Friday 27 October 2017

Wenger craves support for Arsenal

Arsene Wenger made an impassioned plea for support after Arsenal fans again made their discontent with the club clear at Thursday's annual general meeting.

Wenger addressed those gathered at Emirates Stadium after the majority of fans present voted against chairman Sir Chips Keswick and Josh Kroenke – the son of majority shareholder Stan Kroenke – being re-elected to the Arsenal board.

"It's an immense privilege to speak here for a 21st time. I dedicate 99 per cent of my life to making you happy. Looking at what happened today, that's not easy," Wenger said.

"Arsenal is a highly respected club, not only because we won the last game but because we represent something that is exceptional."

The 68-year-old suggested surprises such as Aston Villa's European Cup win in 1982 feel impossible nowadays.

That drew a heckle of "At least they won it," from one shareholder, but Wenger still closed by warmly outlining his affinity for the club – winning long applause before a hostile atmosphere returned for addresses by Keswick and chief executive Ivan Gazidis, during which the much-criticised Stan Kroenke was a passive observer on the top table.


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