Wednesday 18 October 2017

Biden calls 🔉 Trump's behavior "absolutely bizarre"

The topic was bipartisanship. The speakers: former Vice President Joe Biden and Republican Ohio Gov. John Kasich.

And as their conversation got going at the University of Delaware on Tuesday, both men lamented the Trump administration and the current culture in Washington.

Biden said 14 heads of state from around the world have contacted him for advice, including one European leader he wouldn't identify, who said President Donald Trump reminds him of Italian dictator Benito Mussolini.

Biden called Trump's behavior "absolutely bizarre."

"Violating the norms of personal conduct generates more anxiety and fear than any policy prescription that this president has annunciated," Biden said.

"This breaking down of international and national norms is the glue that holds the liberal world order together, and holds together our system. That is what is being attacked and that's what's most dangerous," he added.


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