Wednesday 15 June 2016

Unilorin SU Elections 2016-The Manifesto: How it unfolded (Part 1)

Students were gathered at the Students' Union Building (SUB) for the manifestos program organized by the Independent Student Electoral Commission (ISEC) from 3:10pm. The programme which held on Monday, 13th June 2016 attracted quite a large number of students.

At about 3:30pm, prior to the commencement of the  manifesto, supporters of various candidates took to ranting campaign songs, parading the audience with campaign posters while the Disk Jockey (DJ) continued playing songs.
It was all through a cacophony as the mantra continued.

Some students who were neither interested in the songs nor the campaign kept agitating as to when the manifesto would commence largely due to the fact that it was still a sunny evening.
At 4:02pm, the MC welcomed everyone present; and afterwards he gave rules and regulations to guide the success of the program.

He followed a certain sequence in calling the aspirants i.e from the Sport Secretaries to Presidents.
Each candidate were given three to five minutes for their manifestos except those of vice-presidents and presidents who were give seven and ten minutes respectively. Twenty-eight candidates spoke to the crowd all-together. General questions were asked and the questioners selected were strictly those on tag, and are of faculties outside the faculties of contesting candidates.

Some candidates were able to prove their worth and won the heart of some other students while some ended up disappointing their supporters; some other supporters' campaign actions even boomerang their aspirants as they rendered them inaudible.

During the process, one of the representatives of the ISEC stood to address the students on the modalities of the voting process. He made it clear that the voting process shall be no different from the manner with which we pay our school fees; that is without a  One Time Password (OTP) you cannot vote for your candidate. That’s to those whose portal phone numbers are non functional  should write to the Registrar through the student affairs unit via their respective Deans of faculty.

From the actions and reactions the students, it was gathered that some student are not pleased with the worrisome process of reactivating a functional number thereby preferring not to vote at all.



Before the first person Harun Abdul-razaq was called, students remained as noisy as ever until the MC threatened the stance of their respective candidates if the noise persist. Still to no avail.

ZINO: who said he's a student of Human Kinetics Education, and on that ground, he's best to fit in the position of the sport secretary.

*iZUBAIR’smanifesto could not be heard clearly as his supporters overshadowed his speech. After their speeches, they were asked how they would ensure equal representation from each faculties and departments. They all gave answers to that regard.


They all defined what they understood to be WELFARISM and why they think they're fit for the position.
Satellite proposed a five-point agenda. Which are: Transportation by privatizing the sector; Price regulation by calling general meeting and giving appropriate orientation; Optional payment of services.
He could not make known his other agenda before he went out of time.

HALOGEN and ADMEEN spoke in rapid-fire. They both appeared inaudible also as their supporters could not let them be heard.
They were asked: _"how would you ensure we stop queuing for transportation

STALITE in his words said "When I was in 100level I queued!, 200level I queued!, 300 I queued!, 400 level I queued!, 500level I promise we shall never queue again"

The audience were pleased with his reply and applauded him. Other aspirants gave their replies as well.


All the candidates defined their stance  for PRO as  "to disseminate information"

Some of them spent their time on advert rather that the manifestos before they were cut off their speech. Nonetheless, Advocate was able to enthrall the audience.
They were asked: "Are you really coming to disseminate information or to embezzle money" which they all claimed they’re  come for nothing but service.

Abdulwahab Abdulkarim (Karimous)
For UCJ Unilorin

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