Sunday 28 May 2017

GUEST POST: As Continuous Assessment Beacons.

Just last week, news broke of the release of the CBT timetable for continous assessment Test.In this guest post by Bello Rasheed, he tilts our hearts to preparedness towards the upcoming assessment tests. Read on... 

I was showing a friend the recently uploaded provisional CBT Timetable for this semester's tests and the uneasiness on her face shocked me, prompting me to ask her two similar questions:Are you scared because you haven't been studying well, or, are you just nervous realising that you'd soon return to that place called CBT centre??

Alas! Her response was as mystifying as seeing an educated being behaving like a rascal. The main point I got from my brief confab with her is that she is not ready for the assessment. Oops, my mind was filled up with different questions:

Do students ever get ready for exams?? Why have we designed our minds to only wake up when we hear the slogan 'timetable is out'?? If we keep on having this mindset, how then do we want to tackle life's extemporaneous challenges?? Perturbable, I say.

Sadly, but true, the majority of the 21st century students are guilty of this-  whether partially or completely. It's high time we got rid of this poison killing us slowly, if we want to excel. We all must have heard of the saying that "He who fails to plan; plans to fail" Nothing can be more true, because even the smallest of jobs requires a proper preparation!

I agree, to a certain extent, that a lot of unwanted factors could get in the way of our preparation for something, but I strongly frown at the notion that students have or may have excuses for a flawed preparation, or in some common cases, zero preparation. Determination,Commitment, Time-management skill, and Prayers are believed to be some of the recipes for success. A student that possesses these attributes is guaranteed to succeed in whatever he/she does, particularly in examinations.

If your last semester's results were good, be motivated to do better; if otherwise, be equally motivated to study harder and perform better in order to avoid an ugly repetition. Heaven, they say, help those who help themselves. I do not know how real that is, but I do believe that if you follow shortcut to greatness, you will be cut short in the process.

The good news, however, is that it is not too late to get things right. Pick up that book now and do the needful(read). You can surely do better than last semester. Never say never and always believe in yourself.

I want to sincerely wish us all success as we prepare for the challenges ahead. I say gracias for reading to the end.


This piece was written by Enitan. A 100l student of the department of Mathematics, better by far University. He can be reached on
Phone number: 07030711152.

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