Thursday 5 October 2017

Anthropocene Warrants A Formal Place In Geological Time Scale

Once again, by an international team of scientists from the University of Leicester, human influences have been made accountable for alterations in Earth’s geological arrangement. And, they’ve indirectly asked for the promotion of Anthropocene.

After the retreat of Last Ice Age, Holocene Epoch has seen 11.7 thousand years of relative environmental stability.

Following this, results of the study suggest Anthropocene should obey on from the Holocene Epoch. Reason being we’ve sprung entering a more unstable and rapidly evolving phase of our planet’s history.

*Major three factors of such observed human impacts include –*

Accelerating Species Extinction. 
Extensive and ongoing transformation of a geologically single phase of human-mediated species invasions. 
Foreseen long-term climate effects.


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