Tuesday 6 June 2017

Making Impact without Being in Office: The Story of Oni Hilda Eyitayo

You don't necessary have to be in office before making an impact in the lives of people. You can contribute your own quota in your own little way to put a smile on so many faces. When you do this, it then portrays you as someone who gives without an ulterior motive. Like Mother Theresa of Calcutta once said, 'few of us can do great things. All of us can do small things with great love.' This is the story of Miss Oni Hilda Eyitayo.

Hilda, a final year student of Law, is a typical example of a philanthropist dedicated selflessly to the growth and development of her faculty. This is in spite of the fact that she lost a controversial and keenly contested election for the office of Vice President sometimes last year. It was an election that gravitated mainly to the office of Vice President as against the office of President which is the usual focus of any election. Reverse was the case in this regard.

In that election, the two contestants for the office of Vice President (Hilda and Risqiat) were super-ladies with overwhelming presences that overshadowed the persona of the then presidential aspirant and by extension, the office of President for being a sole candidate. Having lost to her fellow contestant under intriguing circumstances, Hilda was pressurized to file a lawsuit challenging the validity of the election results. No, she resisted the temptation (howbeit plausible) for the overall interest of the Law Students' Society.

In the midst of all this, Hilda maintained her disposition characteristic of her usual charm, style, energy, and collaborative effort. She would be there anytime she's called upon to serve in other capacities. Hilda is indeed an epitome of service to humanity.

UCJ UNILORIN gathered that this rare gem has decided to do more for her constituency by sponsoring an inter-level Moot and Mock competition; the first of its kind in the faculty of Law, University of Ilorin. For the purpose of emphasis, she is solely sponsoring the advocacy-based competition as a token of her contribution to her society. Before casting a shadow of doubt as to her actual intention, it is instructive to note that she is a graduating student who have few weeks left in the school.

On the face of it, her gesture is honourable because there's nothing left for her to contest for. She would have been gone for good by the time the next academic session begins. Therefore, don't be quick to judge her intention as self-seeking or what have you.

The Hilda-sponsored competition has been slated to run from 19th through 22nd June, 2017.  It will feature law students from 100 to 400 levels. 100 level will compete against 200 level on 19th June, while 300 level will take on 400 level on 20th June. The winners of the two sides will compete in the finals scheduled to hold 22nd June, 2017.

What's more? UCJ UNILORIN can confirm that the preliminary rounds of the Moot and Mock Competition will be anchored by Law lecturers, while the finals, (as the norm), will be facilitated by a High Court Judge.

In addition, the overall winner will be given a cash prize and a glass plaque, while the second and third positions will go home with cash prizes and certificate of participation. Other participants will be given certificates of participation as well. We have it on good authority that attendees will be duly refreshed during the finals of the competition.

Hilda, for all intent and purposes, has displayed honesty and charity to serve humanity without any material benefit or reckoning that comes with public office. This is what she is doing right now to uplift her community without being in public office, what about you?

Osuji Chima Francis


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