Wednesday 27 September 2017

Trump tweet: Beyond Observation

It looks like the NFL heat hasn't cooled off yet. Trump dedicated half his twitter feed to respecting the National Anthem, and then spent the rest of it calling out Fake News, being annoyed at Mc Cain and finally, talking about Hurricane Maria‼️

🐦 CNN is FakeNews. Just reported COS (John Kelly) was opposed to my stance on NFL players disrespecting FLAG, ANTHEM, COUNTRY. Total lie!

The CNN report, however, had actually quoted Kelly agreeing with Trump’s view on whether players should stand. “I believe every American, when the national anthem is played, should cover their hearts and think about all the men and women who have been maimed and killed,” Kelly told the network. “Every American should stand up and think for three lousy minutes.”The issue Kelly was “not pleased” about, was that the latest iteration of the culture war was sparked by the president.

🐦 General John Kelly totally agrees w/ my stance on NFL players and the fact that they should not be disrespecting our FLAG or GREAT COUNTRY!

🐦 Tremendous backlash against the NFL and its players for disrespect of our Country. StandForOurAnthem🇺🇸

🐦 Texas & Florida are doing great but Puerto Rico, which was already suffering from broken infrastructure & massive debt, is in deep trouble. It's old electrical grid, which was in terrible shape, was devastated. Much of the Island was destroyed, with billions of dollars owed to Wall Street and the banks which, sadly, must be dealt with. Food, water and medical are top priorities - and doing well. FEMA.

It took Trump five days to respond to the devastation wrought by Hurricane Maria on the lives of 3.5 million Americans in Puerto Rico, and when he finally did so the tweet was so devoid of empathy it threatened ⚠️ to spark a new controversy. The Trump administration has also refused to waive federal restrictions on foreign ships carrying life-saving supplies to Puerto Rico – a concession it readily made for Texas and Florida in the cases of hurricanes Harvey and Irma respectively.

🐦 A few of the many clips of John McCain talking about Repealing & Replacing O'Care. My oh my has he changed-complete turn from years of talk!

Someone's really hurt!

🐦 Ratings for NFL football are way down except before game starts, when people tune in to see whether or not our country will be disrespected

According to the NFL, Week 3 ratings were slightly higher than Week 3 in 2016.

🐦 The booing at the NFL football game last night, when the entire Dallas team dropped to its knees, was loudest I have ever heard. Great anger

Almost feels like the President is rallying a mob!

🐦 But while Dallas dropped to its knees as a team, they all stood up for our National Anthem. Big progress being made-we all love our country!

🐦 Luther Strange has been shooting up in the Alabama polls since my endorsement. Finish the job - vote today for "Big Luther."

Trump has made a final push to avoid a humiliating defeat in the Alabama senate contest, where latest polls suggest the candidate he is backing is trailing by up to 11 points.

🐦 Great interview on foxandfriends with the parents of Otto Warmbier: 1994 - 2017. Otto was tortured beyond belief by North Korea.

The parents of a student who was detained in North Korea for nearly a year and a half, then died just days after he returned home in a coma, lashed out at Pyongyang in their first television interview since their son's death and called on North Korea to be listed as a state sponsor of terror. Fred and Cindy Warmbier appeared Tuesday on "Fox & Friends," saying they'd had time to do some healing in the three months since they buried their 22-year-old son, Otto.

🐦 Thank you to Carmen Yulin Cruz, the Mayor of San Juan, for your kind words on FEMA etc.We are working hard. Much food and water there/on way

San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz on Tuesday lauded FEMA efforts in hurricane-battered Puerto Rico and dismissed President Trump's tweets about the nation's massive debt as unrelated to the island's deepening humanitarian crisis. "Make no mistake, there is a humanitarian crisis," Cruz tsaid. "There are thousands and thousands of people going back to their homes to find out they don't have a home to go back to." Cruz said, however, that aid was starting to reach the island, and "that is making people feel like we're not alone and we can make it," Cruz said, adding "FEMA people have been wonderful."

🐦 The NFL has all sorts of rules and regulations. The only way out for them is to set a rule that you can't kneel during our National Anthem!

🐦 ALABAMA, get out and vote for Luther Strange - he has proven to me that he will never let you down! MAGA

🐦 Honored to welcome Republican and Democrat members of the House Ways and Means Committee to the White House today! USA🇺🇸

Source: Duta


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