Thursday 5 October 2017

Dynamic Dark Energy Could Disprove Einstein’s Cosmo-Constant

A team of scientists found that the nature of dark energy may not follow the cosmological constant set by Albert Einstein 100 years ago.

The findings published in the Cornell University Library found that previous predictions about the nature of dark energy where it had no dynamic features could be wrong.

According to the study, the team from the University of Portsmouth and the National Astronomical Observatories of China (NAOC), dark energy was found to be a dynamic field instead of the previously assumed vacuum energy which had no dynamic properties.

Professor Gong-Bo Zhao, lead author of the study from the Institute of Cosmology and Gravitation (ICG) at the University of Portsmouth and the NAOC, said in a Science Daily report that "We are excited to see that current observations are able to probe the dynamics of dark energy at this level, and we hope that future observations will confirm what we see today."

The discovery of the presence of dark matter by Einstein introduced it to the world and our information about dark matter hasn’t improved much since, co-author professor Bob Nichol, director of the ICG said.

The new study helps shed light on the century-long dark energy mystery.


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