Sunday 15 October 2017

Scientists to make 'extreme event' gravitational wave announcement

Scientists are set too unveil a mysterious study on Monday some say could be a new type of previously unseen gravitational wave.

Scientists representing LIGO, Virgo, and 70 observatories will unveil their findings - but have refused to even hint at what they are.

'The gathering will begin with an overview of new findings from LIGO, Virgo and partners that span the globe, followed by details from telescopes that work with the LIGO and Virgo collaborations to study extreme events in the cosmos,' the organisation said. The press conference will be held at 10 am EDT at the Press Club in Washington DC.

Gravitational waves were officially confirmed publicly for the first time in February 2016, when LIGO announced that it had detected the phenomenon caused by a collision between two black holes.


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