Monday 2 July 2018


Just before the expiration of your tenure, I think it'd be unfair if we kept mute and pretend that all has went well so far, the 17/18 Students' Union of university of ilorin Should be reminded that their administration is undoubtedly a failure. We wouldn't want the coming administration to lead by your example except otherwise they'd be leading a failed example as well.

We attended your manifesto, you did well, you lied well, who care's? It is politics, we expected it, what we didn't expect is a honorarily failed administration that can't even point out anything it has accomplished after 10months in office. We had thought you will do well when you get elected to lead us, but you failed, woefully; you chose things that are of less importance to our academic excellence and general well-being, you betrayed the promises you made during your campaign and manifesto. 

The promise of being a good representation of students interest.

The promise of leading the Union forward

The promise of making academic activities easier and transportation easier.

The promise of easy access to internet.

I have infact already lost count of the promises you made but failed. 

If only we could reverse back to the past and bring in your predecessor to rule us all over again, did I just typed rule? "Serve us all over again;,) if only.

Surfacing with this piece to label your tenure a failure is not a decision i made according to my own prejudice. It is what has happened, it is what is happening, I'll apparently be biased if I left out the reason behind the failure of your administration, so I'd rather have you lend me your eyes right away:


This is certainly indisputable pillar of your administration which you woefully failed in. In a tertiary institution access to information is very important to every student, it is the job of the office of the PRO to disseminate information to all student using the appropriate medium at the appropriate time with the appropriate grammatical English construction. But the office of the PRO failed in this, your predecessor had only a means of disseminating information, they had only WhatsApp group chats, yet they delivered outstandingly. Your administration have more than 4 medium, (The scoolnetwork website, the scoolnetwork application, the students union official website and WhatsApp) yet we saw nothing, we are seeing nothing, it is so unfortunate that CA test for 100/200l students was announced on Thursday even when the test was supposed to commence the coming Monday, what happened to the two weeks prior notice we usually had?. Office of the PRO failed, in fact the PRO broadcasts during the election campaign was much more than the news disseminated since the assumption of his office  

I mean altogether.


 Water and electricity was nothing close to what we dearth last session, I mean we had enough of it,there was electricity, night class was all at ease, the hostels had water. It sadden I had to use "had" because we do not have those things anymore. Students from private hostels and infact School hostels have practically and literally extend their concern on this to the office of the President, yet nothing was done. All the feedback that was heard were still the same fake promises made during campaign. 

As i recalled this wasn't the case during the time of your predecessor, they took every aspect of student complaints very importantly. 


We now walk with fear on campus, especially overnight, not specifically running from cultists or bullies or thieves, but we are cohabiting with large snakes, so many of them in different colors, fat snakes, green snakes black snakes (python, viper, cobra) why because the bush around the classes are taller than the tallest student in the class. We have appealed to the office of the president to help with this so student don't get bitten by deadly snakes but little or nothing has been done about it.


My colleague has written severally to the president on this, I was a victim at Tanke, the rule is you don't get to have beards, if you do, don't walk, If you walk, you'd get arrested by SARS because you have beards and you're portrayed to be an internet fraudster, you'd be forced to give them money, if you don't they beat you up. It has even gotten so intense that these SARS now move randomly to students hostel around oke odo to beat them up. We have asked the president to do something about this yet we've seen no change concerning the issue so far.

I'll equally loose count on this if I continue to enlist the reasons why your administration has failed.

My fellow Unilorite, Election "baga bugu" has commenced again on campus, let's choose who we deem worthy of whatever position for the coming administration, Say no to intimidation, say no to influences, say no to big grammars that does not apply on writing and common sense of leadership.

Choose the best, let us walk off this path of failed governance, and walk back once again into the path of facile campus life.

I'm Akin Omo Akin
The Oracle Of Java

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