Sunday 11 June 2017

Painful Exit of a Unilorite who died a day after her birthday

The entire members of the Linguistics Students' Association (LISA) were shocked by the death of their dear colleague, Miss Ajisafe Cathryn, a former 200 level student.

UCJ UNILORIN gathered that the deceased died in her parent's home on Saturday after a brief illness. The tragedy occurred a day after her birthday.

UCJ UNILORIN also gathered that the late Cathryn announced her birthday on the LISA whatsapp group before she kicked the bucket the following day, on the 3rd of June.

"We dropped her inexhaustable wishes while celebrating another added year on earth, not knowing that her sojourn is drawing nigher and her days her numbered,"the LISA official release revealed.

In his lamentation on her death, the LISA President, Mr Baruwa, had this to say: "Initially, I didn't believe when I was told, I believed Kate is dead when I saw her friend's post on Whatsapp."

He also revealed that the Association was trying to request for a lecture-free day from the department on Monday, 5th of June, in honour of the departed soul.

"We will be visiting her home on Monday by 10am to pay our condolences", he said.

Sadulahi Hammed

1 comment:

  1. Rest on well my darling sister. Till we meet to depart no more.


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