Sunday 8 October 2017

Journalist Kim Wall's head found in sea near Copenhagen

The head of Swedish journalist Kim Wall has been found, two months after she disappeared on a trip with a Danish submariner, Danish police say.

Divers found bags containing her head, legs and clothing in Koge Bay, just south of Copenhagen, the city's police inspector Jens Moller Jensen said.

They were found not far from where Ms Wall's torso was discovered 11 days after she boarded Peter Madsen's submarine on 10 August. Mr Madsen, 46, denies murdering her. He also denies a charge of mutilating her corpse.

Mr Moller Jensen said the bags, found on Friday, had been weighed down with pieces of metal.

He said a post-mortem examination confirmed the head was Ms Wall's and that it showed "no sign of fracture... [or] any sign of other blunt violence to the skull".

This would seem to contradict Mr Madsen's statement that she had died after hitting her head on a hatch.


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