Friday 20 October 2017

Obama and Bush decry deep US divisions

Former Presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush have voiced concern about the current political climate in the US, in comments seen as a veiled rebuke of Donald Trump's leadership. They were speaking separately.

Neither mentioned President Trump by name. Ex-presidents traditionally shy away from commenting publicly on their successors, and Mr Obama said on leaving office he would extend that courtesy for a time to Mr Trump, as George W Bush had to him.

Speaking at a Democratic campaign event in Newark, New Jersey, Mr Obama said Americans should "send a message to the world that we are rejecting a politics of division, we are rejecting a politics of fear".

He added: "What we can't have is the same old politics of division that we have seen so many times before that dates back centuries. Some of the politics we see now, we thought we put that to bed. That's folks looking 50 years back. It's the 21st Century, not the 19th Century. Come on!"


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