Tuesday 31 July 2018

Sequel to the circulating news of the resignation of some commissioners of the Unilorin Independent Student Electoral Commission (UISEC), the Union of Campus journalists(UCJ) in an exclusive interview with the Chairman of the commission, Abdul Qudus Jeboda, gathered that as at the time of the interview (11:58 am; 17th July, 2018), no resignation letter has been tendered by any member of the commission.

When asked what could have led to such acclaimed resignation at the eleventh hour, he made it clear that it might have resulted from the flexibility of the commission on a decision to disqualify certain candidate(s) earlier, until a different evidence of eligibility was provided.

The Chairman in his words stated that the commission is acting based on guidelines and requisite provided by the newly amended constitution.

Having met the necessary requirements, all aspirants were therefore allowed to participate in the electoral process.

As of the time of writing this report, all efforts to reach the concerned commissioners have proved abortive. Subsequent reports shall be made available as at when due.

Stay tuned.


Alleges external factors in the rumors

Says some candidates weren't qualified

Debunks allegations of conspiracy and manipulation

Reveals why some did not receive OTP

Following our lead to unravel the mystery behind the tensed atmosphere that greeted the early period of the Students' Union elections that took place on Tuesday July 17th, 2018, more revelations have started coming out as to the allegation of conspiracy that surrounded the just concluded union's elections in the University of Ilorin.

It was earlier reported (not by this platform) that a number of the commissioners of the electoral empire saddled with the responsibility of conducting the elections had resigned. Contrary to this, the empire chairman, Mr Abdul-Qudus Jeboda, had voiced out against the purported resignations of the members of the commission, according to the earlier report, the chairman opined that "...it might have resulted from the flexibility of the commission on a decision to disqualify certain candidate(s) earlier, until a different evidence of their eligibility was provided."

However, following our lead, one of the concerned commissioners has cleared the air on the issue; his involvement and what actually transpired.

According to the commissioner, the purported resignation was never tendered by him. "I did not resigned, I (only) show my grievance around 4 O'clock(eve of the election)." He alleged that it could have been the handiworks of some external forces. "The signatory you saw in the WhatsApp broadcast or anything was a blatant lie...because, you know there are some people outside, at least, probably they felt our grievances and decided to capitalise on it...you know that kind thing", he alleged.

It was further revealed that some of the candidates, the likes of Ashnos and Standard, based on the results of the screenings were initially disqualified and their inclusion in the balloting enraged the commissioners which was the bane of their grievances. When propped further as to the reasons for their disqualification and the subsequent inclusion in the process, the commissioner opined that for the disqualification, UISEC "worked based on the screenings" but on how the disqualified candidates found their ways back to the process, "I don't know", he simply said.

The commissioner who craved anonymity further denied being part of the decision that restored the disqualified candidates. He said the decision was made in his absence. "...I was not around, I left school early because I would be having test at 8am and I can't leave my 'primary assignment' because of something else... I actually did not know those who were present at the meeting (where the decision was made)"

He however said his not being part of the decision did not suggest that he was sidelined as "...it is necessary that a decision must be taken (even in his absence) because they are going to paste the screening results and they couldn't wait for me"

Intimated with the circulating allegations of manipulations and conspiracies working to favour a section of the candidates, the commissioner debunked such insinuations. He maintained that with the calibre of the people involved in the process, there could not be any form of manipulation. "I know the calibre of people at COMSIT...I know what they worth...how much any student can offer (them)?"

He however feared that if at all any manipulation existed, it could only come from the students, "There could be manipulation, but that manipulation would definitely come from students...I told you about the bypassing of OTP, there's a way. We are all students... I didn't want to get myself involved in this electoral process but I don't know how I later got myself involved because I always believe there's foul play somewhere", he feared.

In the meantime, the commissioner doused off the earlier report making the rounds that some electorates were being denied the access to their portal; alleging that not receiving their OTP was a deliberate attempt to disenfranchise a section of people. In his response, he said: "I met with the people of COMSIT and concerning that they said if any students did not receive the OTP, that means he or she have not provided the school with correct info"

Reported by Pressmen Abdullahi R. Adetutu, Ojebode S. Tomi, ******* Deborah, ******** Zainab; and the pack ably led by Abdul-Azeez Fadlullah

In an attempt to establish the truth on what transpired during the just concluded SU elections, the Union of Campus Journalists (UCJ),  University of Ilorin, has met with concerned persons to make clarifications based on their knowledge of the event.

Below is an interview session of UCJ with the Students' Union Senate President, Adekunbi Ademola, who made some revelations and clarifications regarding the trending matter.

UCJ: can we meet you?

SP: my name is Ademola Adekumbi, a 500 level student of the faculty of law currently occupying the position of students Union Senate president.

UCJ: what is your perception on the on going ruckus as regard the just concluded election?

SP: my perception of it is that there are two set of people who are involve in raising the dust. On one hand,  there are some people who are being sore losers , having participated in the electoral process and have found out that they themselves and their candidates did not win,  and are deliberately trying to inflame the emotions of people,  I don't know for what purpose, maybe they want to use that as an excuse to the fact that they did not win. And the other hand is the people who are genuinely concerned about what happened, let say they are true activist,  but they are being misled by the information that are not verified.

UCJ: does that mean that the whole process was free and fair?

SP: I can affirm it that since the beginning of the election,  the whole process was free,  fair and most importantly transparent. Because you know as a law student,  there is something we often say that "justice must be done and must be seen to have been  done" most importantly the whole process was free,  fair and transparent and most people can verify that. As there is nothing hidden. The procedures of Senate council, students affairs,  ISEC,  everything can be verified.

UCJ :  what do you have to say about the rumour of Animashauns's result?

SP: there are several rumours on that,  there are some rumours that says Sub Dean did not allow networks like MTN,  Glo, Airtel to be fast on main campus

UCJ: let's start from that of his result (CGPA)

SP: The Senate council, at the beginning of this session, resolved constitutionally,  because the constitution says we can amend constitution   every four years.  It was done last four years by my predecessor, Olawoye from faculty of law and we resolved that we were going to amend the constitution and we accepted that the constitution should become valid this session. People are raising a lot of dust about constitutional amendment for CGPA while forgetting that we amended a lot of other things in the constitution that would benefit the life and processes in the union, we put provisions in place to checkmate financial excesses, electoral transparency, checks and balances as well as a lot of things specifically the CGPA. Yes, the CGPA in the constitution before was 60% and it was amended to 52.5%.
Two major argument,  the first one was that 60% was way too high.  60% is the requirement to become a scholar in college of health sciences. You know in main campus here if you don't have up to 4.00 GP in a class no one will be scholar. is it then reasonable to use that as a bench mark for  becoming student union president? It is obviously not reasonable. The lady who had 18 awards last session,  a medical student,  she was celebrated widely,  she had 62 or 63%. That is some one who had 18 awards, some one that is exceptional. It is obviously too high,  so we reduced it.
You might want to ask why did we use 52.5 and not 55%. During the amendment, When we got to 55 % we discovered that the ratio of people who are eligible to contest on main campus and Oke Oyi are vastly different. On main campus,  3.5% is something that is achieved by approximately 25-30% of the population in each class. Ceteris paribus, although there are different ratios in classes and this tells you that what I am saying are not guesses.  We spent first semester second semester debating this issues. We did research,  got statistics from the University, got opinion from staff and students.
In Oke Oyi,  people who have 55% and above are usually about ten or twelve in a class of about 150 so reducing it would allow relatively the same proportion of students access to contest because we believe in a democracy and it must be free, fair and allow people balance I terms of their aspiration, that is why we choose 52.5% consensually after a vote in the senate council, there was nothing hidden,  People were allowed to speak,  even congress men present were also allowed to speak

UCJ: in the constitution, How long does an amended section stay before it becomes effective? 

SP: The answer to that is 'immediately'

UCJ: Is it embedded in the constitution like that?

SP: No it is not. The constitution provides the procedures for amending a constitution.  I know there was a broadcast that said according to the Nigerian constitution, when you amend a particular constitution it's not applicable in that administration. That is utter nonsense,  As a 500l law student,  I can categorically say that it's  utter nonsense.  A law becomes effective the moment the procedures for amending it is completed.  In the Nigerian constitution, the terminal procedure, after it has passed through National Assembly, house of representatives,  and has been sent to the president,  it must be gazetted . The moment that gazetting is done the law becomes applicable.
A very good example is the 'not too young to run', is it not enough to say that the not too young bill will not be applicable in this administration? If there is an election tomorrow the not too young bill will be applicable in as much as INEC has not yet published guideline then because the law will not be retro active and will be applicable immediately,  in the students union constitution,  the terminal position is that the president should sign and the moment he signs,  it becomes a new law in the students union and that is the general law across Nigeria.

UCJ: you mentioned earlier that the whole process was totally transparent,  what can you say about some people seeing their names on portal at the inception of voting as some names were no where to be found? what about cases of delay in OTP or no OTP at all

SP: First with regards to the technical issue and how it applies to transparency, something can be fair and transparent and also have technical difficulties. I don't believe that the whole of condition or the whole management conspired to hide some names on the portal. It was technical difficulties,  in fact, someone applied for all reports and his name was placed under senator, and there was someone whose name did not even appear on portal. In fact the position of Banks and Rainbow (AGS) was not found for about 30 minutes. Those were just technical errors.
Now on transparency,  A panel was constituted to monitor the elections at students affairs unit, which to the best of my knowledge is a new practice.  But I am aware that students affairs collected staff from various faculties. And constituted it into panel that has access to monitor How the election was progressing. The Dean of students affairs and the Sub Dean actually said they were going to Monitor the elections. So it is nonsense, those who say the Sub Dean is involved.

UCJ: There were rumours that after the election, voting portal was not closed, it's giving room for people to vote. What do you have to say on this?

SP: What I know as a half way computer person that I am, is that they terminated voting and saved results as at the time voting was terminated. In fact it was not only Sub Dean that was present at the collation center,  pressmen were there too,  it was a staff of COMSIT who had already saved every thing on his computer that was announcing the result.  So I don't know if anybody was able to vote after the election,  but I know that from what I have heard he terminated and collated results at 3:30 or there about

UCJ: Compared to what happened last year, the people that voted last year were not as many as this year. Almost 20,000 people voted and last year it was not up to that, with this don't you think that something could be fishy? Or do we say the level of publicity for this year was that high?

SP: On one hand, we can say that publicity was higher but personally, I don't think that was the case,  maybe people were more interested , you know the election was a controversial one, in fact the moment we had a candidate coming from college of health sciences,  more people were Interested. You will agree with me that a lot of stages beginning from the initial stage made this particular election more known maybe that might be the case and maybe there is something fishy as well, it is legitimate for people to circulate things like that but then people can speculate but with the absence of concrete evidence to anything that might have surged the vote, I think ultimately that those were just guesses.

UCJ: You mentioned that a panel was constituted to  check the voting process,  who are those that made up this process?

SP: I am not aware but I know. The pressmen who were present at the collation center would have seen some of them there, I am not certain though. Now formed by who,  that question is very key, the undertone is, you know this word accusation,  Sub Dean!, Sub Dean! Sub Dean, they have forgotten that the students affairs unit is under the leadership of the Dean. People who are so eager to ascribe this ultimately humongous power to the Sub Dean have forgotten that Sub Dean is junior,  as a matter of fact far junior to the Dean of students affairs and several other people who are involved in the University administration.  So they thought that Sub Dean would be running agog and doing whatever he likes in the students affairs and the Dean, prof. L. T Ajibade,  a professor of many years would not caution him if he was doing wrong,  it's just not logical.  As a matter of fact what it shows is that they are on the same page.  Unless you are saying that anybody in the University just conspired against you and your candidate. It is more likely that the system was proper and did not have the Dean so to say.

UCJ: What do you have to say concerning the fact that the day before the election,  some candidates were not cleared and another result released had almost all candidates cleared.

SP: Well, I have never seen that,  but I want to believe that they were exigent among chances,  I cannot specifically say what they were but I want to believe that they were ...maybe it was  a typographical errors,  but I have my opinions, but my opinions are speculative and would not be proper for me to express as a matter of fact,  I think UCJ should be able to ask chairman ISEC to get more details.

UCJ: There were also rumours that some people were at disadvantage during the voting exercise,  like someone wrote a piece where he registered his grievance,  according to him/her,  as at the time when there was power cut here on main campus, he took a jerk to the other side and he found out that the story was different, in the sense that they had a stable power supply,  the network was dope, Wi-Fi was a plus...

SP: As the Senate president of the students union,  for the past one year approximately, there is no sitting we had that senators from oke Oyi has not come to complain about the situation of things in their campus,  that they don't have light,  they don't have water,  they don't have this, they don't have that because they do not use the same light as the University of Ilorin. While we enjoy relatively good light, they use the light of the general public in that area. This "Concerned Unilorites" has never complained before that people in Oke Oyi do not have light sometime when people in main campus have light o
Does Sub Dean control power department in the University of Ilorin?  Because they said it was sub Dean that did it.  And they said he did it because he is Christian and his candidate is Christians as well. the question is the people there, are they Christian as well? I want to guess that there would be Christians and Muslims there as well.  Is the Sub Dean In control of MTN, GLO, Airtel, Wi-Fi ...network as well? Let's be rational,  if you were Sub Dean of students affair,  does that mean you will go round in all departments and be like see, we want our candidate to emerge o,  you put off the light,  you turn off Wi-Fi,  you go and tell MTN to make their network bad. It's not logical.  They brought light here(in main campus) eventually, in fact, it was people at Oke Oyi that were constantly calling to tell me they could not get OTP before it started here.  They don't even have functioning Wi-Fi at all in most places in Oke Oyi,  that person did not say that,  UCJ can verify.

UCJ: What other Things do you have to say?

SP: I want to say that people should ask questions, I served as senator two years ago and as senator,  I have been involved in a lot of things that are controversial and as individual,  if you are doing something and there is no controversy around you,  you are probably not doing anything significant,  and if you are doing anything worth while some people will be happy and some will not be happy.  The point I am driving at is while I was serving as a senator, there were several open letters, because I served in about 5 committees and there were always one issue or another and I responded to every open letter I got that had a name attached to it. But I cannot respond to letters that are anonymous mouse because I know those people don't have an obligation to be truthful, respectful, and they don't have the primary obligation to even care about the fact that I put forward. But as senate president of this university, and I represent every student of the faculty,  if you approach me and ask me questions,  whether it's online, in person, in private, I will respond and take my time to give you break down. But I am aware that the University staff, though might not be as accessible as I am, but I know they will not shout at you if you go and ask them questions. Even Sub Dean of students affairs and the rest of them. So the point I just want to plead with the university of Ilorin student is that,  whatever it is that is not clear, just try and find out from whoever name you see and get the perspective before you believe it because a lot of people believe that thing that when a law is passed it does not become effective until the next administration. There are about eight hundred and something law students go and ask them, they will tell you that a law becomes operative immediately it is signed. That is the position of the law but some people who don't know will believe, swallow and share it to others thereby harming people's reputation and causing uproar in the University.  Democracy grow by active participation and active participation must be done with A level of rationality. So it's not just about sharing bc it's about finding out the truth and sharing the truth.

It should be noted however that these are words of the Senate President and not by any means, the opinion of the Union of Campus Journalists. Stay tuned as we make more clarifications and discoveries.

Team of Interviewers: Pressmen ******** Zainab, Ojebode S. Tomi, Abdullah R. Adetutu; and the pack ably led by Fadlullah Abdul-Azeez.

Friday 27 July 2018

With the sole aim of achieving excellence and alleviating poverty in Nigeria, Yattiyr scholarship initiative, a non-governmental organization is going to different schools to award scholarships to students that have a bright vision about their future but are restricted due to the financial limitations faced by the parents of those students which restrict them from achieving their academic dreams.

The Yattiyr scholarship initiative consists of a corp member and students from different departments in the University of Ilorin. They visited two different government owned schools in Ilorin; community grammar school, oke-ose and River Basin college on July 12, 2018.

On April 27, 2018, the members of the organization visited the community grammar school in oke-ose and presented questionnaires to the senior secondary school one and two students that had questions about their goals after school, their future ambition and the conditions that are restricting them from achieving their set goals. The various answers submitted were thoroughly analysed and five students, two girls and three boys were carefully selected and awarded scholarships on Thursday. The scholarship covers their school fees for the three terms in the next school session. The beneficiaries were surprised that they were called out for the scholarships and they were grateful to Yattiyr scholarship initiative with gleaming smiles on their faces. One of the beneficiaries was not present in the hall when he was called because he was sent home for his school fees, the foundation promised to pay his school fees so he can stay in school.

Yattiyr scholarship initiative also organized a reading club for the students in a bid to promote their reading habits and to foster academic interactions among the school students. The executive director of grouped and each group was led by an elected group leader. Yattiyr scholarship initiative, Fatoye John, a medical student, told them that the meaning of “Yattiyr” in Hebrew means excellence, he motivated them to always strive for excellence, ready to learn and not to give up on their dreams. The vice principal also encouraged the students to be serious with their academics so as to get more scholarships like this.

Also, on June 12, 2018, in River Basin College, the foundation held an academic seminar for the senor secondary school one and two students which focused on achieving life goals. The seminar got the students attention and they were bold in discussing their future ambition with the members of Yattiyr scholarship initiative.
On Thursday, Yattiyr scholarship initiative presented fifty different textbooks to the school. The books cut across the various academic disciplines at the secondary school level, there were inspirational books, motivational books and literature books. 

They appealed to the school that the students should be given a free access to use the books. The vice principal promised that the books will be kept in the library so the students can access to the books. Mr. Fatoye encouraged the students to always make use of the library to read different books, he also told them that the best friend of an active mind is the pen. An active mind seeks knowledge and writes whatever he learns.  One of the teachers appreciated the members of the organization for their kind gesture. The vice principal also appreciated the members and persuaded the students to be ready to learn every day, make use of the library and appreciate the knowledge gotten from different fields of life. A reading club was created and the students that were interested in joining the club. The students were grouped and members of the Yattiyr scholarship initiative were assigned to different groups to oversee the development in the student’s reading habit.

YSI, the acronym for Yattiyr scholarship initiative is a team for young minds taking hold of leadership in her little sphere of influence to proffer hope and access to quality education for promising indigents via advocacy, mentorship and scholarships. YSI has a vision to expand their horizons and reach out to many students that are interested in learning and also to achieve excellence academically. To know more about this foundation, visit this website:

ysischolarships.com, on Facebook: Yattiyr scholarship foundation, Instagram: Yattiyr Scholarship or through mail: Yattiyrscholarships@gmail.com. For more questions, you can call 08169310932 or 08124956652.

_by Ukor Jonathan_

Folks, let us go through a lifetime of dedication and innovation in the systematic study of what was before-time known as the most complex cognitive system, Language.

It might have been that N. Chomsky played a fool of us all when the concept of 'generative grammar' began, or didn't. But if after empirical evidences supported his claims of: a Universal Grammar (UG), the innate 'Language Faculty', an unordered bundle of features in phoneme, an infinite number of sentences derivable from a finite set of rules, and the various interactions between the seven 'golden' modules of grammar, we would readily accept being fools under the arms of N. Chomsky.

Perhaps, it was this fame and, of course, the ingenuity of N. Chomsky that caused modern linguist to digest whatever theories propounded by Chomsky as the gospel truth. Chomsky fame was sporadic, in fact, his own students (cf. James McCauley, George Lakoff, Paul Posta, John Ross, etc.) initially doubted his qualities of being an 'accurate' teacher. It was reported that the students of F. de Saussure published a book posthumously from lecture notes given by F. de Saussure. Now imagine the world-wide shame of being questioned by those you intend to advance your teachings, it's quite pitiable but even geniuses can be corrected. Chomsky, after some cain-and-carrot techniques, refined the perceived inaccuracy in his 1965 theory and in so doing resolved the protracted academic dispute, alias the 'Linguistics War'.

If 'colourless green ideas sleep furiously', I doubt N. Chomsky had any of such ideas. His presence in almost all nooks and crannies in the field of linguistic is of somewhat 'disturbing' to students and potential linguists. Fanatics of Chomsky's theories would argue that the word 'disturbing' is made up of scattered distinctive features; or is contextually ambiguous; or needs to be derived from a 'deeper' deep structure; or is a structural verbal phrase, etc. their arguments can be expressed ad-infinitum. Navigate through an up-to-date dictionary, you are most likely to find terms like Chomskyan, Chomskyanism, Chomskyite, and all other (x-)chomsky(-x) related terms. To students and potential linguists, N. Chomsky's ubiquitous preeminence in the field of linguistics is filled with mixed feelings. Some are somewhat amazed and intrigued by this and would nickname themselves as 'academic wives' of Chomsky (forgetting that facts such as age and experience qualifies him of being their great-grandfather); others and most would throw stones at him (their reason? I have no idea). Whatever mixed feelings, the inevitable truth remains that N. Chomsky is one of the giant authorities in the world of research.

But even the brightest of minds make mistakes. The most recent work of N. Chomsky has been criticized as been a 'structure of unscientific revolution'. His 1993 program, alias Minimalism, although widely accepted by a great number of linguists (which remains puzzling), is empirically baseless. N. Chomsky, again, played a fool of us all, and this time majority of us trusted without questions his claims. "Just so. Given the lack of any obvious content in the basic question that the MP takes as its starting point, it is particularly surprising that so many linguists have chosen to adopt its assumption without demanding additional clarification or empirical motivation." (Lappin et al. 2000)

N. Chomsky's ingenuity, however, still remains second to none. Here is what he did: he said 'Hey! I believe grammar is perfect and derivations should be economical'. And we replied 'Wow! Nothing is truer'. Then he chipped in that 'It's only a program though, open to your criticisms', and we reply 'Whatever! '. Other things being human, the Minimalist Program (MP) calls out for another chomsky or anti-chomsky who will lead and take linguistics analysis to height beyond N. Chomsky intuition. A question begs - 'will such a person emerge?'.

© Ukor Jonathan (2018)

+234 803 778 7666

In the mid-hours of yesterday, the shocking news of Kuranga Aishat Yetunde, a missing undergraduate of the University of Ilorin went viral on social media. She was identified as a 200Level student of the Department of Educational Technology, Faculty of Education of the Varsity.

According to some sources, she was last spotted on the university main campus demesne at around 7:00PM on Tuesday, 24th July, 2018.

UCJ UNILORIN gathered from a source which, however, affirmed that she is 19 years old, averagely tall and has a chocolate skin-colour. It further stated that she is a resident of Lagos Female Hostel of the University Main Campus, Compound C, Room No. 28.

Sequel to the incident, in a public statement released and published by the Students' Union on its official website (www.unilorinsu.com) on Thursday, 26th July, 2018 at exactly 07:19PM and in order to make known its stance, it proclaimed the said student missing and further stated to offer its support in scouting her up.

The statement read; "We use this medium to declare Kuranga Aishat, a 200Level student of Educational Technology missing. The Student Union joins her friends and family in the search of our dear colleague."

Thus, in a bid to facilitate the search for the missing student, the Students' Union urged the student populace and the entire university community who will get acquainted with her whereabouts to communicate the information to any of these phone numbers; 0706 533 6172 or 08033423902 for immediate intervention.

Since the occurrence became known few days ago, the atmosphere has been tensed and there have been various speculations and conflicting opinions from different quarters of the student populace regarding how the female student got missing while a student organization also alleged her to have been found. But for now, no verifiable information about her precise location has been received yet.

As at the time of filing this report, efforts to reach the Students' Union officials and concerned authorities for their views on the circumstance were to no avail.


Sunday 22 July 2018

The agog moment that greeted the announcement of Mr Forunsho Fatai Adisa 'ThatUnilorinBoy' of the Department of English as the winner of the just concluded Faculty of Arts Students Association, FASA presidential election could be described as one already budded in the hearts of the teeming students of the 'Heartbeat' faculty of the University of Ilorin.

Folorusho broke the jinx of a long tradition to become the second FASA president to have come from the Department of English Language and Literally Studies since the creation of the faculty in 1976. One Poul Coudija, had, in 1996/7, achieved the same feat, but like one would hastily close a non-interesting book's chapter, Coudija closed the door against continuity of such privilege in the department. However, Folorunsho, on Thursday, the 19th July, 2018, reopened the chapter. He led his people to the poll and broke the status quo to reclaim, as Abdul Maleek, the current president of English department, would put it 'a long overdue entitlement'; having pooled a striking non-marginal votes of 1,157 to disarm his closest contender, Mr Bakare Odunayo Michael also known as 'MC Slim' who pooled 530 votes.

The number one seat of the faculty student' Union power had always been rotated among three purportedly strongest departments in the faculty that brands herself with the appellation: 'The heartbeat' of the University of  Ilorin. The outgoing president, Mr Ogunbi Oluwapelumi Michael popularly called 'D Unique', from the department of History and International Studies, HIS, succeeded one Mr Adura from Religion who in turn took the mantle from one Babajide from Linguistics departments, respectively.

This supposed unprecedented achievement by the department of English could, without any recourse, be said informed the wild jubilation that welcomed the pronouncement of 'ThatUnilorinBoy' the next president of the ever politically conscious faculty.

In the early hours of the election day, political atmosphere could be sensed to be endearing and conducive as the majority of the electorates could confide with our correspondents. According to a 400Level student of the faculty, Mr Ibrahim Saks, he expressed his level of satisfaction, in his word: "from what I have seen, everything looks in order; and that is very being sincere, because I can see very arranged line, a line barricading people...so far so good, they have been doing an excellent job."

When engaged by our correspondents some hours into the process, another electorate, this time, one of the serving Senators from the faculty of Arts constituency, Senator Sanni, he opined "Satisfaction will come to those who are contesting but my primary concern is that the whole process is going on smoothly." It is worth noting, however, that Sanni is unarguably one of the political bigwigs of the faculty.

The chairman of the electoral empire, Mr Zinsu, had, in the early period into the election processes expressed dissatisfaction concerning the apathetic attitudes of the electorates towards the election. He lamented low turn out from a number of departments in the faculty. In his words, "the electoral process has been impressive, however, there is low turn out from the department of French and Arabic electorates", He lamented.

The staff adviser to the faculty students' association, who also coupled as the faculty's delegated observer to the electoral process, The Head of Department, Performing Arts, Professor Abdul-Rasheed Adeoye popularly called 'Rashy' opined that, "...weather anybody likes it or not, youth must take over and we must teach them what is correct." He said this in response to the allegation of ballot paper theft which later turned out to be a false alarm from the observing candidates' agents, those Mr Rashy tagged 'false alarmists'.

A 200level student of the faculty, Micheal Ajibade in company of his friend, Nnanna, also, as electorate, expressed his level of satisfaction as regards the whole process; "...I'll just advice them (the school) to put in place such arrangements like this year's, in the years to come", Ajibade further advised. Other interviewed electorates further entrenched the dominating opinions concerning the electoral processes.

Some power brokers, however, in their diverse caucuses and interests were seen upping their antics in a bid to seeing that things work to their dictates; hence, being 'busy' was their willing tool as excuse to evade speaking with the press.

The results sheet from the electoral empire, FASEIC, that will see to the inauguration of a new executive body of the faculty's apex students' association have as follows:

      Total Cast = *2031*
      Total Void = *11*

Ahmed AbdQuadri Kayode (Abdul)  --- *333 votes*
Bakare Odunayo Michael (MC Slim) --- *530 votes*
Folorunsho Fatai Adisa (ThatUnilorinBoy) -- *1157 votes (Winner)*

*Vice President*
      Total Cast = *2031*
      Total Void = *19*
Yusuf Silifat Temitope (Toyosi)  --- *925 votes*
Ojolowo Nafizat Temitope (MASCOT) --- *1087 votes (Winner)*

*General Secretary*
      Total Cast = *2031*
      Total Void = *61*

Jimoh Tunde Salami (Ambassador)  --- *832 votes*
Salem Joel Gospel (Gospel) --- *1138 votes (Winner)*

*Public Relations Officer (P.R.O)*
      Total Cast = 2031
      Total Void = 24

Omogbemile Blessing (AKT)  --- *719 votes*
Tijani, Olajide (Jeff) --- *1288 votes (Winner)*

*Welfare Secretary*
       Total Cast = 2031
       Total Void = 19

Awoyemi --- *673 votes*
Salawu --- *1339 votes (Winner)*

_Reported by Pressmen Abdullahi R. Adetutu, Jolomi Abdul-Azeez; the pack ably led by Muhammad Aisha Dabarako_

Friday 20 July 2018


The Department of Mass communication in conjunction with the Department of Health Promotion and Environmental Education has organised a one day environmental campaign tagged "Trash it well" at the university of the Ilorin.

According to the Students, the Campaign rally which held on Thursday, 19th of July around the school premises was meant to sensitize the students and the university community to be environmentally conscious. As this will go a long way to make sure the university environment is clean and the citizens will be disease free.

According to the Dean of Faculty of Arts, Prof. Mrs. O. Olademo, said, "This is a good initiatives that every student on campus have to embark upon to reduce the level of dirty environment around different Faculties".

This was also supported by the Faculty of officers of Agriculture who said, this has be  the tradition of Mass communication Students to sensitize students about dangers of their environment. And they have been doing it right.

During this awareness on campus, the locations paraded were the , Faculty of Communication and Information Sciences, Faculty of Management sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of social sciences, Faculty of Arts, and Faculty of Law just to mention a few.

Meanwhile, the Students presented different sanitation equipments such as dustbins, brooms, hand gloves, packers, baskets to the Deans of these Faculties respectively.

One of the students at the rally, Yahaya Habeeb Kayode, a 400 level Mass communication student said that " this campaign Rally on environmental sanitation should be supported appreciated by the university community to create more awareness next year".

However, Dr. Patrick Udende,the Sub-Dean of the Faculty of communication and information sciences supported the initiative and urged students to make sure that all awareness, strategies and implementations are effective and successful.

Part of the side attraction of the Rally was the ambiance given with drums and  saxophone to engage the students and make the rally lively.


Friday 13 July 2018

PRESS NIGHT 2017/18.

It was a very long night (8pm-5:35am) at LT1, when we had grilling sessions for SU CEC aspirants. We appreciate the patience, perseverance and tact of congressmen, aspirants, supporters, ISEC officials and UCJ members. It was because of you that we had a successful press night.

We implore electorates to carefully go through the results, as we hope it helps in the decision making process. However, we do not want it confused for screening, as they're two independent events.

To this, we say good luck and farewell. We hope to see you next year, as we quiz next set of aspirants. Thank you, and have a great decision making process.

Akinyemi Muhammed Adedeji — Princely X,
Chairman, Press Night Committee,
Union of Campus Journalists,
University of Ilorin.

Wednesday 11 July 2018

Adekeye Rahmah

The Student Chemical Society of Nigeria (SCSN) University of Ilorin chapter, has held her annual inter-university competition, in the department.

The event which came up on the 27th June, 2018 involved participants from OAU, UI, OSUTECH and UNILORIN and was themed: "Beauties of chemistry beyond the classroom."


A lecturer of the department of industrial chemistry, Prof.Okeola, while speaking about the competition said that, the competition is organised to enlighten chemistry students on the importance of chemistry in the outside world and and to give more insight to chemistry.

The participants from each schools were asked were asked to pick their questions from various aspects of chemistry which include Analytical, physical, organic and inorganic chemistry which were each divided into two session.

At the end of the two sessions, Unilorin emerged first position, while OAU Abd UI emerge second and third respectively.


Abdulazeez Sodiq

The Department of marketing, University of Ilorin has held her annual symposium, marking the incipience of the stream of programs designed for her graduating students.

In his speech entitled; "Career opportunities for marketing graduates", an alum of the University of Ilorin, Mr Quareeb Esiniobiwa, urged students to harness the various opportunities in the field of digital marketing. He also  identified public relations, consultancy, product management, copy writing, search engine marketing as part of the areas which graduating marketing students can specialise in after school.

However, he charged students on the need to acquire relevant communication, problem-solving and analytical skills in order to have an edge over others in the same field. "The best investment is the one you make in yourself", he added.

Also, he advised the audience to tap into areas such as personal branding, Internship, Strategic planning, Volunteering and Digital marketing in the pursuit of their career advancement.

Furthermore, the HOD of the department, Dr. Y.I Mustapha, in his contribution opined that to become a digital marketer is easy to come by. He said: "you don't need to be a core marketer to venture into digital marketing". He therefore, tasked students to build on the ingenious skills that they have acquired throughout their academic sojourn in the University.

The event had several dignitaries in attendance, among whom are Dr. R.A Gbadeyan, Dr. K.A Bello, Dr. M. Abdularaheem, Dr. G.T Oladipo and Mr. A.G Olowo.


By: SOL. Adisa Ridwan

The word “criticism” varies from one observer to another and from ones’ perception to another. While some generally believe criticism should be based on some set of citizens’ interest, others disagree believing it to be based on general welfare of a particular Nation. According to research, criticism is derived from the French critique, which dates back to at least 14 century, the words “critic” and “critical” exists in the English language from the mid-16th century and the word “criticism” first made its appearance in English in the early 17th century.

The French expression critique has root in Latin (“criticus”- a judger, decider or critics) and even earlier classical Greek language (“krites” means judge, and “kritikos” means able to make judgment) (Wikipedia). Some people describe criticism as tools used in correcting government mistakes while others took it as a game to pass their time at leisure.

Generally, criticism can be categorically recognized as a vector. Criticism as described as “vector” is the direction of a judgmental speech in directly proportional to the amount of reaction that warrant the criticism. Criticism can be oral or verbal depending on the critics’ discretion and the nature of the environment to receive the criticism.


Nigeria as a case study

Nigeria, where democracy is ardently practiced adhering to the provisions of the Nation’s constitution, the original sight of criticism has been lost due to the ignorance of many citizens of the country. However, the elites amidst them are still unable to differentiate between positive criticism and political threat. Nigerians have suffered great delusion from the true criticism since they have allowed their thoughts to exercise the thinking and action while neglecting the chain of brotherhood for politics.

In a democratic system of government, right to freedom of expression and freedom to hold opinions are constitutionally presumed for the citizens unless been invalidated by any reasonable law or actions. The concept of criticism in a democratic system of government should be aimed at the people, by the people and for the people. But here in Nigeria, the situation is otherwise as it is carried out by the elites to dispute facts, defame others and slander the people of higher positions/degrees and the government with neither adequate knowledge of the present situations nor the past. A great many times here in Nigeria, Criticism has been used by many to hide their weakness by blaming the system neglecting her trials and abilities to strive for better governance. Until we realize the right concept of criticism, our economy, political affair, love for each other and all that could trigger development, shall be jeopardized, because not few but many Nigerians today preferred dogmatic criticism to solidarity yielded by the efforts of every industrious citizens.

The Nation’s Fault and Criticism

We are always welcome to Nigeria where all faults are well cooked and literally gathered to threaten the integrity of any system. The Nigerian government is not in exclusion of the operation as many have lost hope in Nigeria due to the incessant gathered faults attributed to the government even when it is obvious that the problem is facilitated by the people of the same system.

According to our research methodology, we realize the Nation’s fault by examining the system, our government and her citizens. Lots of Nigerians are realized to be weak and not able to lift up their personal downtrodden not to make mention of setting out periods to provide solution to natural challenges. Many could not look up to the lowest arm of government closer to them to make some corrections or contributions while others can but believe they lack the appropriate position and enough money to claim what is right.

In lieu of battling with those challenges and attributes of ours, Nigerians defame the government who does not meet up the expected standard by criticizing negatively and gathering some slanderous information portraying more weakness of theirs. Today we realize instead of portraying a shameful conditions, we could suggest for ourselves some convincing questions like; why, why can we not ask? , why are we afraid of them? , do they really have feelings? , do they also possess some fears? Or they receive an irrefutable order from some superiors? and so on.

These are questions we Nigerian should ask always within our inner self rather than portraying our weakness. The fact is the government also have fear, they have feelings also, they would prefer answering our questions and do the needful but they have superiors. They also have those who give them orders which they cannot defy, we have elected them but those superiors have selected them. Have you ever wondered why those who promise our citizens the right things failed to fulfill their promise?, or Do you think from inception, not even a single Nigerian would have preferred solving the Nation’s problem?, No, there are lots and still, there will always be more but they are afraid also. The fear that obstruct Nigerians from challenging the status quo even as at when necessary also deprive her government the strength and courage to defy their superiors. Nigeria should be aware of the fact that justifications for their fear are justifications for our government weakness.

Nigerians are required to stand firmly to fulfill the promise of our weak representatives. Who are the cabals? , who are the superiors?, who are the government?, compare to the strength derived and love from defending our fatherland. If Nigerians can hide under the fear of attack by the government, the governments are also wise to hide under the fear of their superiors. Let us respond to the National call by lifting up the downtrodden together, supporting just call, standing for what is right and also condemning what is wrong instead of portraying unfavorable conditions. Doing this would not only make the Nation bright or mend the Nation’s fault but will allow for generations to come live in a serene environment.

Our Preferred Solutions to Criticism

Our elucidation above proved criticism not to necessarily imply “finding faults”, but the word is often taken to mean the expression of an object against ignorance no matter positive or negative. Criticism often involves active disagreement, but it may only mean “taking sides” (Wikipedia). It could just be an exploration of the different sides of an issue.

Since research has reveal that criticism in Nigeria is likely to result to more harm than good, why can we not just watch if not capable of preventing people from creating problems. However, as egalitarians, rather than criticizing dogmatically, provide solutions to the problem created in solidarity. Our solutions one day, we believe will take us to a position where we all will be left with only two powers, yes we mean two, just two powers. First, is the power to create more problems like corruptions, burgling, violations of human right, egoism, gerontocracy etc. and secondly, the power to curb the act of all the above listed problems and crime, providing everlasting and positively dynamic solutions to the existing problems.

Our choice of the above listed powers will portray to the people of the same soil as us the true who we all are, yes we mean the true us because some days back, those we are criticizing today have also criticized people once in power.


The Governing Council of the University of Ilorin has approved the appointment of 22 new Professors and 15 Readers. 

The new Professors, whose appointments were announced by the Registrar, Dr. (Mrs.) Folaranmi Modupe Olowoleni, at the 270th Meeting of the University Senate, are Dr. AbdulWahab O. Issa, the University Librarian; Dr. G.B. Adesiji of the Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development; Dr. Oluyemisi B. Fawole of the Department of Agronomy; Dr. A. S. Abubakar of the Department of English; Dr. S.O. Ikibe of the Department of the Performing Arts and Dr. Hannah Olawumi of the Department of Haematology.   

Others are Dr. A.A. Akanbi II, Department of Medical Microbiology and Parasitology; Dr. B. O. Bolaji , Department of Anaesthesia; Dr. P.M. Kolo, Department of Medicine; Dr Omonego V. Mejabi, Department of Information and Communication Sciences; Dr. M.A. 

Fakomogbon, Department of Educational Technology; Dr. R.A. Shehu, Department of Health Promotion; and Dr. Bolanle Olawuyi, Department of  Social Sciences Education.
Also elevated are Dr. J. O. Olaoye and Dr. K. A. Adeniran, both of the Department of Agricultural and Bio-Systems Engineering; Dr. K.R. Ajao and Dr. I.K. Adegun of the Department of Mechanical Engineering; Dr. Omolara O. Oluwaniyi and Dr. A.A. Baba of the Department of Industrial Chemistry; Dr. O.M. Kolawole and Dr. A.A. Adewara of the Departments of Microbiology and Statistics respectively. 

Those elevated to the position of Reader include Dr. O.O. Ibrahim of the Department of Pathology; Dr. Dupe S. Ademola-Popoola of the Department of Opthalmology and Dr. S.A. Aderibigbe of the Department of Epidemiology and Community Health; Dr. M.F. Akorede of the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering; Dr. S. Abdulkareem, Mechanical Engineering; Dr. A.M. Ayanshola, Water Resources and Environmental Engineering; Dr. A.S. Kasum, Dr. T.A. Olaniyi and Dr. O.F. Osemene, all of the Department of Accounting; Dr. M.A. Ajayi and Dr. I.B. Abdullahi, both of the Department of Finance;  Dr. E.M. Osezua of the Department of Public Administration, Dr. Y.A. Ahmed of the Department of Geography and Environmental Management; Dr. Oyebisi Azeez of the Department of Veterinary Physiology and Biochemistry and Dr. Adesina Lukman Azeez of the Department of Mass Communication.

The Governing Council of the University of Ilorin has approved the appointment of four substantive Directors for four technical and professional units in the University. 

The new Directors are: Dr. Rasheed Adekeye Odunola, Unilorin Health Services; Engr. Abisoye Adesoji Mudasiru, Works Unit; Mr. Kunle Ibrahim Akogun, Directorate of Corporate Affairs; and Dr. Adams Bashir Olajide, Physical Planning Unit.

The new Director of Health Services, Dr. Odunola, was a successful private Medical Practitioner before joining the services of the University of Ilorin in 2011.He was appointed the Ag. Medical Director of the University Health Services in March 2017. He is the first and only non-teaching staff member to sit on the University Governing Council, having been unanimously elected by the Congregation in October 2017.

The new Director of Works, Engr. Abisoye, joined the services of the University in 2011 as Deputy Director. He was Telecommunication Engineer at Murhi International, Lagos; Chief Engineer, Concord Press, Ikeja; and General Manager, Technical Services of The Nation newspaper. He was appointed Ag. Director of Works in August 2017.

The new Director of Corporate Affairs, Mr. Akogun, is a consummate journalist of the print media genre. He is a former Group News Editor, National Assembly Editor and Editorial Board member of the influential THISDAY Newspaper before joining the services of the University of Ilorin in 2012 as Deputy Director, Corporate Affairs.

The new Director of Physical Planning, Dr. Adams, joined the services of the University as Chief Architect in 2008 from the Federal Ministry of Works and Housing, where he was an Assistant Director. He was appointed Deputy Director of PPU in 2012.


Department of Mass Communication

University of Ilorin

11th July, 2018.

Department of Mass Communication University of Ilorin, is set to hold her annual Doyin Mahmoud lecture and her magazine launch, with a lecture set to be presented by the publisher of Nigeria's foremost investigative reporting platform, Mr. Dapo Olorunyomi.

The event will also feature the presence of two former Vice Chancellors of University of Ilorin, Professor Is-haq Oloyede and Professor S.O. Amali, who are set to be awarded by the Department.

The event which is to hold at the University Auditorium, and will have the Chief Executive Officer and Publisher of Premium Times Newspaper, Dapo Olorunyomi as the guest lecturer speaking on the theme: Digital Marketing and the Future of Traditional Media
The former Vice Chancellors are to be awarded due to their immense contribution towards the conception, birth and nurturing of the Department of Mass Communication. The event would also include the launching of the annual Lens Magazine by the students of the department.

Other dignitaries to grace the event include the Vice Chancellor of the University of Ilorin, Professor Abdulkareem Age, The Dean of Faculty of Communication and Information sciences, Dr. R.G. Jimoh and dignitaries from other tertiary institutions.

Sunday 8 July 2018

National President of Congress of NOUN students (CoNS), Adewoyin Adekola Tijani, has declared that he will sustain the good image of the Congress of NOUN students (CoNS), an independent National body of students union under National open university of Nigeria (NOUN), on Saturday 30th of June, 2018.

In an interview with CoNS Media, he acknowledged that the outgoing administration led by the great Patriot, Mr. Lurd Bouch worked tirelessly  to move CoNS to a greater hight before passing the mantle of leadership to us. "And we won't relent, we  will start from where they stopped and make sure we also achieved greatly before the end of our tenure," he said.

He expressed his gratitude to all Congress of NOUN students (CoNS) for their support during the Campaign and the just concluded free and fair election for their votes given to him  and solicited  for their supports and prayers  to landed safely as he begin to drive the ship of CoNS.


Wednesday 4 July 2018

ISIAKA, Azeez Ayinde(Azcombine),

IBRAHIM, Ismail Mojishola.

The Cultural Security Forum (CSF), University of Ilorin chapter, has held her cultural summit on June 30, 2018.

The program saw a remarkable distinguished guests graced the occasion, while the Honouree, HRM Oba Abdul-Rasheed Olabunmi Ayotunde, other special guests in attendance were equally welcomed.

Mrs. K.W Salee, Staff Adviser of the cultural security forum, in her opening remark, welcomed and expressed her joy at the arrival of the Honouree of this august occasion and the Collegiate President of CSF, Adedimeji Adnan started the occasion properly and officially. The theme of the lecture tagged: "The role of the Nigerian youths in promoting national development and cultural values."

Professor Ayo Akinwale in his lecture, shared his experiences and making references to his youthful age.

"The youths of a Nation are the future of that Nation and culture is the totality of life and undisputably regarded as a way of people for a particular period of time. Equally, culture is to be learnt from one generation to another and people are changing as to the Society changes, he emphasized," he said.

He stated that no Nation would be happy to invest in some lazy youths and called the youths to educate their minds and soul and being a creativity is the key at the youth level. "Wake up and never remain dreaming, stand up and think how those dreams you had had would come to reality," he said.

HRM Oba Abdul-Rasheed Olabunmi Ayotunde, commended the guest speaker and added that the youths should inculcate the habit to live a virtuous life on campus because it would paved way for them to live same after the completion of their various degrees, and besides, the youths who are not proud of their culture has lost in life, he said.

Eventually the Attorney General of the Students' Union represented, Mr Abdul basit Mustapha, inuagurated the newly elected executives led by Adekanye walliyullah, 300level combined law student as they all sworn and took the pledge to serve the forum with doggednes.

Presentation of awards to the guest speaker and the honouree for their effort towards the actualisation of the programme, was done by the Sub Dean, Student Affairs.


By Kehinde Ogunlade

The Law Students’ Society (LSS), University of Ilorin, has recently held the second annual edition of her Personality Lecture entitled: “Prospect of the Legal Profession: Tapping the untapped Goldmines” in honour of Dr. Joshua Olukayode Olatoke SAN FCIArb.

The event which held at the Faculty of Law, featured the presentation of award to the honoree, Dr. Joshua Olukayode Olatoke SAN FCIArb and former Attorney General of the Federation Chief Akin Olujinmi CON SAN.

University’s Vice Chancellor, Prof. Suleiman Age Abdulkareem, was duly represented by Dr. Hakeem Ijaya, who lauded the LSS executive for their initiative and choice of the honoree as well commended the faculty for their assiduous effort and support to the success of the personality lecture. He added that the choice of the honouree was putting a square peg in a round hole.

In his remarks, the Dean of Law, Professor A.O Oba who was represented by Dr. Saka Olokooba said that the choice of the honoree by the Students’ executive was a good decision and the faculty felicitated with one of their own distinguished legal luminary.

The President of the Law Students’ Society, Mr. Ademu Desmond Francis, in his address, said that the personality lecture was an initiative conceived and implemented by his predecessor Mr. Olalekan Abdulrahman usually in honour of a member of staff who has achieved a remarkable feat from a fusion of law and academics.

He noted that the executive decided to main the status quo by organizing this second edition of the personality lecture in honour of an outstanding legal luminary. Ademu thanked the honouree and the guest lecture for honoring their invitation.

The guest lecturer, Chief Akin Olujinmi SAN, in his lecture said “Globalization has completely changed the face of the legal profession. Today professional intercourse across borders that was not there in the early days of the legal profession in Nigeria has become easy now.”

He continued, in the developed countries of the world, like United Kingdom, United States of America, Japan etc. the profession boasts large partnership practices.  He pointed out that apart from engaging as an advocate there are several other opportunities that are open to lawyers.

He added, that the civil service will continue to need you; the corporate bodies will continue to need you. As the business fortune of the country improves, it is definitely going to redound to an improved outlook for the legal profession. 

The former Attorney General of the Federation noted that the good lawyer is always in demand and to be a good lawyer means you have to work hard. “The ultimate dream of every legal practitioner is to become a Senior Advocate of Nigeria. The belief is that once you become a Senior Advocate of Nigeria, you have hit instant fortune.”

He said. The learned silk added that no doubt, the title opens the field wide for a holder of the title and it may provide the key to that imaginary goldmine.  He further added that what makes a good lawyer and leads to imaginary goldmine is not the silk, wear as a Senior Advocate but hard work as it is  in every human endeavour hardwork is the key to success.

The honouree in response thanked the guest lecturer for honouring the invitation, all the Senior Advocates and others dignitaries present. He specially thanked the Students that he was humbled by the honour. In her vote of thanks, LSS Vice President Abubakar Maryam thanked the guest speaker Chief Akin Olujinmi, honoree Dr. Joshua Olukayode Olatoke, University and faculty management and others for honouring their invitation.

The event was graced by the former Attorney General of the Federation Chief Akin Olujinmi CON SAN, the honoree Dr. Joshua Olukayode Olatoke and the former President of the Court of Appeal Justice Isa-Ayo Salami (Rtd). Others include Chief Lateef Fagbemi SAN, Kehinde Eleja SAN, and Speaker of the Kwara State House of Assembly Dr. Ali Ahmad. Members of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) Ilorin branch, members of staff of the faculty of law as well as students.


In the process of constituting FIEC, FOSSSA Independent Electoral Commission, an uproar stemed out from the association.

FIEC which is expected to have all faculties represented, surprisingly had a hand full of the departments constitute the electoral commission. As issue of impersonation,  politicking and constitutional negligence were leaked.

A representative from the department of psychology was accused of impersonating. According to report gathered, the impersonator was said to have been nominated by the clerk of the house. But when asked, the clerk asserted that she was not aware that among her nominees was an impostor, stating that she didn't directly nominate FIEC representative from her faculty.

According to her, she instructed that all names be collated based on approval, before been forwarded.

After a thorough session, the impostor was dismissed and one out of two nominee from the department of psychology was left.

The speaker suggested a nominee from criminology be withdrawn, for been an 100l student, and be replaced by another but he was declined.

Hon. Ola, an SRC member of the faculty, read out the clause of the constitution which state that, a FIEC member must be one who haven't held any political post.  He further revealed that a representative from psychology holds a position in his department, this saw the department of psychology not been represented.

Com. Deji suggested that the formation of FIEC should be postponed till the next day for proper representation.

The President, Kelvin, also pleaded that the congress be shifted so all departments can be duly represented, but he was objected.

The speaker submitted that if any anything go wrong he wouldn't be accountable, since it is the decision of the majority.

Here are the list of sworn in fiec representatives:

Akinlaso Nasirudeen Femi...geography (chairman)

Nasri Rotimi M... Social works(general secretary)

Lawal Olajuwon Mustapha... Political science (P. R. O)

Adeoti Sheriffdeen... Economics

Aremu Adams Adebisi... Economics

Oyedokun Ibukun O. Geography

Oladimeji Oluwafemi Babatunde.

Babaita Abdulrasheed... Social Works.

The house however concluded that FIEC budget defence be presented on Wednesday, 4th of July 2018.


Tuesday 3 July 2018

The Faculty of Social Science Students Association, has dismissed an honorable and has also nullified the resignation letter sent by another honorable in a congress held on 2nd July 2018.

Hon. Detola from department of sociology and honourable Aisha were victim

According to the honourables, an agreement has been reached that whoever is absent from congress for a stipulated time consecutively will be a victim of dismissal, of which Hon. Detola was found guilty.

According to the message gotten from Hon. Detola, the reason for been absent for four consecutive time, has been as a result of the fact that he needed to attend to something very crucial as failure to do so would affect him psychologically.

A suggestion of #1000  fine was proposed to cover for his absenteeism, but was countered by the house.

Hon. Ola suggested that the reasons he gave was not genuine besides if honourables from psychology can be dismissed for impersonation, nothing should stop Hon. Detola's dismissal. He urged the speaker to be fair with his judgement. As the speaker pleaded leniency, emphasizing that both cases impersonation and absenteeism cannot be compared.

The dismissal was subjected to voting and moderated by the Chief Whip, of which majority voted in support that he should be dismissed, prompting the speaker to declare his dismissal.

Also at the sitting, the Clerk read and presented a letter of resignation from Hon. Aisha on the floor of the house, for the purpose of pursuing another at the student representative council.

Hon. Sanni revealed that the letter has no date and possesses no element of formalty.  He therefore propose that she write another letter.

However, Hon. Ola proposed that it's of no use writing another letter since she has started her campaign. He therefore suggested, by adopting the Student Union constitution that she be removed.

The house however left the case pending as it was suggested that the Student Union compendium be brought before the house and properly examined so identification of the clause in line with her situation can be adopted.


~~~ Iwayemi Zainab

The speaker of the Faculty of Social Science Students Association, Hon. Ajala Abdulsalam, has apologized to members of the honourable on the floor of the house, in a congress held on Monday 2nd June 2018.

The congress which had in its sitting honourables representing members of the faculty, demanding an apology from the speaker for allegedly consenting to the use of the faculty mace by some departments without consulting the house.

The clerk attested to the fact that she received a call from someone who requested her permission of using the mace for departmental congress but she had directed him to the speaker.

When asked if he truly granted permission for the use of the mace,  in all sincerity  the speaker gave a yes as an answer adding that although he had allowed the mace be used, he gave it on a condition that the maze must not be damaged.  But he didn't know they would be using it from time to time.

Hon. Ola clarified that he is not indulging in any witch hunting exercise with the speaker neither is he been value laden, according to him the speaker should have made them go through the right protocols before granting access  for the usage.

Hon. Sanni added that if the dept of Social Works could write to the appropriate quarter to use the mace, what stoped the other departments . He also mentioned that he had seen the department of psychology use it for on about three occasions.

Hon.Immaculate suggested that the speaker apologize for granting permission to use the faculty mace without the consent of honorable members. The speaker therefore apologized on the floor of the house for not taking along other members, and his apology was accepted.

A motion for the adjournment of the sitting till Wednesday 4th July, 2018, and was duly seconded.


by: Ukor Jonathan

One would hope that the so-called cloud of the University of Ilorin would in fact circulate the ‘WiFi-sphere’ of the campus, but reverse is the case. Even in places where the Unilorin_Cloud have been observed by students to be available, it appears that as soon as the authorities notice the web of students using such spots, it gets deactivated. Is this a way of the school authority telling students that they are constituting nuisance, or that they have exhausted the amount paid for bandwidth? I wonder!

In a recent conversation with one of my closest colleagues, who agitated her feelings regarding the issue of the unavailability of the Unilorin_Cloud in accessible and conducive locations for students; that it would have been better if she had done the normal ISP subscription than pay for this ‘rubbish’ WiFi. Of course, all UNILORIN students also share in this plight. Come to think of it, the sight of a fellow students sitting by the roadside, or asking annoying questions such as “WiFi dey dis side?” or standing for hours with hands raised (as if in adoration to God) to get better signal is just very disheartening and pathetic.

For those not conversant with what Unilorin_Cloud is, here is a scholarly definition: Liberty (2018) defines Unilorin_Cloud as “an abstract concept, paid by all but almost non-existent, used by a feudal set of students in the University of Ilorin”. Some students may be familiar with password codes such as ‘elib’, ‘cls’ and the likes; others may used the conventional ‘surname-as-password’ code. Whichever way, a question still begs if the Unilorin_Cloud is available and accessible to ¾ of the student populace? Let’s hypothesize that a quarter of students in the University are the ‘big boiz’ and ‘big galz’, that is, those who claim to be self sufficient in purchasing the normal monthly ISP subscription. Obviously, the answer to this question is a colossal NO, because who would not take joy in standing for hours to access a very poor WiFi network.

This is not to say that students don’t use the school WiFi, they do apparently. Some even have memories of wasted hours using the Unilorin_Cloud. Personally, I recall the long hours under the pavilion at the Faculty of Arts, the injurious hours of loitering around the walls of the Faculty of Law, the time spent beside the Senate Building, my once-upon-a-time usual morning routine in front of the Student Affairs, and most remarkable, night classes as the Student Union Building (SUB). All these are now in the past and forgotten. I can say for a fact that there are no Unilorin_Clouds at the Faculties of Arts and Law, at least not one you can successful connect to. This is really disheartening and a fraudulent act, I mean, just imagine, for something we paid for – why can’t we use it? Well, #ThisIsNigeria where lots of anomalies happen. If lecturers can demand for some kind of incentives from students before attending to them, what else can be more contradictory in the University? Well, that’s a story for another time.

The latest Unilorin_Cloud spot on campus now is the bank area (ask for directives from a fellow Unilorite), so when a colleague says he/she is going to the bank area, you’d better not expect money from him/her. I would then wonder, is this a customer-enticing strategy employed by the banks or is it another case of imprudence on the part of the school authority? Don’t answer that, it’s rhetorical. You shouldn’t even dare to blame nor jeer at students who muster around to use the available WiFi, don’t call them Jews rather refer to them as human rights activists. They are the ones saying – “come what may, I paid for this, this is my right”.

I would advise the University authority to improve the services of the ironical Unilorin_Cloud by making it warmer (everybody loves a warm atmosphere) or scrap payment for bandwidth and stop extorting and exploiting student.


Monday 2 July 2018

By: Tomori Uriel

Sowemimo Abiodun Alex (born on the 25th of December 1986) He’s a multiple award winning Global business Tycoon, Computer Programmer, Internet Entrepreneur, Domain Broker & a Media Mogul. He is the Chairman/CEO CvMetric Network Company, Jazaza E-Commerce, Vice Chairman Vapour Paint Plc, Founding Partner Infocus T&M. He is best known as founder of the global data system of information profiling Application PagePedia. Sowemimo Abiodun has enlarged his line of businesses & also founded PageOmni Technology Company, PagePedia, CvMetric, Jazaza E-Commerce, Infocus T&M, The Revolution of Internet Media. He is the current President of Africa Emerging Generation of Innovators. He has alot of experience in Computer programming & Internet. Over the past years, He has led a company involved in the web-design and development of public and private application design projects in many communities. In addition, he has formed and led companies in the development, building, auction & sales of premium web domains. He understands the design, development, content & auction.

He knows how to get it built and sold as well, on the 17th of February 2018 he launched a book titled (The Future of Money) with Unachukwu Emeka. Sowemimo Abiodun has served as the Chief Executive Officer of PagePedia Global Data System of Information from January 2016 till July 2017. He gained invaluable understanding of the public process and the numerous challenges that a municipality faces long term as well as any given day. He understands the budgetary constraints, and the maintenance issues of web & mobile application.

He’s an outstanding true global citizen that shows natural genius for planning things. He can erect, construct and practically assemble applications to make things work with a unique cerebral excellence. Over the years, He has helped many clients, both public and private, deal with creating content & design, permitting, and development challenges. Mr. Sowemimo has been fortunate to have worked with experienced, talented, professional, and dedicated partners, staff, and sub- consultants. The approach has always been to build a team (Group) to get the job done. He is an embodiment of professionalism and an achiever per excellence.

Sowemimo Abiodun branded networks and numerous specialty firms provide profiling of individuals, corporate promotional content description for organization, advertising, business networking, global directory, strategic media planning and buying, digital and interactive marketing, direct and promotional marketing, public relations and other specialty communications services to Millions of clients in more than 100 countries. As a strategic multi resourceful indivdual he manages a portfolio of global market leaders comprised of many global profiles agency networks, numerous leading national advertising agencies; a global network of million marketing services companies; and a media group. that includes several world’s premier providers of media planning and buying services. Sowemimo Abiodun offer services in over 50 world marketing communications disciplines across more than 200 strategic brand platforms.

The only ephithet that can aptly capture the essence of this man with a lion heart is a colossus. A personality that encompasses simplicity and a knack for qualitative service to humanity and especially imparting knowledge to our generation. Sowemimo is garbed with enviable success with a guiding mantra that says ( Preparing generation for total greatness) This is apt because this great man of words does not only live and exemplify the fertile knowledge he has for years drummed into countless number of individuals who have been lucky to encounter him. A man who has attracted multiple honoures with a catlogue and a dazzling height success. Sowemimo Abiodun is leading light and a formidable beckon of hope in the business world. Welcome to the I of Sowemimo Abiodun, the Commander in Chief of the Internet Revolution. Hear him and what he thinks about our generation, “Our aim is to make future leaders of this generation such as to have self confidence to meet the challenge of the future, the humility to knowledge, the success of others, the compassion to support others who encounter difficulties and the maturity to take responsibilty for their own action” Sowemimo is a visionary pacesetter and a man of valour.

Just before the expiration of your tenure, I think it'd be unfair if we kept mute and pretend that all has went well so far, the 17/18 Students' Union of university of ilorin Should be reminded that their administration is undoubtedly a failure. We wouldn't want the coming administration to lead by your example except otherwise they'd be leading a failed example as well.

We attended your manifesto, you did well, you lied well, who care's? It is politics, we expected it, what we didn't expect is a honorarily failed administration that can't even point out anything it has accomplished after 10months in office. We had thought you will do well when you get elected to lead us, but you failed, woefully; you chose things that are of less importance to our academic excellence and general well-being, you betrayed the promises you made during your campaign and manifesto. 

The promise of being a good representation of students interest.

The promise of leading the Union forward

The promise of making academic activities easier and transportation easier.

The promise of easy access to internet.

I have infact already lost count of the promises you made but failed. 

If only we could reverse back to the past and bring in your predecessor to rule us all over again, did I just typed rule? "Serve us all over again;,) if only.

Surfacing with this piece to label your tenure a failure is not a decision i made according to my own prejudice. It is what has happened, it is what is happening, I'll apparently be biased if I left out the reason behind the failure of your administration, so I'd rather have you lend me your eyes right away:


This is certainly indisputable pillar of your administration which you woefully failed in. In a tertiary institution access to information is very important to every student, it is the job of the office of the PRO to disseminate information to all student using the appropriate medium at the appropriate time with the appropriate grammatical English construction. But the office of the PRO failed in this, your predecessor had only a means of disseminating information, they had only WhatsApp group chats, yet they delivered outstandingly. Your administration have more than 4 medium, (The scoolnetwork website, the scoolnetwork application, the students union official website and WhatsApp) yet we saw nothing, we are seeing nothing, it is so unfortunate that CA test for 100/200l students was announced on Thursday even when the test was supposed to commence the coming Monday, what happened to the two weeks prior notice we usually had?. Office of the PRO failed, in fact the PRO broadcasts during the election campaign was much more than the news disseminated since the assumption of his office  

I mean altogether.


 Water and electricity was nothing close to what we dearth last session, I mean we had enough of it,there was electricity, night class was all at ease, the hostels had water. It sadden I had to use "had" because we do not have those things anymore. Students from private hostels and infact School hostels have practically and literally extend their concern on this to the office of the President, yet nothing was done. All the feedback that was heard were still the same fake promises made during campaign. 

As i recalled this wasn't the case during the time of your predecessor, they took every aspect of student complaints very importantly. 


We now walk with fear on campus, especially overnight, not specifically running from cultists or bullies or thieves, but we are cohabiting with large snakes, so many of them in different colors, fat snakes, green snakes black snakes (python, viper, cobra) why because the bush around the classes are taller than the tallest student in the class. We have appealed to the office of the president to help with this so student don't get bitten by deadly snakes but little or nothing has been done about it.


My colleague has written severally to the president on this, I was a victim at Tanke, the rule is you don't get to have beards, if you do, don't walk, If you walk, you'd get arrested by SARS because you have beards and you're portrayed to be an internet fraudster, you'd be forced to give them money, if you don't they beat you up. It has even gotten so intense that these SARS now move randomly to students hostel around oke odo to beat them up. We have asked the president to do something about this yet we've seen no change concerning the issue so far.

I'll equally loose count on this if I continue to enlist the reasons why your administration has failed.

My fellow Unilorite, Election "baga bugu" has commenced again on campus, let's choose who we deem worthy of whatever position for the coming administration, Say no to intimidation, say no to influences, say no to big grammars that does not apply on writing and common sense of leadership.

Choose the best, let us walk off this path of failed governance, and walk back once again into the path of facile campus life.

I'm Akin Omo Akin
The Oracle Of Java