Wednesday 21 March 2018

CIS Dean commends Mass Comm cleanliness campaign

The Ag. Dean Communication and Information Sciences, Dr R.G. Jimoh, has congratulated students of Mass Communication department University of Ilorin for innovating the #CISCLEANANDSAFE programme.

The cleanliness campaign is an offshoot of a course taken by the 300 level students of the department (International Communication and Community Relations), which involve one-day sanitation of the faculty, to buttress an integral part of the central issues addressed by the  course.

While addressing the students, he said, wh “Ordinarily, a lecturer can just teach you and finish the course but what you are learning here is more than what you can learn in the classroom.” Maintaining good environment is tangential to learning, he added.

Jimoh reported that, “When you come to the University, it is not about the cognitive activities alone, you are going to be awarded a degree not only in learning but in your character and your moral development.”

He further enthused that, the reason for the inability of students to observe night reading in the faculty owes to the fact that the people make sacrifices to ensure cleanliness in the faculty, which is often violated by some students.

He added that since the inception of the semester, efforts have been made to ensure a cleaner faculty, the students have to pay the sacrifice by vacating the faculty at night owing to shortage of hands, leaving the job of cleaning the faculty to casual workers.

The Dean appreciated the students and promised to write to write a letter of commendations to the lecturer-in-charge of the course Dr Lambe Mustapha  and the Department of Mass communication.

Kareem Zainab,


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