Thursday 5 October 2017

Trump Visits Las Vegas Hospital, Pays Tribute to Wounded and Doctors

President Trump paid tribute to the professionalism of the doctors who treated victims of the Las Vegas shooting, saying that meeting with the patients at one hospital made him “proud to be an American.”

The president said he met with some “absolutely terribly wounded” patients and hailed their bravery during the horrific attack Sunday night.

He said many of those he met with were wounded as they sought to help others amid the hail of bullets from a gunman in a nearby hotel.

“I think the only message I can say is that we are with you 100 percent,” Trump told reporters in brief remarks before heading to a meeting with law enforcement officials in Las Vegas. “I invited a lot of them to the White House,” he said. “I said, ‘If you’re ever in Washington, come on over to the Oval Office.’”

Trump declined to answer a question about gun control, saying only that “we’re not going to talk about that today.” He repeatedly praised the work of the medical staff at the city’s hospitals, describing their work as an “incredible tribute to professionalism.”

Later, he met with emergency workers, including Joseph Lombardo, the Las Vegas sheriff who has become a familiar face on television since the shootings. Mr. Lombardo told the president that “every single person in here” had helped to save lives.

“You showed the world and the world was watching,” Trump said. “You showed the world what professionalism is all about. You should be very proud, sheriff.”


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