Friday 10 June 2016

SU Presidential Race Kicks Off, as Aspirants Fly Banners

The race for the presidential seat of the University of Ilorin Students’ Union Presidential seat has kicked off following the ban lifting by the Independent Student Electoral Committee(ISEC) chairman, Atanda Abdul Qadir, a 500-level Law student, on the 2nd of June, 2016.

Just immediately after the ban was lifted, the University environment was painted with banners of aspirants contesting for various posts, starting from the Presidency, the Vice Presidential office, the General Secretariat, the Public Relations Office of the union and the Social Secretariat of the Union. 

At this time, every corner, block, and walkway have been littered with the fliers and banner of the aspirants. Some aspirants have even extra miles to embark on a one-on-one campaign and faculty-to-faculty awareness creation. 

It is remarkable to know that departmental and faculty elections are also in process.
                                            Abimbola Ridwaanullah (Erudite) reporting for UCJ.

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