Tuesday 31 July 2018

Unilorin'18 Aftermath: Rumoured Resigned Electoral Commissioner speaks

Alleges external factors in the rumors

Says some candidates weren't qualified

Debunks allegations of conspiracy and manipulation

Reveals why some did not receive OTP

Following our lead to unravel the mystery behind the tensed atmosphere that greeted the early period of the Students' Union elections that took place on Tuesday July 17th, 2018, more revelations have started coming out as to the allegation of conspiracy that surrounded the just concluded union's elections in the University of Ilorin.

It was earlier reported (not by this platform) that a number of the commissioners of the electoral empire saddled with the responsibility of conducting the elections had resigned. Contrary to this, the empire chairman, Mr Abdul-Qudus Jeboda, had voiced out against the purported resignations of the members of the commission, according to the earlier report, the chairman opined that "...it might have resulted from the flexibility of the commission on a decision to disqualify certain candidate(s) earlier, until a different evidence of their eligibility was provided."

However, following our lead, one of the concerned commissioners has cleared the air on the issue; his involvement and what actually transpired.

According to the commissioner, the purported resignation was never tendered by him. "I did not resigned, I (only) show my grievance around 4 O'clock(eve of the election)." He alleged that it could have been the handiworks of some external forces. "The signatory you saw in the WhatsApp broadcast or anything was a blatant lie...because, you know there are some people outside, at least, probably they felt our grievances and decided to capitalise on it...you know that kind thing", he alleged.

It was further revealed that some of the candidates, the likes of Ashnos and Standard, based on the results of the screenings were initially disqualified and their inclusion in the balloting enraged the commissioners which was the bane of their grievances. When propped further as to the reasons for their disqualification and the subsequent inclusion in the process, the commissioner opined that for the disqualification, UISEC "worked based on the screenings" but on how the disqualified candidates found their ways back to the process, "I don't know", he simply said.

The commissioner who craved anonymity further denied being part of the decision that restored the disqualified candidates. He said the decision was made in his absence. "...I was not around, I left school early because I would be having test at 8am and I can't leave my 'primary assignment' because of something else... I actually did not know those who were present at the meeting (where the decision was made)"

He however said his not being part of the decision did not suggest that he was sidelined as "...it is necessary that a decision must be taken (even in his absence) because they are going to paste the screening results and they couldn't wait for me"

Intimated with the circulating allegations of manipulations and conspiracies working to favour a section of the candidates, the commissioner debunked such insinuations. He maintained that with the calibre of the people involved in the process, there could not be any form of manipulation. "I know the calibre of people at COMSIT...I know what they worth...how much any student can offer (them)?"

He however feared that if at all any manipulation existed, it could only come from the students, "There could be manipulation, but that manipulation would definitely come from students...I told you about the bypassing of OTP, there's a way. We are all students... I didn't want to get myself involved in this electoral process but I don't know how I later got myself involved because I always believe there's foul play somewhere", he feared.

In the meantime, the commissioner doused off the earlier report making the rounds that some electorates were being denied the access to their portal; alleging that not receiving their OTP was a deliberate attempt to disenfranchise a section of people. In his response, he said: "I met with the people of COMSIT and concerning that they said if any students did not receive the OTP, that means he or she have not provided the school with correct info"

Reported by Pressmen Abdullahi R. Adetutu, Ojebode S. Tomi, ******* Deborah, ******** Zainab; and the pack ably led by Abdul-Azeez Fadlullah

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