Friday, 22 September 2017

Trump praises health care of Nambia, a nonexistent African country

President Donald Trump lavished praise on the health care system of Nambia during a speech at the United Nations. But there's one little problem -- there's no such country.  

"In Guinea and Nigeria, you fought a horrifying Ebola outbreak," Trump told African leaders gathered Wednesday. "Nambia's health system is increasingly self-sufficient."

Trump mentioned Nambia twice during the session attended by leaders of several nations, including Ghana, Namibia and Uganda.

Namibia dodged the Ebola outbreak that killed thousands in Africa two years ago and affected several nations, including the United States.

At the time, Namibia revamped its health care system to ward off an Ebola outbreak and treat sudden infections.

The tiny nation of 2.5 million people is one of the world's biggest producers of uranium. It shares borders with Angola, Zambia, South Africa and Botswana.


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