Sunday 4 June 2017

8th Senate Council Plenary Session: A Report

The session commenced at exactly, 11:01AM with the second stanza of the National anthem and Unilorin School anthem.

The Agenda of the Session was read by the Deputy Clerk at exactly 11:06AM which was adopted by Sen. Abiodun of Management Sciences and Seconded by Sen. Adeola of clinical Sciences. The reading of the resolutions of the 7th Plenary Session was read by the Deputy Clerk and was adopted by Sen. Moshood Abiola of Environmental Sciences and Seconded by Sen. Abikoye Samson of Faculty of Agriculture Constituency.

The Business of the day goes thus:

The CEC wrote a letter signed by the Financial Secretary stating that the Union needs to officially employ attendants that will be monitoring the affairs of the Kerosene Depot. Also contained in the letter is a proposition that a new bank account be opened to keep proper account of the Kerosene Depot. The President of the Union, Comrade Shobowale Lukman was able to defend the purport of the CEC proposition when Sen. Pappy J inquired as to who has been keeping proper accounting of the Enterprise since Inception. The President cleared all doubts that the Financial Secretary has been in charge with proper day to day recording of the enterprise but the new account needs to be opened to guard against expending on any other union activities/businesses.

Ethics and Disciplinary Committee chaired by the Chief Whip of the House was the first to give its report. The Committee reported that Sen. O. Abdulbaqi of Management Sciences falls short of Rule 14 (A) of the SC standing Rule and also disrupt the peace of the House at the 7th ordinary sitting of the house. Series of Recommendations were made by the Ethics and Disciplinary Committee which were ditched by a voice vote and at exactly 01:46PM Sen. Bakson was instructed by the entire House to give an oral apology to the House and submit an undertaking stating that Article 14 (D) (6) be exploited if such should repeat itself within 72 hours to the Clerk of the House.

Budget Monitoring Committee chaired by Sen. Topsite of Management Sciences also gave her report. The Budget Monitoring Committee highlighted how they have been able to track and monitor how the Union's fund has been expended till date. While giving an account of how the Tickets of the SU Cultural Night event were sold, the Social Secretary of the Union was called to give an account of how the total number of attendees at the events exceeded the number of tickets that were sold. Comrade Peperenpe responded saying “We can’t get it 100%, and we cant get it right.” He further buttressed his claims, saying the opportunity given to faculty presidents and VPs to attend the events for free was bastardized by departmental Presidents and VPs who also claimed they have same right as the faculty executives. He suggested that bouncers be employed next time to ensure proper management of things.

The Senate President also gave the committee a standing order that all refunds must be made into the Union's account on or before 6/6/17 making reference to Article 16 (C) (4) (8) of the Constitution.

The House went on recess at exactly 01:50PM and resumed business at exactly 02:22PM.

Sen. Abioye Samson, refered the whole House to Rule 22 (F) and (A) via a point of order impliying that the Financial Secretary has onced again breached a clause of the Constitution. He further inquired as to why the 5 working days notice of budget notification in copies to all senators wasn’t fuffilled. The Financial Secretary responded saying the criteria wasn’t fulfilled due to the fact that all Union Printers were down not until Wednesday 31st of May, 2017. Sen. Hybee implored the House to take the issue critically as they are representing the interest of individual constituency who do querry any of their decisions. In his words, “Let’s do things right, even if it’s just once.”

Sen. Demilade also querried the Financial Secretary as to why Senators didn’t get copies of the budget between Wednesday and Saturday. Sen. First Lady proposed the budget deliberations be postponed till next sitting and a voice vote didn’t assent to the excuse tendered by the Financial Secretary. At exactly 02:54PM, the Supplementary budget was kicked out of ratification line by a voice vote. The events that followed made Sen. Munirah reteirated that the SC duties is not to only ratify budget as she noticed that all CEC members aside the SU President walked out of the session and the SP ordered that they all come back to the floor of the house, which they all did.

4. GNS312 and GSE202
The SU President sought permission of the SC for a collaborated effort to see to all issues circumventing these two courses. In his words, the University is not ready to go digital and the entire situation as regards these two courses is epileptic. He further stated that the two test must not hold until all necessary things are in place as the unprofessional act of the CBT directorate can’t be condone any more.

The entire House, via a voice vote assented to the motion moved by Sen. Adewale of CIS Constituency that the SU in general should write a letter to the management stating that GNS312 and GSE202 be postponed till all necessary things are put in place.

The SU President also sought permission of the SC for a collaborated effort to see to all issues circumventing all students complaints on the state of school hostels. In his defense, he claimed that two rooms almost got burnt due to electrical wiring, when he said the electrical wires are tired. Senators and Congressmen also reacted giving series of testimonies with all settling for total overhauling and declaring a state of emergence in the school hostels as the congress, CEC and SC unanimously agreed that the building, wires and the entire Hostel facilities are tired but students inhabiting them are not tired of living. To this end, a motion was moved by Sen. Sanni of Arts Constituency which was assented to via a voice vote that the SU in general should write a letter calling for an all-inclusive meeting involving all arms of the SU, CBT Directorates, University Managements and MBO.

Prior to this resolution, Sen. Sanni proposed to the House that the entire 93 SU officials should get prepared for a demonstration (protest) if all of the Union's demands are not met.

The SU President sought permission of the SC for a collaborated effort to see to all issues circumventing the SUB. He claimed that the building has been confirmed to be a hide out for criminals on campus. He further stated that students and non students gamble all in the name of gaming at the building and the building is not a gambling center. To this end, a motion was moved by Sen. Socrates of Education constituency that the building should be closed down, and that opening hour at 8AM to close 10PM. He proposition was assented to by a voice vote.

7. AOB
A private bill sponsored by congressman Akeukanwo of CIS to give room for DE students in contesting for the post of President, VP, Gen Sec and Fin Sec went through second reading but at the Debate stage couldn’t walk into committee deliberation as the bill was kicked out via a voice vote at exactly 06:23PM.

Also, a bill titled Student Practitioner's Act couldn’t scale through first reading on technical grounds.

Sen. Abby vs Com. Eniobanke
Sen. Abby claimed that on the 30th of May, 2017 at around 06:00PM he was performing his constitutional duties being a member of the Transport Committe before he was accosted by Com. Eniobanke who said to him at the school park. He quoted Com eniobanke saying - “What is your Problem Mr. Man, Leave the Park. Call your boss (SP), as even your boss (SP)  cant talk to me in the manner you are”. To this end, a recommendation was made for fair hearing and Com. Eniobanke will be summoned to defend himself on the floor of the House and trial in absentia will be implemented if he fails to acknowledge the invitation of the SC.

The sitting was adjourned at exactly 06:56PM via a motioned from Sen Rahma of Vet. Medicine.

Ibrahim AbdulRasheed,
Akeukanwo Sulaiman,
Rufai Monsurah

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