Saturday 30 June 2018

Tomi Ojebode Sewueseter

The Inter-religious Council of University of Ilorin, has held her 1st conference themed; “Peaceful Co-existence among Adherents of different Religions: A Panacea for National INtegraton and Development” on 25th of June, 2018 at the Main Auditorium, University of Ilorin, Kwara State.

Professor Olatunji; the Chairman Inter-Religious Council and DVC Research, Technology and Innovation in his welcome speech revealed that the conference had been conceived during the administration of Professor Oloyede as VC as a way to ensure peaceful co-existence among religion on campus. The speaker however expressed the existence of religious harmony in Unilorin and that such should serve as a model to the nation for at large.

The Vice Chancellor; Professor Age AbdulKareem in his opening remark commended the Inter-Religious Council for such event and admonished that religious tolerance is the watchword of the University. The VC admonished that the conference was aimed at achieving national peace as Nigeria is going through series of socio-political challenges. He concluded with “what you don’t want others to do to you, don’t do to others”.

John Olorunfemi Onalyekan; the Catholic Arcbishop, Abuja gave a speech as keynote speaker titled “Religious Harmony and Nation Building in Nigeria”. The speaker expressed that his presence was to “confirm and profess his faith and conviction that religious harmony is possible in Nigeria”.  He revealed that one of Nigeria’s problem is that “anyone can become a religious leader in one night” resulting to ignorant religious leaders.

The erudite proposed that a theoretical and practical approach will promote religious harmony in Nigeria. He explained that the former was to discover and celebrate common grounds among different faiths as “what we have in common may outweigh what separates is” and the latter for faiths to collaborate and tackle challenges that affect the society like HIV/AIDS.

Professor Oloyede; the Secretary General for Nigeria Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs and JAMB Registrar, ably represented gave a speech on “Religion, Peace and National Development: the Interconnectivity”. The speaker declared that religion “has suffered in the hands of religious leaders” and urged that Nigerians “go back to the scriptures and learn how prophets managed pluralistic society”.

The erudite however admonished that the adherents of religions should be addressed and not the religion itself when religious crises arise. He concluded with a view of religion as “a powerful instrument of a society” and an interreligious society as “a divine design of nature”.

A reputable leader, Igwe Emmanuel in his speech expressed his distaste for theoretical approach and opined that African culture will solve the issues of co-existence in Nigeria. The speaker urged that Nigerians should “sit down and evaluate ourselves by finding out the values of everyone from different tribes and ethnic groups”.

The Vice Chancellor of Benue State University; Professor Kembe, ably represented presented a speech with an urge for interreligious dialogue and cooperation as key for religious harmony.

Professor Olagoke; Founder and Spiritual Leader, Shaufaudeen in Islam in his speech opined that religious teachings should be internalized in the family to uphold unity as well as religious leaders to acts in cooperation to foster harmony.

Other Eminent Dignitaries were Professor Ambali; past Unilorin VC, Unilorin DVC Academic, Chairman Inter-religious Council Unilorin, Registrar of Unilorin, University Bursar, Bishop of Kwara State, Provosts of Health Sciences, VC of Halikmah University, University Librarian, Deans and Professors. 


The process of administration of justice in any society cannot be fostered in isolation.

Put more aptly, while there exist a dependable judiciary where we are certain of a manifest dispensation of Justice, there must be ministers too, as they say, in the temple of justice. These ministers who are legal practitioners are expected to help the court at all times, the sight of the interest of their clients notwithstanding.

This applies to all societies, University of Ilorin Students Union inclusive. It is in furtherance of this aim that the Body of Benchers on Saturday June 23rd, 2018 in University of Ilorin lecture theatre IV caused 87 successful candidates to be called to the Student union Bar of the institution in order to entitle them to right of being heard and to represent the interest of their clients in the Court.

The Ceremony which started with the procession of members of the Body of Benchers into the Hall saw in attendance the sub-dean of the Students Affairs, The Attorney General of the Student Union ably represented by A.A Mustapha, the President of the Student Union Bar, The guest lecturer, Mr. Charles Adekunle ably represented by Mr, Oke Ridwan Olayemi and Justices of the Students Union among many others.

While administering the compulsory oath for the new wigs, Hon. Justice Kanzullahi Hibatullahi, Chairman, Body of Benchers and Chief Justice of the Students Union, charged the new lawyers to be an embodiment of integrity and discipline since they shall need these vital virtues not only in Court but also in general life matters.

His Lordship in his usual way admonished the new wigs viz: “Being called to bar is like a building in its foundation stage. It is not an end to itself, it is a means to an end, and the edifice is completed when you become a thorough and seasoned advocate with sound knowledge of law. Whether you complete this process is your choice, it cannot be forced on you, and we can only implore you to do so because it does not only build you, it builds our system.”

His Lordship further charged the legal practitioners to try and meet up with the expectations Justice has for them. He said: What this entails is critical thinking and ability to rationally question the status quo. To contribute meaningfully to the development of our legal system, you must appreciate it uniqueness. You should not go on a borrowing spree to the detriment of our legal system.”

The program also witnessed the award of the prestigious ranks of Senior Advocate of the Union to four (4) deserving members of the bar who have scaled through the onerous process of examination.

Charging the Learned Silks, the Chief Justice of the Students Union said To the newest members of the inner bar; the privilege given to you is just one side of the coin, the other side is responsibility. You are called to a higher standard of behavior or conducts than others. You must, as beacons of light, lead the way for others to follow.”

Earlier, the Sub-dean of student affairs of the University, Dr. Alex Akanmu, who represented the Dean of student affairs at the occasion commended the judicial council of the Union for maintaining the integrity of Judiciary. He noted that as a silent observer of the judicial atmosphere of the Students Union, his presumption of correctness in principle and law for the Judiciary of the Students Union has not been whittled down, not even where there was an extremely political case that tends to swing the sword of Justice anyhow.  

Dr Alex Akanmu therefore admonishes the new members of the bar to be upright in all their dealings and should see this as an opportunity to practice what they will eventually practice when they eventually get to the field.

The guest Lecturer, a distinguished advocate, Mr. Charles Adekunle charged the new wigs to be determined in what they do. He recounts his experience as an undergraduate and an active legal practitioner. He reminded the new wigs that people will cast aspersions on their character and discourage them from practicing law.

He urged them to never be discouraged as this shall help them later in the normal course of life. The Guest Speaker, was ably represented by Mr. Oke Ridwan, the Erstwhile Attorney General of the Students Union.

Mr. Omotosho Muhammad, the President of the Students Union Bar in his good will message congratulated the new wigs and learned silks. He however expressed his dissatisfaction on the fact that almost less than a quarter of those that are called to bar appear in court. This, he said, the Bar is taking progressive steps towards putting an impressive end to. 

According to him, the disciplinary committee of the bar has been working on how to manage the issue of members not practicing or appearing before court. He stated that the committee would discipline erring legal practitioners whose conduct negated the sacrosanct standards of the profession or amounted to infamous conduct in a professional respect. He said the disciplinary committee will release names of disbarred members soon. Of note is the impressive performance of some candidates, with one attaining the level just short of the first-class grade, he said.

He added that out of 113 candidates that applied for the call to bar examinations, 87 were successful at the April final examination.

Meanwhile, Miss Daniel Oluwatomisin Promise emerged as the best candidate from the examination with 43 points and an award in recognition of same was presented to her by the Sub-Dean of student affairs, Dr. Alex Akanmu, courtesy of the Judicial Council of the Student Union.

Other dignitaries that graced the occasion include; Mr Alao Idris(the former Student Union President of the University), Mr. M.A Abolarin (the Chairman, Legal Practitioners disciplinary committee), the Chairman of the University of Ilorin  Students Anti-corrupt Practices Commission (UISAPC) members of Students judicial council, among many others.


Rasaq Sodiq Adebayo
Bayero Aishat Olaide

The National Association of Agriculture Students (NAAS), University of Ilorin, has organised an empowerment scheme for students in its faculty on June 25, 2018.

The event which was held at the Agriculture Lecture Theatre (AGLT), commenced at 3:00 pm prompt.

It played host to a cream of seasoned entrepreneurs such as: C.E.O, D-Positive Image Consult, Mr. Nasir Abdulquadri; C.E.O, Merit Choice Global Resources, Icon Leland Ishau; C.E.O., Afcarope Farm Nigerian Ltd., Onusagba Muhammad Sanni; and C.E.O, Lanko Theory Educational Consult, Isiaq Abdulwaheed Omotayo (Lanko Theory).

Others include: Deputy Director, Physical Planning  Unit (Unilorin), Arc. B.O. Adams; C.E.O, Ghazal Consult & Educational Services, Mr.  Balogun Ghazal; and the Founder, Silas Hyelhira Foundation, Theophilus Yiakazah Silas.

In his welcome address, the NAAS President, Comr. Asheer Ahfeez, appreciated the dignitaries and the audience for gracing the event. He also noted that the programme was the first of its kind in the history of Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ilorin.

Setting the ball rolling, the first speaker, Mr. Nasir Abdulquadri, stated that "more than 87 million Nigerians live in poverty. And in every minute, about 6 Nigerians slide into poverty". He went further to urge the students to make good use of every opportunity that comes their way.

"The future belongs to those who skip their nights seeking success. And this century belongs to those who create jobs, not those who seek job", he said.

He ended his speech by quoting from the Qur'an and the Bible by saying, "you will never be rich except you decide it yourself. Heaven help those who help themselves".

On his part, the C.E.O of Merit Choice, Mr. Muslim Ishau Olalekan, emphasised the need for students to change their mindset from " negative to positive perception" if they intend succeeding as entrepreneurs.

He further stated that "to be poor is not when you have no money but, when you lack the thinking of bringing in new ideas".

Mr. Olusanya Muhammad, a 200 level student of History Education, (Unilorin), shared his entrepreneurial experience with the audience.

According to him, he claimed to have ventured into agriculture and cosmetic products, the result of which, has expanded his employee-base to 1200 workers."

"Surround yourself with people that give courage, and not people that will tell you that you can't do it", he said.

Muhammad ended his speech with the slogan, "if I can do it, then you can do it. If you can do it, then we can do it. And, if we can do it, then we can make Nigeria greater".

At this juncture, one of the organisers, Mr. Samshudeen, facilitated the presentation of equipment to the winners of the various business categories.

The list of beneficiaries and the equipment won, include: Alade Christiana (hair dryer); Abdulkareem Nusirat and Olaniyi Ifeoluwa (one oven per person); Owa Samson (a brand new laptop); Abdur- Rahman Fatimat (sewing machine); and Ayodeji Mahfouz (clipper).

Moved by the success of the event, some invited dignitaries made financial pledges to support students interested in pursuing specific business ventures.

Thus, the C.E.O of Gazal Consult, Balogun Gasaal Ayodeji, pledged the sum of a hundred thousand naira each to two students found worthy of establishing businesses on their own.

The first hip-hop lecturer in Africa, Isiaq Abdulwaheed Omotayo (Lanko Theory) made a cash transfer of ten thousand naira to support the organisers for the initiative taken.

Anoch Initiatives promised to give a shop, in addition to bearing 50% of the rent and total furnishing of the shop.

Mr. Silas of Silas H... Foundation, promised the sum of fifty thousand, each to five students to set up their own business, with an additional sum of fifty thousand to the organisers.


Friday 29 June 2018



Politics Wiki

Innovations have kept the world moving. Innovations and inventions have brought fresh perspectives to old discussions, and that is why innovations can never be taken out of human existence.

In light of the above, we are glad to introduce to you, a sparkly innovation that will change the Nigerian political landscape. We call it Politics Wiki.

The goal of Politics Wiki is to introduce a new perspective that will help Nigerians decide who their representatives are. Through series of compendiums, we will be analysing the  backgrounds and manifestos of different political aspirants in different states of the country, in order to help people know who their leaders are. These compendiums will be released in different accessible readable formats.

We are here, and we are about to change the discussion. We are Politics Wiki. And we will help you know more about your politicians. Let's change the narrative.


Olasupo Abideen

Founder, Politics Wiki

Tuesday 26 June 2018

Chima Osuji

It takes a critical mind to determine whether a leader is leading in line with the expectation of the masses. The sense of duty to keep the leader on his toes has been eroded by the harsh realities of poverty, hunger, insecurity, unemployment, among others. Therefore, no one rarely cares about the goings-on in government. The mantra is simple; every man to himself, God for us all.

Generally, there is widespread disaffection by the people against the government for being insensitive to their plight. Consequently, most followers have become apathetic to the process of governance and decision making. They don't even bother exercising their civic duty by casting their votes during general elections. To this group of people, it amounts to an exercise in futility.

The factor responsible for the above-cited scenario is what I call, leadership devoid of core values like purpose, vision, ideas, compassion, competence, and selflessness.

Thus, most student bodies in Nigerian tertiary institutions are good examples of failed leadership. They pursue a one-point agenda and a one-way traffic system of administration — trading awards for money, which ends largely in the pockets of a few.

To them, personal aggrandizement is all that matters. That is their singular sense of purpose and common denominator. And then, what type of projects do they execute after assuming office? Nothing but a spree of fun-filled events worth hundreds of thousands - if not millions, entertainment, and nothing more.

It's important to state that there's nothing wrong in embarking on entertaining events. After all, the proverbial Jack becomes dull for always working without playing. The point is, student leaders are supposed to think outside the box in a bid to empower their followers. This is because the school system is a microcosm of the larger society.

The reverse, however, is the case with the leadership of most student bodies in Nigeria. They simply lack the needed creativity and innovation to do things differently. Well, what do you expect? One can't simply give what one doesn't have. It's absolutely impossible.

In fact, Albert Einstein aptly captures this scenario as insane, when he stated that the greatest example of insanity is doing a particular thing regularly and expect a different result.

Putting this in context, I'd like to describe the situation as administrative bankruptcy of ideas, willpower, and selflessness. The followers are also culpable in the vicious cycle of mediocrity. They are blindfolded from seeing the actuals of governance by their leaders through the use of propaganda, primordial sentiments, and above all, their hedonistic cravings.

On the contrary, service delivery is not defined by short-term gratification through dance competition, dinners, and the like. It's about lifelong empowerment through granting of loan facility to budding entrepreneurs, capacity building workshops, and empowering the youth with essential tools needed for a successful venture in entrepreneurship.

This is precisely what the University of Ilorin chapter of the Nigerian Association of Agricultural Students (NAAS) have been able to achieve with its Empowerment Scheme held on  June 25, 2018, at the Agriculture Lecture Theatre (AGLT), Unilorin, Ilorin, Kwara State.

Under the leadership of Ashiru Afeez Adekunle and his deputy, Abdulrasaq Kaosarah Adeyi, the NAAS started its annual weeklong event with an empowerment programme. Prior to its commencement, applicants were required to write a business proposal in order to be eligible for tools crucial to kick-start their own businesses.

In keeping with this promise, the NAAS leadership gave out tools like sewing machine, clipper, hair drier, laptop, and oven. In addition to this, a painting toolkit was secured but nobody applied for it.

In the final analysis, the winners who are students of agriculture, left the arena empowered.

The success of the event led to a twist in the end. First, a popular hip-hop artist cum university don, wired money into designated accounts in appreciation of the initiative taken by the organizers.

Next in line was Balogun Gazaali Ayodeji, the CEO of Gazaal Consult, who charged the organizers to create two new categories and pledged to empower the successful applicants with a hundred thousand naira each to start their own business.

Another dignitary, Theophilus Silas, founder of Silas Hyelhira Foundation and law student, joined the league of impressed dignitaries. He not only pledged the sum of fifty thousand each to five people to start up their own business, but also donated fifty thousand naira to the organisers to undertake similar events in future.

In sum, the empowerment programme generated the sum of five hundred thousand naira as grants pledged by dignitaries to support interested student entrepreneurs. This is in addition to cash transfers made electronically to the tone of over ten thousand.

This is what I call purposive leadership in action. The beneficiaries will neither forget the NAAS leadership nor the NAAS herself. It reminds me of a similar gesture made by a former President of Unilorin Student Union, Alao Idris, who empowered a group of Unilorin graduating students with jobs in a renowned company of international repute.

It is hoped that other student leaders will borrow a leaf from the leadership of National Association of Agriculture Students (NAAS), University of Ilorin. Empowerment is indeed the key to fighting poverty and unemployment in the nation.


Monday 25 June 2018

Stephen Charles

Some call him the “Traffic Robot”; others know him as “Mr. Ope”, Mr. Opeyemi T. Akindele is quite famous for the diligence and enthusiasm with which he does his job. Like other traffic men at different locations in Ilorin city, Mr. Opeyemi is a Traffic man at the four-way junction along Offa Road Ilorin, Kwara State. The enthusiasm and diligence with which he discharges his duties is stunningly impressive and has been admired by many Kwara indigenes for quite a while now.

Even more impressive is the rather acrobatic, vibrant and vigorously active manner in which he administers his traffic signals. Dressed in glossy black shoes; a pair of neatly-ironed green trousers; a rather sophisticated green vest worn over a sleeveless cream-coloured shirt; a stylishly positioned green beret with the KWATMA logo neatly attached to it; and a pair of white hand gloves, Mr. Opeyemi, with a cheerful smile of one who had just won a raffle, vibrantly administers his traffic signals in a manner that can be likened to one with whom low voltage Taser darts had just caught up. 

The apparent efficacy of his efforts in ameliorating the daily traffic congestions in the area leaves one with a feeling of awe.
In an interview conducted by a UCJ correspondent, it was gathered that Mr. Ope had been doing the job voluntarily for about four years until he hit the jackpot on a day during which the governor of Kwara State- Governor Abdulfatah Ahmed, drove by, became impressed, and asked that he be employed and work with the Kwara State Traffic Management Authority (KWATMA). For Mr. Ope, though he had always dreamed of becoming a naval officer, the said day was a dream-come-true. He hence embraced the opportunity believing that he might achieve greater heights someday.

Mr. Ope despite noting that his job hasn’t been without challenges reinforced his sincere gratitude to “Kwarans” for their persistent support, encouragements, and words of advice. He expressed his concerns about the high level of unemployment that plagues Nigerian university graduates and the Nigerian nation at large which has left many seeking dishonest ways of making ends meet but went ahead to admonish the youths specifically saying that they should do with diligence whatsoever honest job they find themselves doing since whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing well.

He however appealed to the Nigerian government to see to it that policies and programs that are aimed at encouraging the youths towards harnessing their innate potentials and innovative capacities are brought to the fore.  He emphasized that the youths are an integral part of any nation, the forerunners of innovation and overall national development and further admonished the government to embrace youths in order that the incubus of abject penury which plagues a great deal of the Nigerian population might be ostracized and that the country might be made into a better place to live.


Stephen Charles

GEMS School of Media and Communications, Ilorin has held a two-day capacity building session on TV presentation, Journalism, writing, and media work on the 21st and 22nd of June 2018 at their school located at Pipeline Road, Ilorin, Kwara state.

Outstanding Journalists and Veterans who have had a vast experience in the field were invited from far and near to expose aspiring and practicing Journalists to the rudiments, prospects, and demands of the profession.

Among them is the popular Abdul-Razaq Akanbi, the Director of broadcasts, Nigerian Television Authority (NTA) who has had a vast experience in TV presentation and journalism. He exposed the audience to the rudiments of broadcasting and TV presentation as well as the qualities of successful broadcasters and techniques used by same. Citing instances, he stressed the need for good linguistic and communication skills not only in English but in local languages as well.

He reinforced the fact that broadcasting is a sensitive profession that must not be handled frivolously. According to him, broadcasters are not only trained to disseminate information but to manage same and ensure that pandemonium does not arise in the society by owing to their manner of information dispersal. To him, such is a responsibility and does not imply being biased or sentimental.

Mr. Muyiwa Lukas is another renowned figure who passionately graced the occasion. He introduced the audience to the rudiments of Hard, Soft and investigative news and exposed the same to the important and sensitive factors that must be put into cognizance if a quality news piece is to be arrived at. 

He stressed the need for factuality and authenticity while pointing out the need for the use of documents in case of an investigative news and journalism. However, he warned that making attribution to sources used is a paramount issue that must not be forgotten.

The second day of the intensive training session was equally a quite memorable one which was graced by two veteran journalists and media practitioners. Mr. Olusegun A. Mokuolu, information officer of Directorate of Cooperate Affairs, VC’s office, University of Ilorin and a member of the young African Leaders Initiative, Bureau of International Information Programs, US Department of State drilled the audience on the nature of the Nigerian media landscape, its problems, successes, and prospects.

He pointed out that the Nigerian media landscape is private sector-driven, yet financially held to ransom by the government due to its being an all commerce affair. He noted that poor funding and patronage is a serious issue that plagues many media houses in Nigeria but also added that despite the many problems of the Nigerian media, it has equally had its successes which owes largely to what he described as the “Nigerian Spirit” which has allowed it to thrive even in the face of dire difficulties.

He attested to the rapidly changing nature Journalism as a profession today and pointed out that same is speedily advancing towards digitalization and this would come with its many demands both on the part of media houses and other stakeholders in the profession at large. He however noted that such would increase the speed at which news travels. He urged journalists to learn from the banking industry while awaiting digitalization to fully ensue and emphasized the need for the acquisition of adequate ICT skills.

Mr. Gbenga Osinaike of , an ardent writer and a veteran Journalist took the audience through the rudiments of professional writing and news presentation.

According to him, writing is not a tea party but a serious business, an activity for which one must get ones acts together before embarking on. This according to him is because a written piece never dies and can be used as a testimony for or against the writer. He stressed the fact that writers are good readers and added that one must not engage in writing if one doesn’t love reading because one’s product in writing is essentially a function of what one has read.

He explained that writing is not just a matter of intellect but also experience which gives life to any piece. He however stressed the need for factuality and empiricalness adding that an “experiencial” and empirical writing comes from the heart while an intellectual one is from the brain.

At the end of the session, the administration of the GEMS School of Media and Communication expressed profound gratitude to attendees of the training session for honouring their invitation and added that they look forward to more encounters with them. The president of the Union of Campus Journalist, University of Ilorin Chapter, Mr. Chima Osuji, on behalf of all those present reciprocated the gratitude and expressed his sincere appreciation to the school for honouring the audience and affording them such first-hand opportunity to tap from the superfluity of knowledge and wealth of experience of professional veteran of this caliber.


Sunday 24 June 2018

The department of Counsellor Education, University of Ilorin, is set to hold her 4th annual public lecture on Monday, 25th of June, 2018 at Education Lecture Theatre by 10am.

According to the organizers, this year's edition of the programme will hold on honour of a lecturer in the department, Professor (Mrs) M. G. Fajonyomi. The theme of the event is  Counselling for peaceful coexistence in Nigeria. 

Guests expected at the event include Hon. Abdulhameed Oladipupo Alli (Fmr. TIC Ilorin West L. G. A Chairman, the First Lady of the state, Dr (Mrs)  Omolewa Ahmed, Mr Tope Amujo (C. E. O Amugold Ltd), Prof A. G. A. S Oladosu (Chief Imam University of Ilorin), Dr. (Mrs) Bibi Ibrahim (COED Lafiagi), Col. M.O Fakokunde (Registrar Nigerian Army school of Education, Sobi Barrack) and a host of others.

The organizers of the programme hereby invites all Unilorites to the event as it promises to be enlightening and entertaining. 

R. S. V. P.

Ajiboye Habeeb: 08162046409
Muyiwa Francis: 08051380757
Nanaaysha:  08140347572
Oyebode Abel: 07039090037

Tuesday 19 June 2018

By: Abdulazeez Sodiq

The Chief Imam University of Ilorin, Prof Abdul Ganiyu Abdul Salam (A.G.A.S), has urged Nigerians to be tolerant of differences in one another, while giving a homily on the occasion of 'Eid prayer held at the University's main campus.

The mullah admonished that "Kindness, tolerance and endurance are some of the lessons taught by Ramadan," while stating that, human should be of good behaviour.

He therefore urged that "these exalted virtues should be embraced by all in their dealing with others."

The scholar also lamented over the spirals of social vices pervading the country,  decrying that "many of those who perpetrate these atrocities are prominent figure in the society."

However, he charged Nigerians to pray earnestly for the betterment of the nation. He said, "Our country is rich, yet wretched. It has got to a point where we need pray earnestly for the betterment of the nation."

Dignitaries present at the occasion were the immediate past and the present Vice chancellors of the University, Prof Abdulganiyu Ambali and Professor AbdulKareem Age, respectively, Professor Abdulraheem Oba; former Vice chancellor of the school, Professor N.S Abdul Salam: the Deputy Imam, University of Ilorin and Dr Mahfuz Adedimeji: former Director, Centre for Peace and Strategic Studies.


Thursday 14 June 2018

~~~ OJEBODE, Sewueseter

The Millennials Active Citizenship Advocacy Network (MACAA) has urged all newly registered voters in Kwara State to visit INEC registration centers for the collection of their Permanent Voters Card, PVC across all the 16 local government areas of the state.

MACAA is an organization that aims to build the active interest of youths in politics with a conviction that this will cause national transformation.

In a session with the co-founder of the Organization; Seun Awogbenle revealed that in Kwara State, the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) has taken delivery of additional 55,753 which has brought the total number of cards received to a total of 65, 974 as confirmed in the INEC Kwara Bulletin dated 21-5-18, by Mr Paul Atser; the Administrative Secretary of INEC in Kwara State.

He further expressed that "for Nigeria to experience reposition of the existing political configuration; we must discourage the growing culture of apathy, where fewer people make choices for the majority as reflected in the 2017 general elections where about 17% of the total population voted in the Presidential elections."

"The trend today is to believe that Politics and governance change nothing, but the oft- repeated maxim that change will only come when ordinary people get involved, come together and demand it, is apt in this instance.”

“In this critical time of our national lives, we need a critical mass of active citizens, who understand that none of us has all the answers and no one person can fix our problems alone unless we all roll up our sleeves and get our hands working."


The Unilorin spelling championship has held at the University auditorium, with the presence of the renowned Big Brother Naija star and Ex-Unilorite, Omololu.

The Sub Dean of the Student Affairs unit, Alex Akamu, in his speech expressed his pride in the student's show of responsibility and hardwork, he expressed his belief in Unilorites to keep making the school proud, emphasizing the need to be dilligent and of good behaviour.

The Student Union President. Reedof, encouraged the students to work hard, stressing that youth are the future of the country and they have to work hard towards attaining it, he expressed his confidence in the Students being impactful and of great importance.

Bolaji Abdulfatai Sulayman, the DVC Management Services, a predicate organisers of the championship kudos for the great innovation, he explained the importance of the Spelling Championship and of the act of spelling itself.

The Anchor made clear the rules of the championship and the stages involved also mentioning the five faculties that made it to the finals, Faculty of Arts.

The contest commenced after his departure, the competition was also held for the physically challenged, the students displayed brilliance and composure during the contest. The Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences emerged the Champions of the contest while Faculty of Law, Arts and Engineering came 2nd, 3rd and 4th respectively. Also present to grace the event were the University Vice Chancellor Sulayman Age Abdulkareem who was represented by Bolaji Abdulfatai Sulayman, the Deputy Vice Chancellor, Management Services, The Dean of Student Affairs represented by the Sub Dean, Alex Akamu and the Student Union President, Adebisi Ridwan under whose leadership the championship was put in place. 


~~~ Iwayemi Zainab, Ojebode Seweuseter

Sequel to the on-going drama in the Faculty of Social Sciences which had the president suspended for 14 days, on the basis of acting in contrary to the constitution, and his inability to properly account for how he spent the money belonging to the association. As his suspension elapses on the 30th of May, 2017, the President Kelvin has narrated his own side of the story, stating that he had learnt his lesson.

In an interview with UCJ Unilorin, the president shed more light as to the reasons for his suspension and some of the big plans he has for the  remaining days of his administration.

UCJ: Can we meet you?

KELVIN:  My name is Oluwaleke Gbemikaye Kelvin,  the President of Faculty of Social Sciences from the department of psychology.

UCJ: Could you shed light on the reasons for your suspension?

KELVIN: My being suspended was as a result of certain issues that occurred between myself and some of the decisions that I have made as a president of the faculty that certainly didn't go down well with the SRC of the faculty hence they felt since they have issues with some of the decisions that I took, with how and why I took them, they felt I should be held responsible for my actions and so I think that is exactly the reason for my suspension.

UCJ: What particular action of yours led to your suspension?

KELVIN: If you would agree with me, you will find out that the school calendar has been  a bit inconsistent that is why we had 300 and 400 level having their exams first so because of that inconsistency in the calender it has made it totally difficult for us to attain our objectives meaning we have to out source or look inward to do some things and some times some of these things that we look inward to do,  they made it necessary for us to make certain decisions like I could remember vividly one of the things they held me for was the issue of the faculty freshers hangouts that I did. 

We didn't tell them and the truth of the matter is, it wasn't like we didn't want to tell them. We told them but there are some processes they made us go through but we couldn't go through everything based on the time and the financial commitment that has already been committed to the project and so when it turned out that we can no longer have it based on their own decision it was so difficult to go back on the decision because the students already had a date at heart,  they already prepared and we already used our money to pay for the venue and so it just came all of a sudden when the SRC said we should stop it. So it was difficult for us to go back on the decision.

UCJ: Are you saying the program was done with your personal money?

KELVIN: Yes, I make bold to say it categorically that from the whole money that was spent for the freshers hangouts roughly we spent nothing less than ninety thousand naira #90,000 and the only money that I will say came from another source, which is not my personal  money is nine thousand, two hundred Mayra #9200 and I could get that money not because they willingly gave me but because I told my CEC when we did the program we had before that one, we were able to reserve some money so that money was what I added to facilitate everything that happened. 

Apart from that every penny,  every kobo spent,  I spent my personal money. And as a matter of fact I sold Ticket for like 500 per ticket and sincerely I ran at lose in the sense that people came for the program but somehow,  probably because of the way people just come in with the Ticket, tear it,  give it to their friends,  their friends do the same... So the number of tickets that we sold that day was just a handful...i cannot quote a particular figure right now but I can always do that if you need me to. Because I made sure I kept those tickets for situations like this.

Again why I was suspended was on the issue of the faculty's account,  who is legible and illegible to sign the withdrawal of money.  This is what happened,  my predecessor who handed over to me senator Lukman, he told me categorically along side the general secretary that I am the sole signatory to the account as a student but Co signatory with the faculty accountant and the Dean of the faculty. The kind of account that the faculty is running is that of 3 to sign, that is the Dean,  faculty accountant, and the president of the association which is myself. 

So by default,  I am the sole signatory to the account. But the SRC always in their wisdom of following the constitution, which is definitely what is guiding each and everyone of us, I believe they think for us to bring out money, the SRC, speaker and the financial secretary which is what was provided for in the constitution is suppose to sign to bring out the money. But in reality, I think they said it was during the time of proffesor Oloyede that he reverted that constitutional provision that says president, financial secretary and the speaker should be the one signing so since that time they 've not amended it in the constitution bit it's still provided, so they work with the constitution and when I got out the money, definitely it was without their approval although they were fully aware but because they didn't sign and the money came out they felt I did something to arrive at that which wasn't the issue. It was just the normal provision and when I wanted to collect the money I ran it by the staff adviser, Mr. Raji. He knows about it, I showed him an he even corrected the letter I wrote to the Dean and faculty accountant should be done and we were able to come out with the money.

UCJ: So when this happened did you inform him of your suspension?

KELVIN: when I was suspended,  it was in the night so the next morning he called me because he had heard even before I could inform him. So he called me to verify if the suspension was true and I said yes.

UCJ: From your analysis,  do you think you are guilty?

KELVIN: Definitely I did some of the things they said I did,  we did some programs without the approval of the  total approval as it is suppose to be of the SRC.but it's got reasons.

Let me explain One of the reasons I was suspended again, because he who comes with equity must come with a clean hand.  Another issues was when I withdrew the money, you know we told the students then that we wanted to do public address system and all and tat was what even the SRC approved for us. We looked into the time of the session and we found out that there is no time anymore so then with the way things were going on,  I felt like how do I raise money to quickly buy the public address system let it be serving it purpose and then later when the money comes out from the SRC we just replace it to the appropriate quarter. Then, personally, inside the faculty secretariat right now we have the public address system. 

All these speakers( pointing to speaker's inside SSLT) and amplifier here,  the cones inside got burnt and that is the reason they have not been working. We were provided with the sum of #62,000 to make sure we get those things working. Although I gave them a bigger quotation,  but you know SRC will always bring it down to what they feel should be enough in reality when we got to the market,  we found out that what we have wasn't even close to what we need.  So it means we have to either out source or do less than we intended so I bought in professionals, the electricians bought new spear parts and changed the ones that are burnt as I am talking to you all of the things are in working conditions. And I have the wireless speaker that I bought it isso strong that this administration and it's successors will use because it would last long. 

But the money for it has not been  released but the project has to be done such that it can start serving it purpose to students. That was the plan.  So what I did is, the first set of money, when we collected from the faculty's account, one was suppose to be for the faculty orientation and press conference that was done and the other part was suppose to go for the SRC orientation and seminar. I thought there is no way I could achieve getting those sound systems on time if we give out the Money that every body Was suppose to have. So I took some excess from t knee CECs quota I was suppose to give the SRC #58,150, I gave them #50,000.

UCJ: Were they aware of your plans?

KELVIN: they were not awere. I took #8,150 out of their own money all with the mindset that I just want the students to get this public address system because it is provided for in the constitution that at least after every semester or session,  the financial record of how everything was spent in the association must be submitted. So there was no way it was going to be easy for anybody even the president to swindle one naira without being traced. It is expressly provided for in the constitution ha I didn't know I thought I could go away with it. 

So I took that money,  added over #40,000 of my own personal money, only the microphone that was bought is #38,900 talk less of all the money that was use to repair both the amplifier and the speaker's.  All the money I spent so far has far exceeded what was budgeted for me.  So although,  that decision to pick their #8,000 was done personally by me without informing them  and that was where the problem started.  All I just wanted to do was deliver and later when everything start working and we get the money,  we will return the money to you.  That was what I thought and obviously I have already bought everything that needed to be bought.  The reason why those things (speaker's in SSLT)  has not been working is because of the state of the faculty, I mean the socket,  when we got them the sockets were not working so we had to go write to the faculty management to do somethingabout it.  

As a matter of fact,  when we got those equipment we wanted to make sure that we ourselves cable by ourselves but the faculty said we cannot that it still has to be subject to the approval of the Dean. So we had to take everything gently by writing and going through the appropriate quarter. As I am talking to you,  the faculty electricians are working on it as we have been on their neck since that time. Even during the last meeting held I told the welfare secretary to ensure this things are in place. Because that is the major reason I was into the mess.

UCJ: There was a rumour that you added money to the amount of the final year form. How true is this?

KELVIN: I think that issue is one that is still Subject to certain verification. And investigation is still on on that. Like you said it's a rumour so let's still treat it as a rumour because it is an issue that is still pending although I wouldn't say something similar didn't crop up. But there were reasons why some of those things were and for the total news and information, the way you people are hearing it is not exactly the way it is. There are lots of perception going on the truth is they are not entirely what you people think.  Sometimes when an issue occurs, when a third Larson talk about it, he tells you things that are totally unimaginable I am not saying something similar didn't happen but there are reasons it had to be that way but currently it is still under certain investigation. So I cannot be talking on something that is still under investigation. It will be a way of hampering what is to be done.  Once the whole thing is done,  definitely it will be known.

UCJ: Lately FOSSSA speaker was suspended for lying on the floor of the house in your favour. Do you have any affiliation with him?

KELVIN: What I can say about that is I have a relationship with the speaker like I have with every other person in this faculty. But it requires that the both of us have a bit of an extended relationship because of his post as the speaker of the faculty as we as my own post as the president. Definitely for the association to move forward we have to talk to each other. Also,  whether officially or unofficially,  when you are talking to people you people get close and sometimes you might feel something like that.  But what I would want to say about that is when he said what he said, in my favour,  I don't think...i have a relationship with him but that doesn't mean I ask him to say what he said,  I couldn't have influenced him.  If he says it, it's because he feels it is necessary that the information be said.

Don't get me wrong but As the speaker of the house,  just like the president, there are sometimes you act on impulse and that Is exactly what got me myself into problem with the SRC.  Acting on impulse,  when an issue arises what you first of all think is tackle the issue and that is what leaders are meant to do.  You act and adapt to situation.  Probably he saw it as something that could upset the faculty of it is not handled well. He could have made certain statement that he feel can quench the something he might not meaningfullysay those things to slander or discredit anyone. He might just be saying it on behalf of the faculty but that is as much as I know.

UCJ: During your suspension, there was a souvenir scandal and you were alleged to have given some souvenirs to some CEC members without the consent of the welfare secretary.  What do you have to say on that?

KELVIN: Thaat is false to an extent because I was not around because unfortunately just a day after my suspension I lost my grand father so I had to rush down home but before o travelled I was the one that call the faculty welfare director to go and pick 600 souvenirs and they delivered it to the faculty and as a matter of fact while I was sitting there the news came.  So we were looking for where to keep it in such a way that anybody would not just come and so the accountability can be very credible. 

So when they brought it we wanted to keep it inside the cabinet but the cabinet was way too small for the souvenirs so we opted to putting it at the right hand side of the president, between the table and the president seat such that the only person that can assess it is the person that has sat on the president seat but while we were there I heard that the welfare secretary already dashed out oneof the souvenirs to a keke driver. So when he dropped them I said let me pick my phone and call the departmental presidents so that they can come and carry out the sharing modalities such that from there the welfare of department can now handle it just the way it was done in SU.  Because the SU called me too. I attended like two three meetings just because of that souvenirs so I felt if the SU can call us the president,  because we were the ones that did the modality of the sharing before they involved Asukuti to call other welfare secretary. 

Asukuti wasn't even there when we talked about the modality of sharing and the day the souvenirs was to be shared it was still us that the called to send down our welfare.  So I felt like what was done for me the same process should be replicated in the faculty so that no presidents would tell me later that he is not aware of how it was shared.

I told the welfare we should follow the same steps the SU has laid but the welfare secretary was like no.  And every one was also like no president. They militated against the president of department knowing about it and the welfare director said he will be the one to share it and he will share it. Is it me that they already told cannot share it that would handle the souvenir? Is it rational?  Is it normal? So this is what I'm saying because I was the one sitting on my sit, when the vice president and other CEC members wanted to leave, she just said "let me quickly take mine because we might not be around by the time they share everything," she even said she wanted the one that is embursed so I was sitting there,  she wanted to stretch he hand definitely she couldn't reach it and some other CEC members too said the same thing so where they had to include me is when they couldn't reach it and I was closer to it. 

So I just passed it to them but I never said anyone should take the souvenir, I only helped them do what they already had in mind. Definitely they did not agree for me not to share it.  Definitely if I say don't take it they will still take it.  So instead of me to create a scene I just helped them. That was what happened so if anybody is crediting me that I gave them souvenir that is blatant lie.  The only thing is when everyone took theirs I was like oh since you all have taken yours let me take mine too. And that one I didn't take it out of that same place I just kept it inside faculty drawer and immediately I saw it on CEC group that SRC said we should return it, I just told them my own is inside locker,  remove it because I wasn't even around till today I haven't checked to see if they have actually carried it neither have I asked anybody of how it was actually shared.

UCJ: Do you regret your actions as a president?

KELVIN: Definitely. Thhis is the reason I regret my action. Sometimes it is very important that despite whoever you think is right you should always weigh people's opinion and also follow constitution. Meaning that regardless of how good your intentions are, if you carry it out through the wrong means people will frown at it.  All in all, if you are to ask me if I regretted doing some of the things that I did,  I will tell you NO.  But if you are to ask me that "if you have another opportunity,  would you do it better in a right process? It's 100% yes, because all the things that I did,  I did it with the clear intention of doing it and I know it's going to be for the betterment of the faculty.  Because if the public address system is working, definitely the students are going to enjoy and they will be happy it's working.  I took those decisions for popular reason but the mode or the process at which those things were done wasn't right. And I have understood so if I have the opportunity there are better ways that I would know how to do things.  But all in all,  I don't regret my actions.

UCJ: How do you plan to right your wrong, upon your resumption to office?

KELVIN: One thing I have come to realize is the place of law. Law is in the constitution that is actually guiding the affair of every organization. It is very sacrosanct that they are fully and systematically followed according to the provisions of that particular law. Upon my resumption now, definitely you will not catch me doing anything again without the  (SRC) approval and I will work more on the CEC because I believe we are not where we want to be yet as a team so I hope to see the CEC work more.  We all have the same mind,  the same unity of objectives and I hope every student of our faculty can also understand and see things the way they are suppose to see it. 

Some things are easily blown out of proportion but we must keep an open mind and a very realistic approach to things that matters.  It's not every thing that you hear about people that are true. During my time in office , a lot of people told me things that are totally unfounded,  false and impossible, but it necessarily doesn't mean those things are true and as social scientists that we are,  we should not hear one side of story and judge as if things are like that. Because what I started hearing after my suspension was "Ha! president has squandered money"  and the question I asked was which money?  Is it the money that I still spend from my own pocket?  I am not seeing the correlation. When people are telling you that you are squandering the money that you know you are losing. When they say it I will just be like NO. When you have an issue,  especially of this sort, and you are trying to explain yourself,  it just make you seem more guilty.

Please,  Fosssaites I just hope you keep your open eye on. And if you notice this is election time.  Lots of dramas like this play out.  And some people want to put themselves on political good standing. I believe politics is at play also. So I believe it is God that sees leaders through.

UCJ: How does it feel,  holding back power after a long time?

KELVIN: If you are someone that is progressive minded and the only thing you want is just for people to benefit and see the dividend of what they want to get, when the people that you are trying to do everything for are telling you to go and sit down,  then do.

My suspension is over right now and I intend to intensify effort to make sure that I deliver on everything that we promised the people. Now I am back doing my presidential duty and I will continue to do so until every Fosssaites in the arena say President Kelvin we are tired of you but as long as you keep giving me your mandate, I will keep serving you.


~~~Opakunle Olaotan Alexander, Abdulsalam Azeezat Titilayo

Hon. Theophilus Apere, one of the keynote speaker present  at the psychology public lecture, has urged students to get their PVC, as this would serve as a tool to vote in good leaders in place of irresponsible leaders.

The public lecture organized  by the  National  Association of Psychology Students, fondly referred to as NAPS, held at Social Science Lecture Theatre (SSLT), and was themed; "Psychology, Leadership and Youth Development. as this was extensively discussed."

In his welcome address,  the HOD Psychology, Dr.  Remi Opayemi, in his definition of psychology, revealed that psychology is the field that connects people with reality. He however expressed gratitude to the students for organising the maiden edition of the programme.

The guest speaker, Dr. Ogundele, while speaking on the theme of the event, stated that managing human being is important in psychology. Sharing from his experience, he explained how his ability to manage people earned him the position he is.

He went further implore students to keep learning. According to him,  "learning is a continuous tool,  you stop learning when you are dead," buttressing that learning does not stop in class.

He said, "do not labour to have first class,  study to understand so you can apply the knowledge," he therefore  explained leadership, psychology and psychology, afterward disclosing the connection between all.

Hon. Theophilus in his speech, stated that the nation can never get better until everyone decides to change and the change has to reflect in our daily routines as well as in our institutions.

He stated that the intelligent ones have failed to participate in politics and this, according to him,  is the basis of Nigeria's problem, "The best graduating student may not be the best in practice. Don't let someone's reality becomes yours," he said.

He further urged that student gets their PVC and vote to change all irresponsible leaders no matter their parties. According to him,  there is no good or bad political parties, we only have bad politicians. Change is not about politics, it's about our behavior,  lives..."

The second session of the programme witnessed the quiz competition among the 200, 300 and 400levels of psychology. At the end of the quiz competition,  results were declared where:

400l: 32 and 1/2 points...   3rd position

200l: 33 points...2nd position

300: 35 points...1st position


The Senate council of the Student Union has cancelled the saying of prayers at the sittings.

As a portion of the ongoing Constitution amendment started a couple of months ago, the Senate Council unanimously agreed to shelve saying prayers either at the beginning or at the end of the sitting. The reason for this was based on the secularity in the composition of the house.

While some of the members were of the opinion that the second stanza of the Nigerian National Anthem should be considered, majority believed that it would be better leaving prayers out of order.

In his own view, the Senate President opined that instead of not giving the provision a portion in the Constitution, it would be well heard of if one minute could be earmarked for such purpose being the best and general practice in the convention, and by extension, even in the most international gathering. The one minute allocation would allow individual to pray in his her own way albeit silence.

This suggestion from the Senate President did not hold water as the sitting at the end of the deliberation with a chorus obliterated the idea, hence abolished any statement of prayer at the sitting.


The University of Ilorin Student Union Senate Council has approved the purchase of three dozens of chair for Oke-Oyin Relaxation Center.

Sequel to the letter received from the Welfare secretary of the executive arm of the Union, in Oke-Oyin, informing the Senate council the changes that has occurred in the area of price as against earlier budget of 1750 per chair, the SC resolved that since budgetary monitoring committee has confirmed the changes in the price of the chair, the Senate council was constrained to approve the new price.

The Senate council further suggested that purchasing it should be in earnest in order to forestall further increment in the price. "Time frame is a factor" A member of the sitting, Senator Agboola hinted.

Senate President opined that there should not be any further delay in the buying, since report has shown that reimbursement to the tune of 5million from the school management, and which so far amounted to about 17.3million extended to the Union, had been acknowledged, swift effort should be made in the getting their chairs for the approved purpose in the constituency.

The Welfare Secretariat of Student Union has confirmed the introduction of the tally system on the queue as a way to reduce hardship facing by the students. 

The statement was contained in a letter sent to the Senate Council, Wednesday, notifying the legislative arm of the Union of the executive's readiness to start the implementation of the policy.

The Senate Council members were however of the varied opinion concerning the idea. According to Senator Leke, "Tally is good but we should consider the visibility of its effectiveness; looking at  the possibility of its misplacement, rowdiness issuing it could cause at the park"; he advised it should be thoroughly looked into before embarking on it as "we can't create another problem trying to fix one" he further said.

Senate President urged the Senate committee on transportation to work hand in hand with Asukuti led Welfare Secretariat to ensure it workability and it's "effectiveness; if it doesn't work, we reverse it".

Meanwhile in a sharp turn of event, the majority of the Senate Council members vehemently opposed the system, some opined outright that "it won't work" according to a senator representing Agricultural Science Constituency; and Senator Leke maintained, still, that "Time: it is not applicable at this point I'm time"

By resolution, almost all the members at the sitting in chorus echoed "'Ney!" to its approval.

NOTE: The tally system was not disallowed; it was resolved that the House will give it a trial in order to see how it will fare.


The Senate council has reinstated the status quo in respect to the academic grades that qualify any intending aspirant into the position of the Students' Union president.

However, in respect to the hopeful from the basic medical school - both Clinical and Non-clinical, the Senate resolved, having removed the distinctiveness between the Clinical and Non-clinical students, that aspirants from these schools must be ones whose cumulative points stands at nothing less than 52.5 points.

Prior to their resolution, the Senate council looked at other grade points such as 60 points, 55 points but with cursory look at the visibility, the sitting resolved to 52.5 points qualifies aspirant from BMS and 3.5 CGPA by anyone intending for the President position from the secular course.

In the same vein, the Senate further resolved on the period of studentship in the University of any individual intending to vie for the general secretary to the Union or Financial secretary. The resolution which is to be featured in the Constitution after the amendment States that: 2 sessions, being the status quo, qualifies any intending aspirant.

Among other resolutions approved to alter the Constitution were, first, allowing members of the council to drink water while the session is ongoing; another was the incorporation of Attorney general to the CEC and making AG the legal counsel to any arm of the Union in an even any of the arms is sued by external force(s).

Other articles of the Constitution worked on were article two; article four; Six, Ten, 15, article 16 which centers on establishment of information committee for the Senate council; and among others.

ERRATA: The office of AG has been separated from the CEC, and now stands as an independent office charged with the duty of representing the Union in external matters. As against the tradition of having the AG as part of the CEC .

The office of AG was removed from Article 7 (12) under the Central executive council nevertheless the appointment of the AG shall be by the nomination of CEC which is subject to the approval of the Senate Council.

 Eligibility for the office of AG: Must have served as Senior Advocate of the Union for at least one academic session.


~~~ Sanni Fatima Adedeji 

In a press conference held at the University Auditorium Basement on 11th June 2018, the Ilorin University Medical Students' Association (ILUMSA) are set to host exactly 3,000 Student delegates from 39 medical schools for the biennial Nigerian Medical School Games Festival at the University of Ilorin.

The sport festival scheduled to run from August 26th to September 1st, 2018, has been structured to feature 22 games including; swimming, football, chess, Taekwando among several other male and female categories respectively. 

According to the host school, this year's edition is being tipped to be the grandest as the Association would be celebrating her 40th Anniversary.

The logo for the sport festival was unveiled during the conference, having a mixture of both medical logo and that of the Olympics combined.

Reporting for UCJ

Tuesday 12 June 2018

~~~ Opakunle Olaotan Alexander

National Association of Geography Students in conjunction with National Environmental Science Students Association has held a programme tagged: "Beat plastic pollution, waste to wealth."

In celebration of the World Environmental Day which is in line with the United Nations principal vehicle for encouraging awareness and action for the protection of the environment, students were being enlightened on the usefulness of beating plastic waste as a means of transforming waste to wealth.

 The event started with the President of NAGS, Aderibigbe Olubunmi, giving a rousing speech on purpose of the World Environmental Day and outlined to the audience the need to preserve and conserve the environment and its resources.

 The Vice Chancellor of the University as represented by the Dean of Students affairs unit, Professor L. T. Ajibade, extended the warm regards from the Vice Chancellor and declared the event open.

The Dean of the Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Professor N. B. Tanimowo, also emphasized the relevance of the environment and the need to curb environmentally unfriendly practices such as deforestation, pollution and excessive waste generation.

The HOD of Geography and Environmental Management department, Dr. U. A. Raheem, stated the need to adjust our lifestyles in a way that would be environmentally sustainable and the need to bring together environmentally allied departments within the University to help solve environmental issues.

The keynote speech delivered by Miss Funmi Oyatogun, an Alumni of the University of Colorado and the University of Edinburgh, elaborated on the need to beat plastic wastes in our environment reminding the audience in a highly entertaining interactive session of the journey of a plastic bottle from its raw material state as petroleum through its refining processes till it comes out eventually as the plastic bottles and sachets we use for packaging purposes and why we must work hard as a society to make sure we reduce as much as possible the amount of plastics we use.

According to her, plastics are taking over the world oceans and it is necessary that we do something positive before we lose the battle against plastics. She further enjoined the audience to re-evaluate our idea of the term “sophistication” and why we need to realize that true sophistication lies in a conscious effort to live an eco-friendly life and not in a life of consumerism.

The second keynote speaker at the event Amusa Temitope Victor, an award winning and widely travelled entrepreneur and CEO of VICFOLD RECYCLERS in his treatise titled: BEAT PLASTIC POLLUTION; WAYS TO WEALTH explained that a total ban on plastics in the country is not feasible as our packaging and economic activities depend heavily on the plastic industries.

He encouraged authorities to incentify waste collection as this would encourage people to gather their wastes in expectation of a good reward. His main message centred on recycling of plastic waste and he outlined several ways by which money can be made off recycling and he ended his lecture with the famous “Together We Can” mantra.

The event witnessed the launch of NAGS magazine as invited dignitaries dignitaries donated enormously to launch the magazine.

In an exclusive interview with the Director of Sport,  Faculty of Social Science,  Alarape Omokunmi Sodiq, a 300 level psychology student, revealed that the office to him is more of humanitarian service.

According to him,  from the inception,  before the approval of budget he had spent his personal money on certain things like football for training and that was being managed until the budget was being approved.

When asked about the achievement of the faculty in the SU cup so far, he analysed how FOSSSA had played against environmental science faculty and had won by two to one, they played against management and won by the same score but lost the game to Life Sciences by a goal to nill.

Fortunately,  they qualified for quarterfinal based on the results from the two earlier games. And the quarter final had ended with a fight which was instigated by the opposite team and this led to their disqualification and fosssa automatically qualified for the semi final with Engineering. Although the date for the tournament is inconclusive.

Sidney reported that all the players has been wonderful. the like of Solomon, 400 level psychology, being the captain of the team, mention but few. Although sometimes there usually occur misunderstanding or misinterpretation.

On other issues aside football,  he stated that FOSSSA had participated in other Athletics at various distances (800m, 400m,100m races)  but didn't qualify for the finals due to the limited time they had to prepare the athlete for the tournament, he added that defines,  they get 24 hours notice for a race and they usually do not get the best athletics ready in time to compete. 

He however noted that the table tennis team made it to the final. And the basketball team won their first March by 49points to 8 against the faculty of law and they also win their second march.

He therefore advices that folks who intend to be FOSSSA executive in future should not see the office a a money making avenue or an opportunity to be famous. As it is a call to service and you must love what you are running for if you wish to excel.


Sunday 10 June 2018

Akinyemi "Princely X" Adedeji,

Adebisi Ridwan,
Students' Union President,
University of Ilorin.

June 9, 2018.

Matters Begging For Immediate Attention!

Mr President,

The time for accolades isn't now, because you are yet to affirm your promised assurances. As much as I want to fully commend you for working on the SARS harassment situation off campus, your efforts are yet to yield full results. But we believe strongly that with your resilient team, and your positive resolve to represent our best interests, you'll be able to achieve a good bargain for our safety.

That being said, your excellency sir, there are quite a number of very sad and appalling incidences on campus that have managed to survive right under your nostrils without proper attention being given to them. In a not too superfluous manner, I'll go ahead to list each issue without prejudice to level of emergency.

1) Albanic Hostel Water and Electricity Life Threatening Situation.

We do not need the services of an Einstein to know that the effect of water and electricity coming together can be very disastrous. This very dangerous situation has sadly been the norm in Albanic hostel, where students pay #125, 000 and still have to pack rain water with buckets from their room whenever it rains. The resultant effect of this is are concrete walls shocking students in their own rooms. These students claimed to have reported to you several times with no result achieved yet. I believe it must have slipped your mind being a very busy person. I'll recommend Mr President, that you direct the Welfare Secretary to see to it with immediate effect, and if nothing is done, the University management should be made to intervene. In addition to that, the students of that hostel have also complained about power supply not being as constant as they were promised, while the inhabitants do not have running waters for the most part of the day. There are some of our colleagues who've opted for the expensive choices of private hostels for medical reasons, and it'll be unfair to deny them of services they paid for. I believe this is an issue the Welfare Secretary can be tasked to also work on. We look forward to immediate response within 48 hours, Mr. President. We trust that you can do it.

2. #5, 000 for bandwidth, yet no Internet.

I  personally remember Mr. President Sir, that during the Students' Union Press Conference 2017, you assured us that Internet hot-spots in strategic places will be improved on, in order to facilitate an internet enabled ICT atmosphere to enhance learning. This was your response to Students asking for the bandwidth program to be scrapped. Unless the strategic places you promised were just COMSIT, CIS, AUDITORIUM/SENATE building, and Engineering, the bandwidth has only been a strategic propaganda. I do not believe the management of bandwidth should be as heinous as it is being made to seem, not when over 30,000 students have been made to pay a compulsory #5000 for the management of same. We do not need to do the maths, we only need to access services we paid for, for the remaining part of the session. UNILORIN students are tired of standing at Gtbank to have 1 hour Internet access on GT servers.

3. Refund for Starters' Pack.

This is another very sad situation students are faced with. Even though the Starters' Pack idea has almost been thrown into our yesteryears, there are victims of the project who have gotten neither their packs, nor their monies. I understand Mr. President that you're not in charge of the University's financial account, but you are in charge of representing the interest of these students. If perhaps it has also skipped your mind, this is a reminder to that effect. A smart negotiation with the University will assuredly lead to a positive result, we are positive. Students do not want to be told about heated arguments with inconclusive reports, we want negotiations with solutions. We still believe firmly that it is not too late to achieve it.

There are other very important issues happening on campus that needs your attention sir. We have outgrown weed all over the Campus with snakes cohabiting "peacefully" with students, we have the recurrent transportation situation that is not being managed effectively, and of course, the very distant relationship between the Students Affairs Unit ( its leadership) and Students of UNILORIN, as opposed to the promises made at the SUPC'17.

Mr. Ridwan, I write to you at this time not just because I need to call your attention to these pressing issues but because I know that you'll work on them. Even though there has been a long period of what appears to be a state of hibernation, it is not too late to wake up from your executive slumber.

Students of the "Probitas Doctrina" University are in anticipation of ethical, wise, and well communicated responses on steps taken to tackle the problems highlighted. As students we promise to be law abiding and to always encourage peaceful negotiations; after all, together we can.

Yours in thought,
Akinyemi "Princely X" Adedeji,

Students Affairs Unit.
Students Representative Council (Senate Council).
University of Ilorin Senate Council.
Vice Chancellor, University of Ilorin.
The Nigerian Police Force, Kwara State Command.

Saturday 9 June 2018

One would hope that the so-called cloud of the University of Ilorin would in fact circulate the ‘WiFi-sphere’ of the campus, but reverse is the case. Even in places where the Unilorin_Cloud have been observed by students to be available, it appears that as soon as the authorities notice the web of students using such spots, it gets deactivated. Is this a way of the school authority telling students that they are constituting nuisance, or that they have exhausted the amount paid for bandwidth? I wonder!

In a recent conversation with one of my closest colleagues, she agitated her feelings regarding the issue of the unavailability of the Unilorin_Cloud in accessible and conducive locations for students; that it would have been better if she had done the normal ISP subscription than pay for this ‘rubbish’ WiFi. Of course, I also shared in this plight. Come to think of it, the sight of fellow students sitting by the roadside, or asking annoying questions such as “WiFi dey dis side?” or standing for hours with hands raised (as if in adoration to God) to get better signal is just very disheartening and pathetic.

For those not conversant with what Unilorin_Cloud is, here is a scholarly definition: Liberty (2018, p.1) defines Unilorin_Cloud as “an abstract concept, paid by all but almost non-existent, used by a feudal set of students in the University of Ilorin”. Some students may be familiar with password codes such as ‘elib’, ‘cls’ and the likes; others may used the conventional ‘surname-as-password’ code. Either way, a question still begs if the Unilorin_Cloud is available and accessible to ¾ of the student populace? Let’s hypothesize that a quarter of students in the University are the ‘big boiz’ and ‘big galz’, that is, those who claim to be self sufficient in purchasing the normal monthly ISP subscription. Obviously, the answer to this question is a colossal NO, because I for one would not take joy in standing for hours to access a very poor WiFi network.

This is not to say that I don’t use the school WiFi, I do apparently. I have some memories of wasted hours using the Unilorin_Cloud. I recall the long hours under the pavilion at Faculty of Arts, the injurious hours of loitering around the walls of Faculty of Law, the time spent beside the Senate Building, my once-upon-a-time usual morning routine in front of the Student Affairs, and most remarkable, night classes as the Student Union Building (SUB). All these are now in the past and forgotten. I can say for a fact that there are no Unilorin_Clouds at the Faculties of Arts and Law, at least not one you can successful connect to. This is really disheartening and a fraudulent act, I mean, just imagine, for something I paid for – why can’t I use it? Well, #ThisIsNigeria where lots of anomalies happen. If lecturers can demand for some kind of incentives from students before attending to them, what else can be more contradictory in the University? Well, that’s a story for another time.

The latest Unilorin_Cloud spot on campus now is the bank area (ask for directives from a Unilorite), so when a colleague says he/she is going to the bank area, you’d better not expect money from him/her. I would then wonder, is this a customer-attracting strategy employed by the banks or is it another case of imprudence on the part of the school authority? Don’t answer that, it’s rhetorical. You shouldn’t even dare to blame nor jeer at students who muster around to use the available WiFi, don’t call them Jews rather refer to them as human rights activists. They are the ones saying – “come what may, I paid for this, this is my right”. 

I would advise the University authority to improve the services of the ironical Unilorin_Cloud by making it warmer (everybody loves a warm atmosphere) or scrap payment for bandwidth and stop extorting and exploiting student. Shalom!


BIO: Ukor Jonathan is a content provider, blogger, writer and poet. He is the CEO of EVERY THOUGHT