Sunday 1 October 2017

Four Lille fans in serious condition as stadium barrier collapses

Four Lille fans were left in serious condition and 26 others injured after a barrier collapsed while celebrating a goal in Saturday's visit to Amiens.

The game was stopped just 15 minutes in as the barrier at the front of the away stand gave way from supporters celebrating Fode Ballo-Toure's goal by pressing forwards towards the players.

A crisis meeting between representatives of the two clubs as well as police and the stadium's security took place and it was decided that the game would resume at a later date as the situation grew more intense.

Amiens president Bernard Joannin spoke to the media at a hastily-arranged press conference after the incident, and pointed the finger of blame at a section of ultras behind the goal.

He said: "Football must be a celebration and the police warned us that 200 very angry ultras were in the section reserved for Lille fans and they launched themselves in a disorderly way - more than 500 people - on this barrier which was in perfect condition."


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