Tuesday, 17 October 2017

Trump tweet: Locking in

Monday has the President having conversations with himself about being successful 👍 with a booming stock market, while continuing to lock in on the democrats and 'crooked' Hillary as his new targets on twitter❗

🐦 ➿ Mike Pence: We are heading to Virginia. Looking forward to supporting my friend EdWGillespie. He will make a great Governor for the Commonwealth.

🐦➿ Eric Trump: .LaraLeaTrump and I look forward to being on JudgeJeanine tonight at 9pm! FoxNews MakeAmericaGreatAgain 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

🐦➿ Fox News: TONIGHT on "Justice," JudgeJeanine talks to special guests EricTrump and LaraLeaTrump - Tune in at 9p ET on Fox News Channel!

🐦 The Failing nytimes, in a story by Peter Baker, should have mentioned the rapid terminations by me of TPP & The Paris Accord & the fast approvals of The Keystone XL & Dakota Access pipelines. Also, look at the recent EPA cancelations & our great new Supreme Court Justice!

Trump on Sunday criticized a New York Times story 📰 stating that he has failed to fulfill campaign 👍 promises on undoing key Obama administration policies, calling the newspaper “failing” and pointing to early successes like exiting the international Paris climate accord and getting conservative Judge Neil Gorsuch on the Supreme Court.

🐦➿ Mike Pence: .EdWGillespie is fighting to grow the economy & cut taxes! He’s fighting for a safer VA. And he’s is fighting for affordable energy & COAL!

🐦➿ Abc News Radio: Global fund championed by Ivanka Trump to help women entrepreneurs begins operations http://v.duta.us/XN1cJQAA

🐦 Art Laffer just said that he doesn't know how a Democrat could vote against the big tax cut/reform bill and live with themselves! FoxNews

🐦 The Democrats only want to increase taxes and obstruct. That's all they are good at!

The remark comes as Trump and congressional Republicans push a new tax framework that cuts the number of individual tax rates and business taxes. While the plan has received praise 👏 from conservative groups and Republican lawmakers, Democrats have criticized the overhaul as a tax cut for the wealthy. Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) has called the cuts "wealth-fare" and said, "It seems that President Trump and Republicans have designed their plan to be cheered in the country clubs and the corporate boardrooms."

🐦 Dem Senator Schumer hated the Iran deal made by President Obama, but now that I am involved, he is OK with it. Tell that to Israel, Chuck!

He's not done with you yet, Chuck!

🐦 Since Election Day on November 8, the Stock Market is up more than 25%, unemployment is at a 17 year low & companies are coming back to U.S.

Trump is continuing to publicly comment on Twitter about the recent bull stock market. He has recently touted gains the overall market has made, almost as if he's the reason behind it❗

🐦 The U.S. has gained more than 5.2 trillion dollars in Stock Market Value since Election Day! Also, record business enthusiasm.

🐦 I was recently asked if Crooked Hillary Clinton is going to run in 2020? My answer was, "I hope so!"

Trump’s actual motivation for the tweet is unknown, but it’s possible the comment was prompted by recent critical remarks made by Clinton.

Source: Duta


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