Thursday 31 August 2017

Unilorin: Full Eminent transition speech

Observation Is Successful

_Being a valedictory address in commemoration of SU Transition Program/Oath Taking Ceremony_


1. Fellow Unilorites, today being the 31st of August 2017, marks another watershed in the history of not only our Union but also the most sought after, most peaceful and most stable Nigerian University – the Better by Far University.

2. It is trite principle of natural law that nature abhors vacuum in the circle of life. Similarly, the system of governance is basically a continuum from one dispensation to another. It is in light of this we dare to say that we have concluded the full cycle of our administration. We have fought the good fight.  And therefore, it is time to pass on the baton of leadership to the next administration. As vanguards of the students, there is no greater feeling than championing the cause of the Union to a logical conclusion.

3. Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, what more could I have bargained for but the highest level of your support and unalloyed loyalty throughout my tenure as the 30th President of our Union. On your firm shoulders, the Determination Unshakeable mantra stood tall. We cannot appreciate you enough. Our hearts and tongues are full of gratitude.

4. Fellow Unilorites, the title of my handover speech is “Observation is successful”. The choice of this topic is not unconnected with the fact that having a successful successor is the true yardstick for measuring the success of a predecessor.

5. This assertion is corroborated by the submission of a popular author on leadership, Dr.  John C. Maxwell, who stated that “Success without a successor is a failure in disguise”.  It is within this context therefore I would like to commend the exceptional achievements of my predecessors. This is because each administration had its own strengths and weaknesses.

6. Against the odds, they strove relentlessly to deliver the dividends of good governance to the students. Most instructively is the fact that despite the daunting challenges of leadership, each administration somehow found a modicum of good fortune to improve on the low points of the previous one. I believe this phenomenon is in consonance with the ideals of purpose-driven leadership and standard practice in every given democratic setting.

7. Perceptibly howbeit subjective, the preceding administration to ours tagged “Team Positive Change” as ably led by the distinguished Comrade Alao Idris (Observation) was not without its own flaws.  In spite of this however, it still recorded countless landmarks to say the least. And therefore, we make bold to say that the Observation-led administration is one of those that redefined the concept of leadership in the Union. It organized many valuable and qualitative programmes for members of the Union. Some of these laudable initiatives include the SU Press Conference, Unilorin Idol, Leadership Training Programme (LTP), Breast and Cervical Cancer Awareness Programmes among several others.

8. Consequently, therefore, these groundbreaking and record-setting achievements served as the foundation upon which the “Era of Unshakable Determination” was built. Hence, whatever success or achievement attributed to my team, it is the resultant effect of the strong pillars erected by the Observation-led administration.

9. Ladies and Gentlemen, as much as my team and I would gladly love to enumerate our achievements, we humbly resist the temptation of blowing our own trumpets. Perhaps, the best way to achieve a win-win outcome in this puzzle is by asking some pertinent questions: What are your ratings of this administration? Has the Eminent-led administration delivered the goods? Was our struggle to attain justice vindicated? Did the era of unshakable determination raise the bar of constructive unionism? Have requisite values been added to Unilorin and Unilorites alike? Was our determination truly unshakable? I would allow the answers to these questions titillate and titivate your subconscious mind with the hope that you would find answers to them within your heart. 

10. When Emile Durkheim, a French sociologist said, “Every new generation is reared by its predecessor; the latter must therefore improve in order to improve its successor. The movement is circular”, he might have had in mind, a perfect model for a successive leadership structure which ought to be relished everywhere on planet earth.
Invariably therefore, the true benchmark with which to measure my success as the 30th President of the Union is hinged on the newly elected Central Executive Council as led by my good friend and brother, Comrade Adebisi Ridwanullah Abimbola popularly called (Reedof). As such, I would like to appeal that they raise the bars of unionism above the level we took it. The rationale behind this admonishment is that the success of my successor is also mine and vice versa. Well begun they say is supposedly half done just as the beginning is the half of the whole.

11. May I humbly use this opportunity to appreciate every individual who, in one way or the other, contributed positively to our administration. To the school management under the leadership of Prof. Abdulganiyu Ambali, I say thank you for creating and sustaining the enabling environment for constructive student unionism. To the Dean, Student Affairs, Prof. Talabi, you are indeed a father! To the Sub dean, the comrade of all comrades, I salute your sagacity. To the entire members of the Determination Unshakeable Team, you all are wonderful. God Bless you for your support. To every other person, whom for want of space and time I can’t mention, your support meant a lot to me and I will never forget your loving-devotion any time soon.

12. In conclusion, followership they say begets leadership, I hereby encourage members of the Union to remain good followers that they truly are. In order to make our struggle to attain justice profitable, we must do the right things and we must do things right. We must take the right steps in the right direction so that in the end, the right peg would have been placed in the right hole.

13. Once again, it has indeed been a privilege of a lifetime to serve as your President. There has been good days and there has been tough days. But I have learnt to live everyday inspired by our inner greatness. Permit me to quickly steal the moment to implore you all to look forward to my book titled “Emerge”. It chronicles my childhood and details my experiences as the 30th President of the Union.

14. As I go now to the Labour Market, I will continue to serve and be a goodwill ambassador of our Better by Far Institution. And I will always be honoured to give all my support to the new administration.

15. And so my fellow Unilorites, thank you for everything. This is not goodbye but see you again.

May God bless the Student Union.

May God bless the University of Ilorin.

Thank you.

Shobowale Lukman Olawale (Eminent)
Fmr. SU President,
Student Union,
University of Ilorin.


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