Thursday 5 October 2017

Tanzanian president earns $4,008 a month

Tanzanian President John Magufuli has revealed that he takes home a monthly salary of $4,008 as leader of the East African country. 

Magufuli, who was elected president in 2015 on a pledge to tackle corruption, made the disclosure during a speech broadcast live on state television on Tuesday.

"My salary is nine million (Tanzanian Shillings). I have not increased my salary and I will not increase it. Because my obligation is to serve Tanzanians first.

Citizens are tired of their money getting stolen," Magufuli, nicknamed The Bulldozer for building roads in his previous post as cabinet minister, said.

Magufuli's salary is a third of what former president Jakaya Kikwete was reported to be earning during his ten-year tenure as leader of East Africa's most populous country.

But some Tanzanians still think the president's salary, which is also lower than the salaries of President Uhuru Kenyatta of Kenya and Uganda's Yoweri Museveni, is still too high.


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