Thursday 28 September 2017

Original Playboy Hugh Hefner Dead

Hugh Hefner, the iconic founder of Playboy magazine, died at his home, the Playboy Mansion, of natural causes at age 91, Playboy Enterprises said in a statement.

Playboy magazine was founded more than 60 years ago to create a niche upscale men's magazine, combining images of nude women with in-depth articles, interviews and fiction by a variety of well-known writers.

Hefner reportedly founded the magazine with $600 and another $1,000 borrowed from his mother. The first centerfold, an iconic feature of the monthly magazine, was of Marilyn Monroe.

While the magazine was a mainstay of college dorms and young men's libraries, the availability of free porn online has sent its fortunes on a downswing.

As for your humble correspondent, he always read Playboy for the articles!

RIP, Hugh!


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