Tuesday 19 September 2017

Trump Tweet: All about US

Sunday and Monday morning have been all about Trump. From his retweet of all his supporters attacking fake media to the ones illustrating him making america great again, it looks like everyone's been focusing on the President and his awesomeness‼️

🐦 I spoke with President Moon of South Korea last night. Asked him how Rocket Man is doing. Long gas lines forming in North Korea. Too bad!

Following this tweet, residents in the North Korean capital are scratching their heads. Although there are reports of price increases, they’ve seen no queues at the few service stations in Pyongyang, a city of about 2 million people that has more cars than it used to but is still far from congested‼️

“We are not aware of any long queues at the gas stations,” one foreign resident of Pyongyang said. “At least, I haven’t noticed anything. I asked a few Koreans, and they haven’t seen anything either.”

🐦 Thank you! lana del fenty: we love and support Donald Trump

🐦 David Martosko: This is the NYTimes. Can you understand why so many reporters are cautious about working for them?

A former reporter of the NYT wondered ❓ out loud if making a 10-year-old mow the White House lawn was a good sign to labour laws and child labour!

🐦➿ Trumpism 9.0:

Trump's true fan illustrates him performing the herculean task of saving USA.

🐦➿ lana del fenty: Only true Americans can see that president Trump is making America great. He's the only person who can! Haters are jealous of his success 🇺🇸

🐦➿Trumpism 9.0 Team_Trump45 realDonaldTrump: Keep it up libs This will be 2020.

Apparently, the way things are going, America will be completely red by 2020.

🐦➿ Trumpism 9.0: Team_Trump45 realDonaldTrump

Awesome Trump with soaring stock markets in the background. 📈

🐦➿Trumpism 9.0: Team_Trump45 realDonaldTrump

Another one of a Trump train.

🐦➿ CNN Sucks: Donald Trump's amazing golf swing CrookedHillary

This is an edited GIF depicting Trump striking Hillary Clinton in the back with a golf ball. In the short video, Trump takes a swing with a golf club, knocking over a woman that appears to be Hillary Clinton as she enters a plane.

The caption is a reference to the term Trump coined about his vanquished opponent during last year's' presidential election.

🐦 My great honour. (Washington Examiner: Trump officially donates $1 million to Harvey relief efforts

Looks like he did keep up this promise!

🐦➿ Bloomgberg Markets: What Is Trump worth to Twitter? One analyst estimates $2 billion

Without Donald Trump Twitter Inc. could lose almost a fifth of its value. That’s the conclusion of Monness Crespi Hardt & Co. analyst James Cakmak, who said that the social media company would see as much as $2 billion in market value wiped out if realDonaldTrump quit tweeting.

🐦 Important meetings and calls scheduled for today. Military and economy are getting stronger by the day, and our enemies know it. MAGA

🐦 The travel ban into the United States should be far larger, tougher and more specific-but stupidly, that would not be politically correct!

Here we go again about the travel ban!

🐦 Loser terrorists must be dealt with in a much tougher manner.The internet is their main recruitment tool which we must cut off & use better!

🐦 Happy 70th Birthday USAirForce!

🐦 Happy 70th Birthday CIA!

🐦 We commend SG AntonioGuterres & his call for the UN to focus more on people & less on bureaucracy. USAatUNGA UNGA

Trump in his first appearance at the UN General Assembly on Monday called for “truly bold reforms” in the United Nations.

“In recent years, the United Nations has not reached its full potential because of bureaucracy and mismanagement,” he said, opening a session on reform. And apparently the Secretary General paid heed to his words‼️

Source: Duta


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