Wednesday 11 July 2018

Criticism: Weapon of an Incompetent Being

By: SOL. Adisa Ridwan

The word “criticism” varies from one observer to another and from ones’ perception to another. While some generally believe criticism should be based on some set of citizens’ interest, others disagree believing it to be based on general welfare of a particular Nation. According to research, criticism is derived from the French critique, which dates back to at least 14 century, the words “critic” and “critical” exists in the English language from the mid-16th century and the word “criticism” first made its appearance in English in the early 17th century.

The French expression critique has root in Latin (“criticus”- a judger, decider or critics) and even earlier classical Greek language (“krites” means judge, and “kritikos” means able to make judgment) (Wikipedia). Some people describe criticism as tools used in correcting government mistakes while others took it as a game to pass their time at leisure.

Generally, criticism can be categorically recognized as a vector. Criticism as described as “vector” is the direction of a judgmental speech in directly proportional to the amount of reaction that warrant the criticism. Criticism can be oral or verbal depending on the critics’ discretion and the nature of the environment to receive the criticism.


Nigeria as a case study

Nigeria, where democracy is ardently practiced adhering to the provisions of the Nation’s constitution, the original sight of criticism has been lost due to the ignorance of many citizens of the country. However, the elites amidst them are still unable to differentiate between positive criticism and political threat. Nigerians have suffered great delusion from the true criticism since they have allowed their thoughts to exercise the thinking and action while neglecting the chain of brotherhood for politics.

In a democratic system of government, right to freedom of expression and freedom to hold opinions are constitutionally presumed for the citizens unless been invalidated by any reasonable law or actions. The concept of criticism in a democratic system of government should be aimed at the people, by the people and for the people. But here in Nigeria, the situation is otherwise as it is carried out by the elites to dispute facts, defame others and slander the people of higher positions/degrees and the government with neither adequate knowledge of the present situations nor the past. A great many times here in Nigeria, Criticism has been used by many to hide their weakness by blaming the system neglecting her trials and abilities to strive for better governance. Until we realize the right concept of criticism, our economy, political affair, love for each other and all that could trigger development, shall be jeopardized, because not few but many Nigerians today preferred dogmatic criticism to solidarity yielded by the efforts of every industrious citizens.

The Nation’s Fault and Criticism

We are always welcome to Nigeria where all faults are well cooked and literally gathered to threaten the integrity of any system. The Nigerian government is not in exclusion of the operation as many have lost hope in Nigeria due to the incessant gathered faults attributed to the government even when it is obvious that the problem is facilitated by the people of the same system.

According to our research methodology, we realize the Nation’s fault by examining the system, our government and her citizens. Lots of Nigerians are realized to be weak and not able to lift up their personal downtrodden not to make mention of setting out periods to provide solution to natural challenges. Many could not look up to the lowest arm of government closer to them to make some corrections or contributions while others can but believe they lack the appropriate position and enough money to claim what is right.

In lieu of battling with those challenges and attributes of ours, Nigerians defame the government who does not meet up the expected standard by criticizing negatively and gathering some slanderous information portraying more weakness of theirs. Today we realize instead of portraying a shameful conditions, we could suggest for ourselves some convincing questions like; why, why can we not ask? , why are we afraid of them? , do they really have feelings? , do they also possess some fears? Or they receive an irrefutable order from some superiors? and so on.

These are questions we Nigerian should ask always within our inner self rather than portraying our weakness. The fact is the government also have fear, they have feelings also, they would prefer answering our questions and do the needful but they have superiors. They also have those who give them orders which they cannot defy, we have elected them but those superiors have selected them. Have you ever wondered why those who promise our citizens the right things failed to fulfill their promise?, or Do you think from inception, not even a single Nigerian would have preferred solving the Nation’s problem?, No, there are lots and still, there will always be more but they are afraid also. The fear that obstruct Nigerians from challenging the status quo even as at when necessary also deprive her government the strength and courage to defy their superiors. Nigeria should be aware of the fact that justifications for their fear are justifications for our government weakness.

Nigerians are required to stand firmly to fulfill the promise of our weak representatives. Who are the cabals? , who are the superiors?, who are the government?, compare to the strength derived and love from defending our fatherland. If Nigerians can hide under the fear of attack by the government, the governments are also wise to hide under the fear of their superiors. Let us respond to the National call by lifting up the downtrodden together, supporting just call, standing for what is right and also condemning what is wrong instead of portraying unfavorable conditions. Doing this would not only make the Nation bright or mend the Nation’s fault but will allow for generations to come live in a serene environment.

Our Preferred Solutions to Criticism

Our elucidation above proved criticism not to necessarily imply “finding faults”, but the word is often taken to mean the expression of an object against ignorance no matter positive or negative. Criticism often involves active disagreement, but it may only mean “taking sides” (Wikipedia). It could just be an exploration of the different sides of an issue.

Since research has reveal that criticism in Nigeria is likely to result to more harm than good, why can we not just watch if not capable of preventing people from creating problems. However, as egalitarians, rather than criticizing dogmatically, provide solutions to the problem created in solidarity. Our solutions one day, we believe will take us to a position where we all will be left with only two powers, yes we mean two, just two powers. First, is the power to create more problems like corruptions, burgling, violations of human right, egoism, gerontocracy etc. and secondly, the power to curb the act of all the above listed problems and crime, providing everlasting and positively dynamic solutions to the existing problems.

Our choice of the above listed powers will portray to the people of the same soil as us the true who we all are, yes we mean the true us because some days back, those we are criticizing today have also criticized people once in power.


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