Friday 29 September 2017

Melania Trump book 📖 donation snubbed by US 🇺🇸 librarian

A librarian at a primary school in the US state of Massachusetts has rejected a donation of books from First Lady Melania Trump.

Liz Phipps Soeiro, of Cambridgeport Elementary School, also criticised the Trump administration's policies. Mrs Trump said in a letter to the children who will receive the books: "Getting an education is perhaps the most important and wondrous opportunity of your young lives." 
But in a lengthy editorial for the Horn Book's Family Reading blog, Ms Phipps Soeiro explained why her school does not need the books, while thanking the first lady for her gesture. 

"My students have access to a school library with over nine thousand volumes and a librarian with a graduate degree in library science," she wrote. "Why not go out of your way to gift books to underfunded and underprivileged communities that continue to be marginalized and maligned by policies put in place by Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos?" she wrote.

The Cambridge school district said its views are not represented by the editorial. "The employee was not authorized to accept or reject donated books on behalf of the school or school district," it said in a statement.


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