept in journalism have been thrown to the dustbin of history. Representation of intentions or let's say, the reality, objectively in the media is now resting at the bottom lay of time.

What's invoke now is how much of sensationalised audience you can gather to the supposed 'news' reports. Traditionally, we understand that in the selection of news reports, certain factors have to come in, but it's found no where in these factors that human thought has to be fabricated and that agenda setting is the sole purpose of establishing a media outlet. Why can't we not allow events flow naturally without our in-house colouration or what you may call policies?

It is no news that events in the contemporary society have now outnumbered the linguistic codes and symbols for their representations. Hence to escape misrepresention of thoughts, you see or hear people saying more than they mean and mean less than they say.

In the multilingual society, like ours, it can be said that vocabularies in the vaults of the constituting societies (tribes) are minimal vis a vis the events that penultimately unfolding. But the overall philosophy behind understanding ourselves lies in the coming to the acknowledging that meaning of word is not not in the word but in the man that says the it.

Thus, the case of snake in the JAMB's vault could have possibly been a misuse of anecdotes or attempt at code-painting the sentiment in an obscured, synic and mysterious way to allow freedom from the griping tongues of pressmen or an outright attempt at employing extenuating circumstances for controlling damage effects.

Expectedly, however little and soldem probe for meanings or explanation  could have actually saved the day or at least help in not further derailing the streams and tracks of people/audience's reasonings. Sensationalised audience, in the Nigerian context, synchronously, do not either help the situation. It is now not uncommon that you see people with a fashioned 'natural' pattern of understanding or appraising issues.

Nigeria have negatively imbibe a culture of responding to events. If you don't belong to a line of some people's thoughts, then you are not flowing with happenings - not updated. It is now a norm that you reason alongside certain individuals and your line of thinking must align with a "divide."

Sadly, the fact that the proponents of these lines of thoughts are those whose existence has little or outrightly nothing to reflect in the alarming reality beclouding the societal ambience.

Until Nigerians desist from the culture of taking up issues with disdainful, holier than thou, novelty, nonchalant attitude, and regard every event as expected with equal scrutiny and attentions, we may continue to repine ourselves in the same mud of retrogression. And while we do this, contemporaries could be seen steadily matching us by.

Ridhwan Adetutu, Abdullahi (éclat) , writes


University of Ilorin

Official Press Release

February 11, 2018


No one is more hated that he who speaks the truth - Plato.

This press statement represents the truth and nothing but the truth.

As stated in the Preamble of Article 1 of NUESA CONSTITUTION, " We the students of the FACULTY OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY UNIVERSITY OF ILORIN (hereinafter referred to as ''the faculty") having firmly and solemnly resolve to bring peace, harmony, health and conducive atmosphere in the Nigerian Universities Engineering Students' Association, University of Ilorin chapter and to provide a constitution which shall be a frame of reference and guidance in the conduct of the affairs of the entity, promotion of the general welfare of the members..."

As an association, our topmost aim shall be channelled towards  the promotion of peace  among all members, and the CEC shall go to any length to ensure the continuity of peace and tranquility so as to create an enabling and conducive environment in the faculty.

The news of the suspensions didn't come as a shock, because in fact and in reality, the CEC has tried all its possible best to turn a blind eye to the gross incompetence, blatant incapability and conspicuous inexperience of the speaker and his cohorts of the SRC. An occasion of such Inexperience was when the Speaker, RT. Hon O. Olatunbosun (Horlajay), was telling the CEC about his readiness to become an enemy to the CEC and by extension to NUESA as a whole cum also made an attempt to suspend all CEC members for 2 weeks just because we decided to excuse the floor of the house when it had already adopted a motion for recess, after which he ordered the Executive President to forward an apology letter to house for that event. If n't for the timely and mature intervention of Hon. Newton that day, the incapability of the speaker would have been revealed and openly exhibited another ignorance. 

So, please do not be baffled that the SRC suspended two officers( THEY WERE NOT HEARD) for an allegation they have not been equally found guilty, except if there is a 'new' part of the Constitution that recommend trial in absentia.

Yes! they sent us a letter of summon, to which the CEC replied as early as possible, stating clearly that the CEC will not be available, which was, obviously, due to the ENGINE PICNIC preparations, which is tied to the welfare of the members of the faculty. We had a change of venue and we were busy on our side trying to make all ends meet and ensure the success of the event.

As affirmed earlier, please do not be baffled that after our defense and the letter of absence, the house still claimed that the members of 'THE CENTRAL EXECUTIVE COUNCIL' failed to appear on the floor of the house for no cogent reason...". Is  the preparation for the Picnic not cogent enough? Is the SRC much more important than the members of the Society?

However, Since the SRC did not deem it fit enough to hear the CEC's defense of the SRC's purported allegations, we shall shed more light on these issues and further state our position.


1). Representing this association at the Engineering Summit weeks ago without notifying the SRC...

Though we did not receive any letter, addressed to the President, NUESA UNILORIN, from the Engineering Students Association of Lagos State University, inviting us to the Engineering Summit 1. 0. But, In conformity with Article 3 of the Constitution, Aims and Objectives of the Association, section iv, which states that 'to associate the students of engineering and technology UNILORIN with other engineering bodies within and outside the country...' Comrade FOCUS, after meeting with the other executives sent a directive to all departmental bodies to know if their students were interested in the Summit of which most of their responses were positive. Since the Association was not officially invited, we decided to go individually as  faculty members. Letter of notifications and approval were sent to the Vice Chancellor, the Dean of the faculty and lecturers of the faculty. However, in line with Article 6, Section 1, subsection iii, which states that the President and his nominees shall represent the association in external meetings, which obviously didn't necessarily warrant the notification of the SRC, the President and his nominees, including the Students Union President and 5 departmental Presidents, ably represented the faculty upon the approval of the Vice Chancellor and the Faculty management at the Summit in LASU and a bus was given by the VC for the trip through the intervention and the interest of the SU President and his Ass. General Secretary. And because the trip was not sponsored and geared by the Association, an individual was made responsible for the finances of the trip and not NUESA if that was the erroneous thinking of the SRC.

2.  Setting up the EPEX Planning Committee without the ratification of the SRC...

About the EPEX committee, I will like to remind Mr. Speaker during our business sitting, the acclaimed EPEX committee was explained by the President, Comr. Focus that, these set of people are neither Standing Committee stated in the constitution nor Ad hoc committee and it was clearly stated at the floor of the house then that people working towards the success of EPEX 2018 is a voluntary team that wish to put in their best in achieving this aim. We will also like to bring to the notice of Mr. Speaker and the honourable house that, EPEX 2018 is a second semester program and the names of the set of committee that will work on EPEX and take over from this present group of people were agreed to be nominated by both arms of the Association.

But it is so saddened , up to this moment we have not received any nominees to be part of the committee from the SRC as agreed upon and they expect us to hold EPEX 2018 next semester.

Also, on the issue of the committee requested to be dissolved, I can say this is as a result of lack of confidence by the Speaker because two judgements were made that day;

1. That the house will send names of committee members in addition to those that would be suggested by the CEC for due ratification. And while we were still working on some names of interested people to be part of the committee and send it to the house, they passed their judgement without fair hearing from the CEC.

2. That the committee should be dissolved as a NUESA EPEX Committee which was explained often clearly that, they were neither a Standing Committee nor an Ad hoc committee but  rather a team that the expected constituted committee will take over from.

In addition to that, the current team working on EPEX has been the one in charge of all the responsibilities of the EPEX 2018 both financially and workmanship and not NUESA.


1.) Setting up the Association's Editorial Board without the ratification of the SRC...

The constitution is what binds us all, and it's supremacy must be respected at all times! The NUESA Editorial Board has been established and has swung into action before the inauguration of the SRC, reason being to reduce the workload on the members who are working selflessly in the faculty's interest during the second semester. And ever Since the establishment of this board, they have been putting in their best, even to the extent of traveling down to Lagos to interview  eminent personalities in the Engineering realm. The constitution clearly gave rulings on the establishment of any committee, including the Editorial Committee , which we are really aware of.

In the Constitution Appendix, Section B, Subsection 2, it is clearly stated that At any meeting of the SRC or CEC, the Executive President shall have powers to rule on any matter upon which this constitution is silent and obtain retrospective approval of the SRC , but since the house has not been constituted then, the President acted upon the backing of this aspect of the constitution, since the constitution is silent about the creation of an emergency committee before the inauguration of the SRC, and he directed the PRO, in line with Article 6, Section 6, subsection V, to create the NUESA Editorial Board. this  is the main reason why we named it the Editorial Board and not the Editorial Committee. And we concluded to forward the names of the nominees for the Editorial Committee to the SRC for due ratification once the already established Board completes the first phase of their objectives, so as to ensure a smooth transition to the ratified committee and not render the efforts of the Editorial Board so far fruitless. The list of names of the nominees for the Editorial Committee has almost reached completion and shall be forwarded to the SRC for ratification as soon as possible.

Having cleared the air, the competency and capability of the Speaker of the house should be put to test.This arguable resolution of the SRC to incriminate and soil the reputation of the NUESA CEC based on mere speculations and unconfirmed allegations is highly incongruous and needs the intervention of all concerned stakeholders. Suspending the President and the PRO without proper investigations and considering the alleged persons defense inconsequential, this is clearly a handiwork of an Inexperienced SRC engaging in a negative power tussle.

Therefore, the CEC of the NUESA plainly, with no string attached, refuse the suspension of the officers as the SRC conclusions lack confidence and experience. We do hope the SRC will realize it's mistake soon and retract her resolutions, and also apologize to the general public for misleading them.

Our determination to reform the Faculty of Engineering remains unstoppable, and we shall resume our respective offices tomorrow to ensure the smooth running of the association. NUESA Must Not Suffer from an Inexperienced SRC.

Team Reformation Era
NUESA CEC 2017/2018

Comrade Yusuff Musbaudeen Adeyemi

Comrade Salami Kabiru Shola 



Comrade Odewole Abdul-Jemeel

The Senator representing Kaduna Central Senatorial District , Shehu Sani , has stormed the headquarters of the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board in Bwari , Federal Capital Territory , with snake charmers .
The senator also seized the opportunity to present JAMB with snake repellent chemicals .

Sani said the visit was to enable stakeholders to get to the bottom of the issues surrounding the reported case of missing N 36 m from the JAMB office in Makurdi , Benue State .

One Philomena Chieshe , a sales clerk in the JAMB office , Makurdi , told JAMB registrar and his team that she could not account for the N36 m she made in previous years before the abolition of scratch cards .

“In the course of interrogation , Philomena denied the allegations that she stole the money, but confessed that her housemaid connived with another JAMB staff to spiritually ( through a snake ) steal the money from the vault in the account office ,” the report said .
Sani said his visit to JAMB was in response to the story that a snake swallowed N36 m .

He lamented that it was of concern that such a huge sum of money was reported to have been swallowed by a snake .

“I believe that the contribution I can make is to bring snake charmers from my constituency to the JAMB office and to help them fish out the snake and weed out snakes from their premises.”

Sani further said that if a snake could actually swallow N 36 m , one day , Nigerians might wake up to say that a snake had swallowed the country ’s foreign reserve.

“Even if it is a spiritual matter , we believe that these people I brought are some of the best snake charmers in the country and they will help in arresting both physical and spiritual snakes if there has been any in the JAMB office .”

READ ALSO : EFCC pledges to deal with money- swallowing snake

He explained that it was very clear the incident did not happen during the tenure of the JAMB Registrar , Prof . Ishaq Oloyede.

“We are very proud of him . We believe he is someone who should continue to run this agency.

“It is good for Nigerians to know this is what happened before he came into office . I believe the best thing we can do is to continue to support him.

“It is time Nigerians knew that there may be other dirty things happening in other places , but this place has exposed it for us . We know the truth and I’ m very happy about that .”

Sani presented snake repellents and chemicals to the board .

( NAN )


Looks like President Trump took a little break from twitter on Monday afternoon and Tuesday, only signing in to talk about his infrastructure deal, DACA and blame everything on the Democrats❗

🐦 The journey to MAGA began CPAC 2011 and the opportunity to reconnect with friends and supporters is something I look forward to every year. See you at CPAC2018!

🐦 Our infrastructure plan has been put forward and has received great reviews by everyone except, of course, the Democrats. After many years we have taken care of our Military, now we have to fix our roads, bridges, tunnels, airports and more. Bipartisan, make deal Dems?

In a pair of tweets before 6 a.m. on Tuesday, President Trump increased pressure on Democrats, reminding them of a countdown to strike a deal with Republicans so that young undocumented immigrants have a path to legally stay in the United States. He also appeared to suggest that if his recently unveiled infrastructure plan were unsuccessful, it would be the Democrats’ fault.

🐦 Negotiations on DACA have begun. Republicans want to make a deal and Democrats say they want to make a deal. Wouldn’t it be great if we could finally, after so many years, solve the DACA puzzle. This will be our last chance, there will never be another opportunity! March 5th.

Trump’s comments come at the top of what promise to be four crazy days for immigration debate in the Senate, with lawmakers debating the contentious topic in an unusually open format.


Vice-Chancellor of the University of Ilorin, Prof. Sulyman Abdulkareem, has raised the alarm over the destruction of the institution’s multi-million naira research and training farms by cattle belonging to unidentified herdsmen.

Our correspondent gathered on Monday that, following the development, the management of the institution held a security meeting with the leaders of 11 Fulani settlements located on the institution’s land.

The meeting was also attended by representatives of law enforcement agencies comprising the Nigerian Police Force, the Department of State Security Services and the Nigerian Security and Civil Defence Corps. During the meeting, the vice-chancellor warned that the management of the university would no longer tolerate illegal grazing on its land.

Abdulkareem also ordered squatters who had started building permanent structures on the university’s land without approval from the management to vacate the university land in the interest of peace.


The sitting began with the Speaker, Mr. Olatubosun Olajide, announcing the absence of the clerk & the deputy clerk while he delegate an honourable for the representation of the Clerk.

The reading of the last resolution by the represented Honourable from the desk of the Clerk.

An Honourable moved a motion for the adoption of the last resolution/agenda
and was seconded by another Honourable.

The Speaker talked about  receiving a letter of notification for absentia of the Clerk/Deputy Clerk at the last sitting.

The Speaker reported on the initiation/creating of 10-man constitution review committee in the last sitting while he call the honourables involved out to the House. "Article 19, section B of the constitution states the work & task of the Constitution Review committee which is the notification, schedule & procedures, amendments, review of any sittings."

The Speaker asked how far the committee had gone from the last sitting and he requested Honourables opinion, suggestions and evaluation to the progress and effectiveness of the Committee.

While Honourables involved in the committee, of the 10 men appointed, only 3 were present.

The Speaker commented on the committee's indulgence, acts towards the task given to them.

The speaker then finalized the work and task given to them not to cause an adjournment of discussion for the progress of the committee till the next sitting.

He said that, so far, there were few represented then something can still be done without waiting for the presence of the rest committee members and they can disseminate the ideas been resolved for the progress of the committee.

He further appointed A Chairman and A Secretary for the Committee. The Speaker concluded that an oath of allegiance should be taken for the newly appointed chairman as they proceed for their official call out/duties.

Report of Stewardship

Readings and report from the Social Committee: The Secretary of the Social Committee gave a report on the  Engine Got Talent which was held @LT1. He said the forms for the program was given out for #1000 for a contestant and #1500 for Croup and which they have 25 contestants.

He added that the program was opened to all Unilorites. According to him, the money issued out for the Engine got Talent was #142,000, which the program was carried out for 5 consecutive days.

A report from the Press Committee:  In absent of the secretary, amember of the committee stood up to talk about the printing of the forms for the Engine Got Talent which a sum of #5,600 was been spent on the printing as regard the Engine Got Talent program for the contestants.

An honourable raised an alarm on the press committee, concerning the Secretary for his unenthusiastic attitude towards his duty, and act of misappropriation towards any proposed budget.

According to him, he heard that 35forms were been printed & sold out but to have only 25forms been recorded, the honourable requested for a clarification on that from the Press Committee.

Another honourable in the house suggested for an indefinite suspension of the secretary till further notice. The Speaker solicited that the press committee secretary not to be suspended.

CEC Report: A letter of summoned was delivered to the CEC members on 7th of February stating that the CEC members are to and were expected to be at the last SRC sitting while this was read by the representative of the clerk.

Another honourable in House pointed that the CEC members has not been taken the SRC members with full seriousness but rather are they showing a dominative authority.

An honourable in the House particularly pointed to the President of the Association with his misused authority as a president on the SRC members and on the Association as well because they have the power to his removal on the office he is occupying.

He stated that, countless of time the President has used his position to cheat and misuse the opportunity for the progress of the association just because of his selfish interest, supporting and covering the other CEC members of their unlawful and corrupt acts in the association.

An honourable in the House pointed that, the President has acting rudely and showing irrelevancy to the SRC members.

Another honourable moved a motion for an indefinite suspension of the NUESA(Nigeria Unversities Engineering Students Association) President, till further notice a motion seconded by another honourable.

An Honourable said, an indefinite suspension is not the next thing to do but seeking for the betterment of the association should be an individual priority without giving a mind to the low level of seriousness of the CEC members of the association.

The Speaker said the motion had been moved and he's been placed for an indefinite suspension till further notice.

The Speaker then spoke on moving to the next agenda of the sitting, which is the AOB.

The Speaker reported the inconsistency of some honourables in the House for the SRC sitting, stating that it had been awful and lackadaisical acts of some honourables not coming for the sittings.

An honourable in the House pointed out a fellow honourable who hasn't being coming for sittings, which according to him is a negligence to duty.

He suggested 7 working days suspension and then moved the motion to suspend his follow honourable on 7working days suspension, and was seconded by another Honourable.

The enthused that, according to the constitution, for an Honourable to missed a sitting for two consecutive period, such honourable should be placed on suspension till further notice.

He admonished the honourables in the House to always be a good ambassador of their individual constituency, not giving in to negligence and "Lethargy."

The Speaker asked if there's any view, suggestions, contradictions and opinions to solve into from the Honourable for today's sitting.

While there's none, The Speaker requested to move for an adjournment of the sitting from the Honourables.

An Honourable in House moved the motion for adjournment of the sitting, which was seconded by a fellow Honourable.

Sunday 11 February 2018

A student of university of Ilorin, has been hit by a motorcyclist along MFM junction, Tanke Ilorin.

At about 9:10pm, an accident involving a 100level student of the university and a motorcyclist occurred somewhere close to MFM junction, Tanke.

Reports from i–Witness account has it that;

The student went to buy pepper and was merely crossing the road when he was hit by a cyclist who was running at high speed and was unable to apply breaks, the student who was hit had his right leg broken and the motorcyclist who lost control of his motorcycle took to his heels when his motorcycle went up in flames and had his legs catching fire in the ordeal. Moments after which the student was rushed to the university hospital inside a commercial bus popularly known as korope around 9:24”.

As of the time of this report, SU PRO, Com. MYT, confirmed that the student is receiving treatment at the school clinic.

However, UCJ Unilorin is yet to confirm the identity of the student involved...

Odeyemi Mubarak,


Suspended university of Ilorin Student Union welfare secretary, has justified the expenses he termed "shock absorber," in an interview with UCJ Unilorin.

Asukuti reacts to the audio played on the floor of the house. In his reaction, he says:

    "They paid me only twice. In the audio played on the floor of the house, they failed to ask the Cooperative Chairman of the Napep Union which Union do they pay in to? He (Multipurpose Cooperative Chairman) just said we have started paying since November. They suppose to ask, to who?"

In addition to the allegations on ground, Asukuti revealed that there is need for more clarifications. He told UCJ Unilorin that, "the Multipurpose Cooperative Keke Association is not under the Students' Union. However, they are on their own and are responsible to the Cooperative Society of the University of Ilorin staff.

Asukuti explains what he meant by the phrase "SHOCKS ABSORBER...."

Asukuti Clears The Air On What He Meant By "Shock-absorber".

Mr. Asukuti, the suspended Welfare Secretary of the Students' Union reaffirms the fact that, the Six Thousand Naira paid through Mr. Kayode Ayinde, the Financial Secretary Students' Union Keke Association, to the office of the Welfare as a result of the two-week contributions in the month of January by the Students' Union Keke Association was remitted to the office of the Financial Secretary of the Students' Union as at when due. In his words, he said:

     "The Financial Secretary(SU Keke Association), Mr Kayode Ayinde is the person that normally brings the money. He is in charge of the finance and brought the money. When he called me for the first week, I said he should keep it, that we will see later -I am busy. And the second he came with the sum of SixThousand Naira. Immediately, I got to the Union Building, I remmitted it to the Financial Secretary. But unfortunately, when I got to the Senate Council, they came with another record. They played a record of that of the Chairman of Cooperative which claim they have been paying. Paying to who? It is their own association."

Asukuti further revealed that, students do not understand the nature of the duties of the office of the Welfare Secretary of the Students' Union, especially in terms of the way money is being used to cater for certain cogent daily needs of certain students on campus.

He said, instead the majority assume that a lot of money is accumulated and misappropriated at the long run. However, to avoid such from happening, he decided to create a platform in which certain amounts would be kept aside to address such cogent needs or issues. This, he termed 'shock absorber'. He asserted that:

     "This money is targeted at helping those that are working with us at the park on a daily basis. But you know because the money is know, Three Thousand Naira on a weekly basis, people believe the money will be getting high on a daily basis. Then, they said okay, maybe we should turn part of it as shock-absorber. That is, when we have an emergency issue, we should  be using that money to address those issues, he explained.

He further justified his idea on 'shock absorber' by stating practical instances of the application of his idea. For instance, he believes that the budget does not provide for such issues as miscellaneous. He said: 

  "You know the Union has a budget. We have our proposed budget. It is the amount you will expect without any miscellaneous. Now, when we now have some miscellaneous issues, emergency issues, it is part of this money we use to treat these issues. For instance, if a student complains that, 'hello, l am not having any money to go home' or 'there is nothing, I'm hungry'. We give them Two Hundred Naira. And all these things, we take from the shock-absorber. All these money, students get it from the Welfare Secretary. Those that work for us at the University park, when they finish work every night, I do buy them something and since inception of this Students' Union, I have never for once collected Ten Naira from the Union, even out of the shock absorber. The shock absorber just started about two weeks ago."

He further stated that, "Those who are working with us on the park," and he gave his view on the connotative messages he reads to the allegations against him. This was his take:

"The Welfare Unit has a special commitee of all Non-Senator members including the Man O' War , Cadets, they are under the Welfare Secretary. Everytime they work for us, I must entertain them because this thing is a voluntary job, because they are putting human efforts to the development of the university and to make better the welfare status of the entire students of the university. But you know, not everybody will gain insight to this. And one thing is this, some set of people are just living fake lives in order to impress the popularity. You know all these issues against me are just for political tackle. You know everybody that come to the Union, they come with different mission and different vision".

The Financial Secretary of the Keke NAPEP Association, Mr. Kayode Ayinde, confirmed what both the chairman of the Multipurpose Cooperative Keke Association and the Secretary of the Students' Union Keke Association, said concerning their involvements with the Students' Union, specifically the office of the Welfare Secretary.

He further said that, there is really nothing he has to add to what has been said by them. This is because he believes, as the governing body of the associations, they always rightly stand for them (other members of the Association) when issues like this with either the security unit or university management arise.

He also stated that, if they are the ones in charge of the finance and monetary transactions done in and out of the union of the keke riders, then, they are baffled at the facts leading to the suspension of the Welfare Secretary of the Students' Union.

Bamigbaye Jesulonii,


Saturday 10 February 2018

Admission of International students is out – Reedof

The Student Union President university of Ilorin, has stated that, ban on hostel construction by the Federal Government is responsible for accommodation problems on campus.

In a chat at the "Beyond the veil," a program organised by the 7the Sense Concept, Com. Reedof stated the following:

The reason for inadequate accommodation for students is the ban on hostel construction, put in place by the Federal Government.

Unavailability of kerosene in depot is because the NNPC does have kerosene.

Damages in hostels have been seen to.

The delay in the distribution of souvenir is because, the SC made a resolution that the contractor and the CEC 2016/17 academic session be summoned. The souvenir will be distributed once the controversy has been resolved.

The ban on the use of gas in school hostel although not explicitly stated, is a conventional law and the rationale behind this is the safety of students.

It was alleged that none of the CEC members resides on campus. In response to this, the president stated that the AGS and V.P COHS reside on campus. The most important is the communication of information, he added. “I also use my school media handle to generate the perspective of students on various matters… I’m trying to know the perspective of students to the proposed date of exam which is February 19," he said.

The issue of inconsistency in dress code rules was also addressed, by the Union president; A difference in the opinion of the personnel in charge is the main cause of this inconsistency. “Every society has its dignity to protect; the rationale behind the dress code is to protect the image of the school. The way you dress is the way you will be addressed," Reedof said.

Com. MYT, SU PRO, reported that, students can always walk down to the Student Union building and lodge your complaint. He promised that, an APP aimed at enhancing students’ academic growth and publicity will be launched.

Sen. Ademola Kunbi addressed the issue of price control on commodities sold on campus. According to him, the price control committee will meet with stakeholders and the regulated price shall be released. “When this is done, violators will be punished” he added.

The SU President expressed his displeasure at the suspension of members of his council, Com. Kunbi, maintained that the suspension of the welfare secretary is constitutional and relying on Article two of the Student Union Constitution, the CEC are responsible both jointly and individually, and as such, they are expected to stand in the gap for the welfare secretary until the expiration of his suspension.

A student suggested that a long time goal be implemented in solving the transport issue on campus, he advised that students be tasked to pay certain amounts yearly.

As regards the issue of security in school, the General Secretary, Com. Providence made it known that there is shortage of personnel and the Chief Security Officer has promised that there will be recruitment soon.

Students with disabilities are given privileges at park; they have representatives who facilitate hostel allocation for them, he added.

MYT blamed the poor information dissemination on the inefficiency of social media platforms. “We have meetings with the PRO of various faculties, and to a large extent, we record nothing less than  80% of the PRO in attendance and as  image makers of the union, all information reach them before its broadcast. I hold it on such PRO who did not disseminate the information, he said.” 

On dormancy of the students viewing center at the SUB, the sports secretary promises to see to it in conjunction with the welfare secretary.

Issues discussed at the programme include: transportation, security, inconsistency in dress code rules, grassroots relationship with students, the role of the judiciary, price control, accommodation, souvenir, among others.

The officials made it known that the most effective way the union communicates her grievance to the school management is dialogue.

Omodara Ruth,