Thursday 14 June 2018

UNILORIN: Senate set CGPA requirement for SU president, incorporate AG into CEC

The Senate council has reinstated the status quo in respect to the academic grades that qualify any intending aspirant into the position of the Students' Union president.

However, in respect to the hopeful from the basic medical school - both Clinical and Non-clinical, the Senate resolved, having removed the distinctiveness between the Clinical and Non-clinical students, that aspirants from these schools must be ones whose cumulative points stands at nothing less than 52.5 points.

Prior to their resolution, the Senate council looked at other grade points such as 60 points, 55 points but with cursory look at the visibility, the sitting resolved to 52.5 points qualifies aspirant from BMS and 3.5 CGPA by anyone intending for the President position from the secular course.

In the same vein, the Senate further resolved on the period of studentship in the University of any individual intending to vie for the general secretary to the Union or Financial secretary. The resolution which is to be featured in the Constitution after the amendment States that: 2 sessions, being the status quo, qualifies any intending aspirant.

Among other resolutions approved to alter the Constitution were, first, allowing members of the council to drink water while the session is ongoing; another was the incorporation of Attorney general to the CEC and making AG the legal counsel to any arm of the Union in an even any of the arms is sued by external force(s).

Other articles of the Constitution worked on were article two; article four; Six, Ten, 15, article 16 which centers on establishment of information committee for the Senate council; and among others.

ERRATA: The office of AG has been separated from the CEC, and now stands as an independent office charged with the duty of representing the Union in external matters. As against the tradition of having the AG as part of the CEC .

The office of AG was removed from Article 7 (12) under the Central executive council nevertheless the appointment of the AG shall be by the nomination of CEC which is subject to the approval of the Senate Council.

 Eligibility for the office of AG: Must have served as Senior Advocate of the Union for at least one academic session.


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