Sunday, 10 September 2017

Google 🌍 support page reveals new ‘Headphones’ 🎧 product, probably Assistant-running ‘Bisto’

Over the past several weeks, we learned a great deal about headphones featuring Google Assistant codenamed "Bisto."

So far, all of the evidence comes from teardowns, but today we have our first non-Google app reference to these upcoming devices.

Heading to the Google Help page and viewing the full list of Consumer offerings reveals a new product called "Headphones," with a matching URL slug. It's unclear whether this "Headphones" page is for Bisto, but the Google app has thoroughly revealed the existence of a new device type.

It's possible that Google will also be making a first-party pair, as there are three Bisto codenames and an FCC filing from Google for a Bluetooth LE device.


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