Sunday 31 December 2017

December 31, 2017.

Mr Afolayan Kazeem, popularly known as Halogen, ventilates his views, among others, on the 7,944 copies of souvenirs that can't be accounted for by the Eminent administration, in this concluding series of his exclusive interview with UCJ, UNILORIN.

UCJ: Have you heard from the contractor directly to know if he actually supplied the required number of souvenirs as agreed?

Halogen: Well, I haven't even called him at all. May be I will try and call him and whatever...the thing is...the reason this is coming out is because of the purported payment that is supposed to be given to Eminent by the contractor. So, as a result of his ways towards the contactor then...because the contractor didn't finish the project at the agreed time. So, he (Eminent) was threatening the contractor. He even told me to go and speak with the contractor then. But how can I speak with the contractor when I didn't even know what transpired between both of them?

So, I told him I've heard but I did not take any action. So, it was after the last payment was made that he asked for his own share, which I don't know(sic). So, that was what happened's left for everybody to believe and it's left for anybody not to believe. But it is quite obvious...even the case of Dr Afolayan in Geography, that Eminent recorded and...till today, Eminent is denying that it is not his voice.

UCJ: So, are you saying categorically that you do not have any knowledge of the quantity of souvenir as at the time those deliveries were made?

Halogen: I don't have any idea of anything. I was just following the presidential order. That is final!

UCJ: What message do you have to 'Unilorites' as regards the state of the souvenir contract during your tenure?

Halogen: Well, I will urge them that message is going directly to the incumbent Student Union Welfare Secretary, that whenever something is being linked to the Student Union property, it is supposed t be done...specifically, all souvenirs, all packages by the Student Union is supposed to be overseen by the Student Union Welfare Secretary. What happened during my time was because of convention. So, we should always make sure that we take away convention from all the...ermm...the something (sic).

And then, in order not to extort any graduate that is graduating from the University of Ilorin(sic)...from the university..., no muffler, no muffler must be made! Because they don't even need it. A muffler that was produced with a sum of #300 worth...a sum of #1,100 was collected for it. And we are all clamouring for a better Nigeria. Youths of Nigeria! Someone leaving a post, and he's even richer than the Student Union itself.

As I speak to you, the Student Union cannot boast of #400,000 in their account, and the past Student Union President had 4 million given to him as his proceeds from a contract. So, what are we saying?

UCJ: So, from your own point of view, the souvenir contract is strictly between Eminent and the contractor?

Halogen: Yes.

UCJ: And all that you've said are in the knowledge of your former colleagues in the Central Executive Council?

Halogen: Yes. They already know everything I'm saying because I've already told them before.

UCJ: But Mario said the deal was strictly among the three of you?

Halogen: Yes. It's because of my constitutional duty, that is why she's saying that. Because she has to protect her own image already. So, that's why.

UCJ: Thank you very much for obliging us. We'd get back to you if we need more information.

Halogen: You're welcome.

OSUJI, Chima Francis

This publication is a copyright of the Union of Campus Journalists, University of Ilorin Chapter. All rights reserved.

December 31, 2017.

Comrade Shobowale Lukman Olawale (Eminent); immediate past President of Unilorin Student Union.

One man that has tasted firsthand, different shades of criticisms both within and without office, is the immediate past President of Unilorin Student Union, Mr Shobowale Lukman Olawale, popularly known as Eminent.

Previous criticisms and allegations were made by people outside of his inner circle. They were basically members of the Press, and others who had an axe to grind with him for reasons best known to the parties.

The most recent chain of allegations however, is coming from a member of his inner circle during his reign as President of the Student Union; Comrade Afolayan Kazeem (Halogen). 

It could be recalled that Mr Afolayan slammed a damning allegation against Eminent that he, among other things, instructed him not to take stock of delivery of the souvenirs approved for onward delivery to Unilorin students.

In view of the gravity of the allegation and the likely consequence it will have on the Eminent administration, members of the Determination Unshakeable Team have taken turns to say what they know about the scandal.

Based on the accounts given so far, a common thread seems visible in the fabric of the saga: Either Eminent or Halogen may have  DIRECTLY connived with the CEO of Arroshyd Printing Press, to allegedly swindle students of the University of Ilorin of over 1.5 million naira. Or Arroshyd may have acted independently by not delivering the exact quantity of souvenir in line with contractual terms for reasons yet to be made public.

In this exclusive interview with UCJ UNILORIN, Mr. Shobowale gives clarity to some of the grey issues raised against him by his former colleague, Mr Afolayan Kazeem (Halogen) in a bid to set the record straight.

UCJ: Can we meet you?

Eminent: I'm Lukman Shobowale. A Corps member, formerly Student Union President, UNILORIN.

UCJ: How would you respond to the souvenir scandal making the rounds now? For the purpose of clarity, it has been revealed that about 7,944 copies of the 15,000 souvenirs approved by your administration are missing. Your take, please?

Eminent: Well, to start with, I'm as shocked as everyone hearing for the first time, around last two weeks when I was informed by Reedorf at the situation of things. Immediately I dropped his call, I called some members of my executives to confirm as well as Halogen, the Welfare Secretary at that time who had taken the delivery at the onset and had certified all items complete (15000) during our tenure before the Financial Secretary paid. After my call to him, he emphasized to me  like he'd told Reedorf earlier that he'd confirmed delivery of 15000 so he's not aware of where the issue is from and then I hanged up the call.

Surprisingly though, few minutes later, he dropped a WhatsApp message to the executive WhatsApp group that I instructed him not to count and that the contractor had a deal with me so I should be asked why the package is not complete and this is the genesis of the whole scandal because since then, I've availed myself to questions to clarify that all he said never happened except that he's lying. But we've not heard from him since then and all attempt to reach him to establish his claim has been abortive.

UCJ: Do you have any personal grudge with Halogen because the way it seems, people feel he has a score to settle with you?

Eminent: I hold no personal grudge against any member of my executives and Halogen inclusive. We all departed the Union in peace as Afolayan Kazeem (Halogen) even came to my book launch at the end of my administration and made a pledge on my book although not fully fulfilled till now. But that aside, I can say I've no grudge whatsoever against him. I'm as shocked as everyone with all the recent dramas. In fact, we did our NYSC registration together. I didn't just see him as an executive, I saw him as a friend.

UCJ: What effort have you made to contact the contractor who handled the souvenir contract?

Eminent: I've done all I can to get in touch with him to no avail. It's either he's on a bike today and he's unable to talk or he's busy and as such can't talk.
Surprisingly though, he called me on Thursday and I threw strategic questions to him immediately such as "Did I collect a dime from you on Souvenir project? Did we have any unholy alliance or deal? Why is it a discussion now that souvenir is incomplete (a development new to me). In all honesty, he couldn't really answer me as all he said was that he'll call me back but I await his call till then. 

In fact we ran into an argument discussing that as I believe all he needed to do is just come out and clear the air but I wonder why he's said nothing till now. I also added the contractor to the executive WhatsApp group at the beginning of this allegations so that he can give us a true picture of things but all he did was to be silent and exiting the group the second day while he told me not to drag him to the issue in a DM and take responsibility which amazed me till now.

UCJ: Mr President, how is it possible for such a huge volume of souvenirs to be missing under your watch as President and you claim not to know anything about it?

Eminent: I'll be unfair on our administration to conclude that way but what we all know is that the officer in charge of taking stock as well as Union properties affirmed to us all in our meeting that the souvenirs have been completely delivered by the contractor (Arroshyd Printing Press); a situation that necessitated us to ask the Financial Secretary to pay and which she diligently did.

UCJ: Halogen alleged that you made a request for money from the CEO of Arroshyd Printing Press as part of your kickback from the souvenir contract. How would you react to this?

Eminent: I don't react to issues. Permit me to respond appropriately. I never asked for any money from the contractor and he didn't offer me any money either. If he insists, he should tender his evidence. I however assure you that I've nothing to hide hear as I've not involved myself with anything 'unholy' with the contractor.

UCJ: But he (Halogen) claims to have seen the purported message you sent to the contractor asking for money?

Eminent: Evidence settles arguments. The onus is on him to furnish the public with that fact so they can believe. But I can assure you that such never happened. Only God can reward my administration for our service in the Union. I know of members of my administration that the only thing they can show for as being a member of the Union is their certificate of service. We did our best and to say otherwise, such person must present facts.

UCJ: Did you instruct Halogen not to count the souvenirs after delivery?

Eminent: I never did and could never have done so. Why will I tell him not to count the souvenir that all our administration earnestly wanted to deliver in our time as that will be our pride and achievement? I affirm that I never told him such and that's why I could alongside other executives ask him if it has been successfully  delivered at our meeting which he affirmed in the presence of all of us that it's completely delivered by the contractor. I called him when this issue initially came up and he said it's still 15000 as counted before he's unable to pick my calls again till now.

UCJ: Do you think your former colleagues have a score to settle with you, especially Halogen?

Eminent: Well, in as much as this is not something I can single handedly respond to as I may not know what each one of them harbours in mind unknown to me, I'll still say that despite our differences, they appear to me as the best team anyone can pray for, as together, we delivered service to students under the Determination Unshakable mantra. However, for Halogen, I don't know why he's chosen this path to follow and I could have just apologised if he ever told me I offended him than raising issues I know nothing about to distract my festive mood and countenance.

UCJ: What do you have to say to Unilorites over the allegations leveled against you by Halogen?

Eminent: Marcus Cicero is known to have said "As fire when thrown into water is cooled down and put out, so also a false accusation when brought against a man of the purest and holiest character, boils over and is at once dissipated, and vanishes and threats of heaven and sea, himself standing unmoved."

I want to assure all that as always, our determination remains unshakable.

UCJ: One of your former colleagues disclosed that the souvenir contract was awarded without official documentation. To what extent is this true?

Eminent: By documentation, it's basically about the award of contract. It dragged on because we could not produce the 25000 copies approved initially because the contractor due to certain constraints from his end couldn't meet up with the deadline we gave him which is two weeks after resumption. For this delay, the Union had undertaken other basic projects and making her unable to finance 25000 copies plus the fact that we didn't get all our fund from the university at that time. This was the reason why all the executives had to sit to reschedule that the contractor should produce 15000 as against the initial 25000 which the Unions budget cannot afford.

UCJ: Thank you for reaching out, Mr Shobowale.

Eminent: You're most welcome.

Osuji Chima Francis
Tomori Uriel Idowu

This publication is a copyright of the Union of Campus Journalists, University of Ilorin Chapter. All rights reserved.

Saturday 30 December 2017

Miss. Iromini Tohirah, also known as Purity, is the immediate past Vice President (permanent site) of University of Ilorin Student Union, during the Eminent administration.

In an exclusive interview with UCJ UNILORIN, Purity expresses her views, roles and the shortcomings on the souvenir sage among other related matters confronting the Eminent led administration.


UCJ: Can we meet you?

Purity: I am Iromini Tohirah

UCJ: What was your Position in the previous administration?

Purity: I served as the Vice President (Permanent Site).

UCJ: Have You heard of the recent souvenir saga in the administration which you served?

Purity: Yes.

UCJ: What's Your Take on the issue?

Purity: Well it's a big surprise to me because the last thing I would expect to hear is that the souvenir wasn't complete but here we are.

UCJ: Where then do you think the discordance in the souvenir matter lies?

Purity: One thing is sure, the contractor didn't deliver the expected number we paid him for. How he pulled that off is what I'm curious about. The welfare was expected to take delivery and confirm the number, but he said he didn't because the president told him not to. To connect the dots we would have to confirm if the president actually did and if yes, why?

UCJ: Are You saying You are very sure the Souvenirs were not complete and How Did You know that? Did You count them?

Purity: It is obvious from the number found in store by the present administration. If 15,000 souvenirs were delivered, I find it hard to think of a way more than half left the store. We didn't even distribute at all during our administration. At least, I don't even have just one copy of the book.

UCJ: How many did Your Administration distribute?

Purity: To the best of my knowledge, we did not distribute at all. Not even to excos.

UCJ: Did Halogen confirm in any CEC meeting that the contractor delivered the agreed quantity of souvenirs?

Purity: Yes, he did.

UCJ: Did he confirm that he counted it or he said Eminent asked Him not to?

Purity: He told us it was complete and that was all.

UCJ: What role did You play in the whole contract deal, as the then Vice President of the Union?

Purity: I didn't exactly play any major role. Contract was assigned, delivery was made,  number was confirmed and payment was made. Most part hardly concerned my office.

UCJ: So, are you saying there was no involvement from Your office?

Purity: My office didn't play any major role.

UCJ: How was Eminent's involvement in the deal, and Is it true that Eminent singlehandedly interfaced with the contractor on the deal?

Purity: I don't know about single-handedly, but unlike other contractors who came to present to all excos, the contractor for the souvenir didn't do same.

UCJ: What do You mean by He didn't do the same?

Purity: He didn't present a proposal to all excos.

UCJ: What is the format of presentation?

Purity: A written proposal which would be sent prior to the meeting and the contractor comes in person to explain further.

UCJ:  How was the proposal for the Souvenir like? What made it different?

Purity: There was none.

UCJ: Do you mean there was no proposal and the Union awarded the contract without any agreement?

Purity: There was no proposal, yes. At least not officially. But there sure would have been an agreement.

UCJ: Do You mean there was no official agreement or you are not aware of any?

Purity: We didn't have an official agreement initially cos the contract wasn't awarded in due process, but I don't know if the gen secretary later did.

UCJ: Was there ever any personal clash between eminent and halogen?

Purity: None that I know of.

UCJ: What can you say about Halogen's comment on Eminent, stating that Eminent is not a saint?

Purity: No one is a saint.

UCJ: How would You rate Eminent's leadership quality and character as a member of the "determination unshakable" administration?

Purity: Good. And you know I was part of the administration, its better judged from outside.

UCJ: What do you think is hidden about this whole souvenir saga?

Purity: Like you said it's hidden and I'm as curious as you. I'm just in a dilemma because Halogen wouldn't say something without reason.

UCJ: What's Your message to Unilorites who are expecting to get their souvenirs?

Purity: We're sorry students are yet to get it at this point. Work is ongoing to see to it that they get what they have paid for and it's really sad that all this is happening. But I hope the truth will be out soon.

UCJ: Is Your administration working with the current administration?

Purity: We need to sort out the issues raised within us before we can involve them.

UCJ: How and when do intend to do that and what measures have you out in place?

Purity: There's no timeline, we can only try and thanks to UCJ interviews, we're also getting some hints.

Tomori Uriel Idowu, for,


Friday 29 December 2017

Unilorin SU President, 2017/2018 Session.

What do you really know about the current President of the Better-by-Far Student Union in Nigeria, Reedof?

Most students in Unilorin perceive him as a unique grammarian, man of honour, team-player, servant-leader, loyal friend, and fearless comrade.

Others see him as temperamental, subtly autocratic, workaholic, and shy. 

That's because, Reedof means different things to different people!

Here are 15 things you probably didn't know about him:

1. He is 'plus-one' today. As regards his actual age, it remains concealed for obvious reason o, don't ask me why, biko. If you know, you know!

2. His full name is ADEBISI Ridwan Abimbola, also known as REEDOF.

3. He's an 'engine-boy' and a final year student of the department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Ilorin. 

4. He's a native of Osogbo; the capital city of Osun State, Nigeria. Two fingers in the air for the Omoluabis in the house!

5. He attended Aromolaran Memorial Comprehensive College and Fakunle Comprehensive High School; all in Osogbo, Osun State. 

Like seriously?

6. Now here's the tonic aspect of his persona; he's currently in a serious relationship with Miss Biola, a ***student of the University of Ilorin. Her department is ****, don't ask for more o, biko. 

In any case, the good news is, he's a Muslim. And therefore, his romantic social network base may still be available for the Reedof-hopefuls.

7. He's definitely not a greenhorn in the business of leadership. This dude has served in several leadership positions such as: 

a. ONSU Chief Whip 13/14; 

b. ONSU Welfare Secretary 14/15;

c. NAOSS PRO 2 15/16; 

d. NICESA National conference Organizing Secretary 15/16; 

e. ONSU National headquarters Electoral Secretary; and 

f. the current SU President, UNILORIN.

Omo mehn, no be small thing o. Indeed, leadership comes from good follwership.

8. His hobbies are speaking, learning and reading. Can you imagine! Was thinking he'd say my hobby is taking bae to the movies and stuffs like that... Don't mind me jhare, our President is truly an intellectual! 

9. What's more? His favourite food is rice and beans. Yes! Rice and beans, especially that kind of combo you get at any SU buka. Now you know why this charismatic leader is so cerebral and energetic. No wahala na, rice and beans all the way!

10. Blue, is his favourite colour. My, o my! You share the same colour with me, Mr President.

11. His favourite quote is: "Where there's a will, there's a way." Does the slogan, "Together-We-Can" rings a bell?

12. He nurses the political ambition of becoming the Governor of Osun State in future. 

Wow! That's such a big dream. But then, it's definitely achievable. Good luck, Reedof!

13. His happiest moment was the day he was declared President of Unilorin Student Union. 

Wait a minute, who wouldn't be happy being 001 of the most sought-after university in Nigeria? In fact, the feeling is inexplicable!

14. However, the saddest day of his life was when he lost his younger sister to the cold hands of death. May her gentle soul continue to rest in peace. Amen.

15. And finally, his role model is one of Nigeria's controversial Senators, Sen. Shehu Sanni. On the other hand, Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola is his mentor.

What a combo! Engine boys know better.

So, on a special day like this, being his 'plus-one' birthday, Mr. President wishes to say this to the entire students of the University of Ilorin:

"The innumerable, relentless and unshakable support received from fellow unilorites over the days can never be overemphasized. So, I sincerely appreciate you all and hope for a better synergy for the achievement of a better Union." — Reedof.

There you have it! 15 things you probably didn't know about the current vibrant, and comrade Executive President of Unilorin Student Union.

Happy birthday, Mr. President!

Compiled by:

OSUJI, Chima Francis


December 29, 2017.

Mr OMOTOSHO, Ahmed Damilare, also known as Yayi, is the immediate past Public Relations Officer of Unilorin Student Union during the Eminent administration.

In this exclusive interview with UCJ UNILORIN, Yayi shares his views on the souvenir scandal among other related matters confronting his former colleague, Mr Shobowale Lukman Olawale (Eminent).


UCJ: What's your take on the souvenir issue?

Yayi: Believe me, I am extremely flummoxed as I can't really place who and what is wrong despite knowing fully well that something is not right. I just want the truth to be known by the public, only then my mind can be free of guilt as I am an integral part of the administration.

UCJ: Where then do you think the discrepancy lies?

Yayi: I really can't say, but I know something is not normal.

UCJ: Did Halogen confirm in a CEC meeting that the contractor had delivered the agreed quantity of souvenirs?

Yayi: Yes, that was why we all agreed that the Fin. Sec. should make the payment.

UCJ: Is it true that Eminent was the one that singlehandedly interfaced with the contractor on the deal?

Yayi: I can't really say because I was not really around during the period of awarding the contract. I went to Calabar with the debate team but the Gen. Sec. or Fin. Sec. even the VP should be able to answer that correctly.

UCJ: Interesting. What about the printer? Has he said anything yet?

Yayi‬: Nope.

UCJ: Was he added to your exco page?

Yayi‬: Yes, and he left immediately without uttering a word.

UCJ: Why?

Yayi‬: That I really can't say. Someone like me can't really say anything because I was never part of the contract.

UCJ: Yes, you may not have been a part of the contract but you certainly were an integral part of the determination unshakeabke administration and a strong ally of eminent at that. Therefore, you're bound to know the workings and under-currents of the Union.

Yayi: Yes a strong ally of EMINENT, but I can't know more than things he told me.

UCJ: Was there ever a personal clash between eminent and halogen?

Yayi‬: Sincerely, non that was obvious to me. It was a shock when I saw the message on our platform that I even have to leave the platform in annoyance because I could sense disunity. 

UCJ: Is it true there was a time the CEC decided to distribute the starter pack yourselves?

Yayi: Yes. The initial plan was for us to share it ourselves.

UCJ: Have you contacted the printer directly since the issue started?

Yayi: Nope!

UCJ: Did Halogen confirm in your meeting that the delivery was complete?

Yayi: Yes, he confirmed it and that was why we unanimously ordered the Fin. Sec. to pay the contractor.

UCJ: Anything else you would like to say to Unilorites?

Yayi: Nothing more than telling the entire students of UNILORIN how grateful I am for the opportunity given for me to serve them. Serving them for a year really was worth it, and also to plead to them all that they should be calm on this matter as truth shall be unveil soon.

UCJ: Thanks for reaching out, Yayi.

Yayi: You're welcome.

OSUJI, Chima Francis

Hezkay; immediate past Unilorin SU Welfare Secretary, College of Health Sciences (COHS).

December 29, 2017.

In a bid to add his voice to the current wave of heavy allegation leveled against the immediate past President of Unilorin Student Union, Mr. Aremu Sikirula Ademola (Hezkay), a former Welfare Secretary (COHS) during the Eminent administration, opens up on what he knows about the souvenir scandal, among other allegations leveled against Eminent. 

UCJ: Can we meet you?

Hezkay: My name is AREMU, Sikirula Ademola.

UCJ: I believe you're in the know of the issue making the round now. What's your take on the missing souvenir?

Hezkay: Definitely. Well, it's a lot of stories. With several sides.

UCJ: First, did Halogen confirm he had taken stock of delivery in one of your previous executive meetings?

Hezkay: That he surely did.

UCJ: What's your take on his allegation against Eminent? The souvenir, starter pack, and muffler projects respectively.

Hezkay: He spoke to us all at a meeting. We were trying to decide on how much to pay the guy then. Well, on starter pack, I don't understand why and how that's becoming an issue. We all have(sic) an executive meeting when the contractor brought the consignment. And we all agreed unanimously on the consignment.
We had our reservations at first but the contactor convinced and clear some grey areas.

On Muffler;

I didn't really follow the whole thing much. I was writing my PART ONE FINALS EXAMS THEN. But what I know is that; the Union didn't give Eminent any money for the contract. So, I felt it's a personal project and not a Union project. This is purely my own understanding. I know Ishowo and OBV had the contracts too during their tenure and it didn't cause any rancour. 

So, I didn't see any reason why this should be an issue. That's why I never cared to know about the muffler matter. Just for clarity sake.

On Sourveneirs:

The completeness of the first batch of sourveneirs supplied was confirmed to all CEC members by Halogen. He was the one around when they supplied. I should have been there too but I wasn't around as the time of supply. He confirmed it was complete and even complained about a few that had some minor issues.

UCJ: What were the reservations, if I may ask?

Hezkay: The contractor said the EXCOS pictures weren't clear on the flash drives, we complained bitterly but had to let go unanimously. He confirmed it too before the guy was paid his balance.

UCJ: Halogen dissents, that it was Eminent who instructed you all to let go, your take please?

Hezkay: That's funny. Eminent was never an authoritarian. We all decided to let go out of consideration.

UCJ: Halogen also claims he was instructed not to count the souvenirs upon delivery. To what extent is this true?

Hezkay: This can't be true. He confirmed to us then at a meeting. How come he's saying this now and not then?

UCJ: How would you substantiate your claim that Eminent isn't authoritarian?

Hezkay: He's definitely not an authoritarian. As the president, you get to make decisions but he never made any decision without our go ahead or at least knowledge about it. We all consult before we do anything.

UCJ: Why then would Halogen make such a damning allegation against him if he led with that style of leadership?

Hezkay: Well, that's not clear. I don't know. But I believe there's more to it that meet the eyes.

UCJ: What do you think is fishy?

Hezkay: That's the mystery. I don't know.

UCJ: Now, as the former Welfare Secretary, why didn't you endeavour to count the souvenirs after the last batch was delivered?

Hezkay: It was delivered so late into our administration. And I was writing Pathology exams then. And I believed Halogen would do justice to the counting before taking them to store.

UCJ: Could this be a strong reason for not counting them, sir?

Hezkay: No! If Halogen had told me he couldn't handle it alone. I'd have found the time to join him and do the counting. He never said he couldn't handle it. I'd have done the same for him. When starter packs came in, I spent 3 days and night at PS counting them. So, it was never an oversight, I was just so busy with exams.

UCJ: Did you confirm from Halogen personally if he actually took stock of the consignment (souvenir)?

Hezkay: No! He told us all at a CEC meeting which is the normal avenue for official information.

UCJ: Thanks a million, sir.

Hezkay: You're welcome, chief.

OSUJI, Chima Francis
December 26, 2017.

Recently, the Reedof-led administration disclosed to the effect that, of the 15,000 copies of souvenirs approved for production by his predecessor, only 7,056 copies were available in the Student Union store as at the time his team took stock of the items.

Consequently, the issue has led to a widespread controversy as to the actual whereabout of the remaining copies of 7,944. In view of this, speculations are being made suggesting a likely culpability of the Eminent administration either jointly or severally.

In a bid to clear the air, the former Unilorin Financial Secretary, Miss Mashood Bolajoko, was the first to go public with what she knows as regards the scandal; a move that narrowed down the searchlight to three parties: the President (Eminent), the Welfare Secretary (Halogen), and the contractor (Arroshyd Printing Press).

In this special series, one of the alleged parties, Halogen, makes some startling revelations as to where the searchlight should be directed to; the former President, Mr Shobowale Lukman Olawale (Eminent). Enjoy!

UCJ: Did the contractor deliver the quantity of souvenir as agreed?

Halogen: Yes, I already said it in our exco group.  Yes, as regards the contract, I don't know anything. Eminent was the one taking the lead in everything. Even though I'm supposed to be the one in charge, he's the President, he can do anything. He was the one doing the meeting, the negotiation, in fact, everything!

UCJ: Is it true that Eminent instructed you not to count the souvenirs after they were delivered by the contractor?

Halogen: Why will I be lying? He was the one having the conversation...I even told him...the message he sent to the contractor to ask for money, I saw it!

UCJ: Why is he then denying the allegation and allegedly turning the table round against you?

Halogen: Well, constitutionally, I'm the one who's in charge. Conventionally, it is not like that. He's your President, he'll tell you.

UCJ: How possible is it for Eminent to singlehandedly oversee a massive project such as the souvenir transaction without your knowledge as the former Welfare Secretary?

Halogen: Do you know what? It's so unfortunate that you guys don't know who really is Eminent. You get it? I believe the majority of members of the SU Central Executive Council during the Eminent administration know what I'm talking about. Eminent is someone who looks like a saint, and he's not like that. It is stated clearly that all Union properties shall be in the custody of the Welfare Secretary. Yet, convention has made everything to be ascribed to the office of President.

The starter pack as we speak, is supposed to be the project of the SU Welfare Secretary. However, it's been handled by the SU President. Do you know that the flash drive that was condemned by most students, Eminent was the one who singlehandedly told us that we should let go of it. According to him, the time of delivery might not be okay for our administration. Then, he decided that we should give a project that is not good to the students. So, as we speak now, the SU project that is supposed to belong to the Student Union, was ascribed to Eminent, which all of you, you don't know(sic)...

UCJ: Cuts in...How do you mean, sir?

Halogen: Eminent is richer than the Student Union itself. Do you know that the muffler that was produced for graduates, is a project that is being undertaken by the Student Union in the name of the Student Union President? So, tell me, you bid for a project for an organization, and you call it a personal project, is it possible?

UCJ: If you knew all these things from the outset, why did you keep quiet since then and decided to voice out now that a scandal is being linked to the office you once held in the Union?

Halogen: You see, before I know(sic)  

all this, we are(sic) through with our administration. Even before I saw the message Eminent sent to the contractor to ask for money, it was after the contractor was paid. So, what should I say? It got to a stage the Central exco decided that we want to distribute the starter pack ourselves, and Eminent went to the Student Affairs to report me. So, I've been labeled in his administration. You get that? So, I need to keep my head low(sic). It is now that I'm done with the Student Union and the students that I can talk. So, if you're fighting with the President, it is likely you're not going to finish your administration. So, Eminent was the one who gave me the order not to count anything.

UCJ: Are you saying categorically that Eminent gave you the order not to count the souvenirs?

Halogen: Yes! I even called him, and said, please, come and witness the counting of the souvenirs before we do anything, and he said I should not worry, that he already spoke with the contractor.

UCJ: Wait a minute, let's assume Eminent unilaterally executed the souvenir project, don't you think you have a duty to verify to ensure compliance with contractual terms?

Halogen: You see, at the end of the day, I said to myself, why are you disturbing yourself? At the end of the day, everything comes back to the Student Union President. As the Chairman of the CEC, he will attend to every matter that comes up. It was after I saw the message that I understand what is going on (sic)...

To be continued...

Osuji Chima Francis

Thursday 28 December 2017

A historic tree at the White House is scheduled to be cut down and removed. The "Jackson" magnolia has been in place since 1828, when it was planted by then-President Andrew Jackson as a tribute to his recently deceased wife.

According to a White House spokesperson, experts say the tree is beyond repair and poses a safety hazard.

Between 1928 and 1988, the iconic tree featured on the $20 note.

A spokeswoman said that First Lady Melania Trump has requested that its seedlings be maintained so that a new tree can be planted in the same area.

She said Mrs Trump had taken the decision to remove the current tree as it posed a threat to "the safety of visitors and members of the press who are often standing right in front" of it when the presidential helicopter takes off.

Although at first sight the tree appears normal, a report from the United States National Arboretum, quoted by CNN, said "the tree is greatly compromised" and "completely dependent on the artificial support".

The magnolia tree's life has spanned 39 presidencies, as well as the American Civil War and two World Wars.

It became a backdrop for many presidential addresses and gatherings.


The criticisms trailing the approval of $1billion for Boko Haram war and violent crimes across the country is unnecessary and unhelpful, the Minister of Information, Culture, and Tourism Lai Muhammed said yesterday.

The minister said the $1bn was meant to fight security challenges including Boko Haram, illegal oil bunkering, kidnapping and cattle rustling, as well as the acquisition of military ammunition and hardware.

Speaking at a news conference in Lagos, the minister expressed dismay that an action intended to make the country safer had been subjected to attacks by people with ulterior motives. The minister said that it was wrong to sacrifice the issue of security on the altar of politics, saying opponents of the fund were taking politics too far.

The National Economic Council (NEC), comprising the 36 state governors, approved the fund from the Excess Crude Account, a move that generated controversy. “I said unnecessary and uninformed because everyone knows the role the military is playing in helping to tackle the numerous security crisis facing the states, much less the war against Boko Haram."


Daughter Paris Jackson, 19, posted a photo on Instagram of her along with brothers Prince Michael Jackson, 20 and Blanket, 15, who now goes by "Bigi," along with longtime family friend Omer Bhatti.

Blanket/Bigi has mostly stayed out of the spotlight since, although in 2013 he appeared in a family-produced documentary where he remembered his father's sometimes tumultuous life.

"It's not right to invade someone's privacy like that," the youngster said of the intense media scrutiny that often followed Michael Jackson.

In November, Jackson family patriarch Joe Jackson tweeted a video message to his young grandson, urging him to "stay healthy."

And in March Prince Michael, who has his own production company, talked to "Good Morning America" about his desire to continue his late father's philanthropy.


Apple has published its most recent shareholder proxy statement, outlining some interesting details about its performance in 2017.

As noted by Bloomberg, Tim Cook ended the year as a big winner, netting a 74 percent bonus thanks to the company’s strong performance in fiscal 2017…

The filing explains that Tim Cook received $9.33 million in incentive pay for the fiscal year ending September 30th. In addition to that, he received $3.06 million in salary and an equity award of $89.2 million. For the year, Cook’s total payout comes to just under $102 million. Tim Cook has already said that he will be giving away the majority of his fortune during his lifetime in a systematic approach to philanthropy.

CFO Luca Maestri, retail VP Angela Ahrendts, hardware technologies VP Johny Srouji, hardware engineering VP Dan Riccio, and former general counsel Bruce Sewell each received bonuses of $3.11 million, for total compensation of $24.2 million each.


Elon Musk has apparently made good on a joke that SpaceX will mark its first unmanned flight to Mars by delivering a Tesla car to the red planet. The private space company revealed some pictures of the cherry red electric sports car inside the Falcon Heavy.

Scheduled to launch from the same pad at Cape Canaveral as the Saturn V Apollo 11 moon mission next month, the Falcon Heavy is the equivalent of three Falcon 9 rockets. The new Tesla Roadster has yet to be released to the public, but Musk's other company has clearly provided one for the purposes of visiting Mars. Fittingly, Musk says the car will be playing David Bowie's Space Oddity on repeat as it makes the journey to Mars.

Although Musk originally made the gag on Twitter, he then told the Verge he had made it up. But it appears the billionaire is planning to follow through on the idea. "Test flights of new rockets usually contain mass simulators in the form of concrete or steel blocks," Musk said. 'That seemed extremely boring. So we decided to send something unusual." Final confirmation appeared to come from a sneaky snap taken by a tourist at NASA's Kennedy Space Centre.


One Indian origin scientist and other scientists have found the sign of a new and exotic matter state where the component particles pair up when limited to two dimensions. This finding is issued in the journal Science which includes significant signs of the new phenomenon of superconductivity.

This theory of exactly zero electrical resistance and expulsion of magnetic flux fields appearing in specific materials is known as superconductors when cooled below than a critical temperature.

Superconductivity is a mechanical phenomenon which is described by the Meissner effect. The full expulsion of magnetic field lines from the interior of the superconductor as it transitions into the superconducting state. It is the most relevant class of material with especially critical temperature for superconductivity. There is evidence that for the superconductivity to occur, a particular type of particles, i.e. fermions must pair up.

A PhD student at Heidelberg University Puneet Murthy said that in solid-state materials like copper oxides many different properties and impurities make these elements hard to study. That is why scientists use ultracold atoms to simulate the behaviour of electrons in solids. This enables to create very clean samples and gives us full control over the essential system parameters.


Manchester City manager, Pep Guardiola, has expressed his delight after they beat Newcastle 1-0 in a “complicated” Premier League fixture on Wednesday.

The victory extended their lead at the top of the table to 15 points and their record-breaking winning streak to 18 matches.

But despite having 72% possession and 21 shots, Newcastle almost stole a point when Dwight Gayle went close with a header in the dying minutes. He was also rightly booked for a dive inside the penalty box.

“We created chances. At half-time it could have been three or four,” Guardiola told a news conference.

“It’s okay. When you’re winning 18 games in a row, you have 10-15 minutes in that way but we are so happy.

“It’s not easy when Newcastle don’t want to play. They defend well and want to counter-attack and defend deep. It’s not easy.

“We created chances in the first half and the beginning of the second. In the last minutes — it was a little more complicated.”

Source: dailypost.


As Nigerian workers resume from the Christmas holiday this morning, civil servants in Osun have been barred from gaining entry into the Abere secretariat by the leadership of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC).

The NLC on Wednesday morning at about 7 am took over the entrance gate of the secretariat to ensure total compliance to its directive of going on an indefinite strike over the modulated workers salary being received for over two years now. The Leadership of the state NLC had last week directed their members not to return to work this week as they will no longer take half salary from the state government.

However, the chairman of the NLC, Jacob Adekomi, said the directive by the Head of Service, Festus Olowogboyega, that workers on Grade Level 1-7 resume work got the unions infuriated hence the resolve to ensure they turn any erring worker back home.


The Africa Centre for Energy Policy (ACEP), has ruled out any impact of the fuel shortage in Nigeria on Ghana. The energy think tank explains that, Ghana’s decision to review downwards its sulphur content for imported petroleum products, limits it from importing fuel from Nigeria.

Nigeria has for the past three weeks been hit with fuel shortages, particularly in Lagos and Abuja. The development has left commuters and drivers stranded. The government is seeking to improve its refinery system and increase local supply going forward.

Mr. Boakye, however, explained to Citi Business News that the absence of a robust system to improve local production and supply of refined products could have triggered the massive impact of the shortage. In his view, the government should work to improve the local base so as not to lose the hindsight benefit of its local content laws.


Even though the holidays aren't over yet 👀, and Trump is still golfing, Trump is still very much 👍 in the political game, tweeting about his victory over ISIS, the economy and trashing fake news❗

🐦 All signs are that business is looking really good for next year, only to be helped further by our Tax Cut Bill. Will be a great year for Companies and JOBS! Stock Market is poised for another year of SUCCESS!

Investors have driven up the stock market to record levels in 2017. Many Wall Street analysts are predicting the stock market's rise will continue throughout the next year. Even the biggest skeptics predict it will end the year with a slight gain or about the same.

🐦 Just left West Palm Beach Fire & Rescue #2. Met with great men and women as representatives of those who do so much for all of us. Firefighters, paramedics, first responders - what amazing people they are!

President Trump made an unannounced visit to firefighters in West Palm Beach on Wednesday to thank them for their service. Speaking to about four dozen members of the West Palm Beach Fire and Rescue, Trump said under his administration, local law enforcement agencies are getting military-grade equipment back.

🐦 “On 1/20 - the day Trump was inaugurated - an estimated 35,000 ISIS fighters held approx 17,500 square miles of territory in both Iraq and Syria. As of 12/21, the U.S. military est the remaining 1,000 or so fighters occupy roughly 1,900 square miles..” jamiejmcintyre dcexaminer

President Donald Trump tweeted out false information about the military campaign against ISIS on Wednesday — and he failed to acknowledge the error when he corrected the mistake hours later. The Washington Examiner made an error. It claimed that the US-led coalition liberated 26,800 square miles under Trump. That math is off: The coalition actually freed around 15,570 square miles of territory in Iraq and Syria since January 20. The Examiner subsequently corrected its mistake Wednesday night. But Trump didn’t realize that.

After the Examiner fixed its mistake, Trump deleted the original tweet above and replaced it with the one below at 9:09 pm. Nowhere does he note that he, too, corrected the error. The tweet below now has the right number — 15,570 square miles liberated — instead of the incorrect 26,800 square miles from the first tweet.

🐦 “Arrests of MS-13 Members, Associates Up 83% Under Trump”

🐦 Vanity Fair, which looks like it is on its last legs, is bending over backwards in apologizing for the minor hit they took at Crooked H. Anna Wintour, who was all set to be Amb to Court of St James’s & a big fundraiser for CH, is beside herself in grief & begging for forgiveness!

In a morning tweet, Trump mocked Vanity Fair magazine for apologizing to Clinton over a satiric video suggesting ways the defeated 2016 Democratic presidential candidate could spend her now-free time. Oddly, the president then took a swipe at Anna Wintour – though she is editor-in-chief of Vogue, not Vanity Fair. (Wintour is also artistic director of Conde Nast, which publishes both Vogue and Vanity Fair.)

🐦 Retail sales are at record numbers. We’ve got the economy going better than anyone ever dreamt - and you haven’t seen anything yet!

It was reported this week that holiday season sales have totaled more than $800 billion. The success is being enjoyed at online stores and traditional brick-and-mortar locations.

🐦 Caught RED HANDED - very disappointed that China is allowing oil to go into North Korea. There will never be a friendly solution to the North Korea problem if this continues to happen!

China earlier on Thursday said there had been no U.N. sanction-breaking oil sales by Chinese ships to North Korea after a South Korea newspaper said Chinese and North Korean vessels had been illicitly linking up at sea to get oil to North Korea.


Zimbabwe’s ex president Robert Mugabe is set to get a residence, a car fleet and private air travel as part of a new government-funded retirement package for former leaders, state media reported Thursday.

Mugabe will also be entitled to at least 20 staffers including six personal security guards, all paid for from state coffers, according to details of the benefits published in The Herald newspaper.

The 93-year-old, quitted last month under popular pressure following a military takeover, and is set to be the first beneficiary of the generous measures unveiled by new President Emmerson Mnangagwa.

Local independent media reported last month that Mugabe was granted a $10-million (8.3-million euro) retirement bonus as part of a deal to persuade him to eventually resign. The government denied the claims.

As part of the new package, Mugabe will have three cars — a Mercedes Benz S500 Series or an equivalent class of sedan, an all-terrain station wagon and a pickup van — which will be replaced every five years.

Source: PunchNg



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Speaker of the House of Representatives, Yakubu Dogara, has explained how Senate President Bukola Saraki helped him to become speaker in June, 2015.

Both Saraki and Dogara emerged as leaders of the National Assembly against the wish of their party, the All Progressives Congress (APC) in keenly contested elections. They defeated Sen. Ahmad Lawan and Rep. Femi Gbajabiamila respectively, who were the party’s choice.

Recounting how he emerged speaker, Dogara said, during a book launch to mark his 50th birthday in Abuja on Tuesday, that Saraki was key to his victory as the Senate President and donated both ideas and money to him.

“The story of my emergence as speaker is a story of national consensus. It’s a meeting of people across board. My brothers and sisters sat in the National Assembly and said ‘look, we’ll make you speaker’.

“Members made me speaker against all odds. I’m sorry I have to remind us of this. Virtually everything was done against the project. From the party to even resources at our disposal," he said.

"I know I’ve not said this before, but the Senate president played a key role. Whenever we ran into trouble during the campaigns, we would go to him. He contributed a lot of ideas and even money, although I’m not going to mention how much," he added.

“My victory reassured my faith in project Nigeria. That made me to say everything is possible in this country,” Dogara said.

Speaking on how to move the country forward, Dogara said Nigeria must invest heavily on education to have the right kind of leaders that would take the country to the desired destination.

“If we want to have the right kind of leaders, we must invest in education. In other countries, they have Ivy League universities that train their leaders. In Africa and Nigeria, we must also do that,” he said.

The speaker said he has chosen to celebrate his 50th birthday for the first time in his life in order to review his journey in life and make an impact in the lives of others, especially people like internally displaced persons (IDPs) and the less-privileged.

Source: dailytrust.


Wednesday 27 December 2017

A private jet carrying two top Nigerian musical artists, Ayodeji Ibrahim Balogun aka “Wizkid” and Tiwa Savage from Uyo, the capital of Akwa Ibom state was attacked and robbed last night while taxiing on Lagos airport’s runway 18L.

The Bombardier Challenger 605 jet with registration number T7-A00 arrived Lagos from Uyo about 8:33 pm and was slowly taxiing to the arrival hangar when the cargo compartment was burgled.

The jet slowed to allow an Ethiopian Airline cargo plane with registration number ET-ARH to push back for take off.

The pilot, Captain Cloud Cote noticed the cargo door had been opened by burglars and promptly notified Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria (FAAN) security, but the burglars had disappeared before FAAN officials could make it to the point where the attack took place.


To reinforce earlier announcement of the reorganisation of the Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS), the Nigeria Police Force has announced new measures to reform the squad.

This was after a meeting by the Inspector General of Police (IGP), Ibrahim Idris and commanders of the Federal Special Anti-Robbery Squad (FSARS) on Friday, December 22. Part of the new measure is that SARS operatives should not serve as bodyguards or delve into civil matters and must wear their uniforms during operation.

The Police Public Relations Officer in Rivers State, Nnamdi Omoni in a statement made available to Channels Television said the Nigeria Police Force after the IGP lecture, decided to implement new measures to reform the squad.


A train station that will be built next to the Western Wall will be named after US President Donald Trump.

The decision was made by Transportation Minister Israel Katz, who said: “The Western Wall is the holiest place for the Jewish people, and I decided to name the train station that leads to it after president Trump – following his historic and brave decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Israel.”

Yediot Aharonot reported on Tuesday that Katz approved the construction plans for the train, that will include a 3 km. tunnel from the Umma (nation) station at the entrance to the city to the Cardo in the Jewish Quarter.

Katz said that he sees the project of extending the length of the railway from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem as the most important national project, and ordered officials in the Transportation Ministry to define it as a top priority mission.

The high-speed Tel Aviv-Jerusalem railway has been under construction since 2001 and will complement the existing, slower railway that already operates between the two cities. The project has been marked by numerous setbacks and delays.


Sam Allardyce has claimed that Olivier Giroud's wife is standing in the way of a potential move to Everton in January.

The Toffees' lack of firepower was made evident again on Tuesday as they spluttered to a 0-0 draw against West Bromwich Albion.

Aside from Wayne Rooney the club have struggled in front of goal, making a new striker a must for the coming transfer window.

Giroud, however, might be barred from swapping Arsenal for Goodison Park if Allardyce's analysis of the situation is accurate.

"I wouldn't have thought [Giroud would move] as he refused to come last time," he said, referring to Everton's ultimately unsuccessful courtship of the France international in the summer.

"As far as I know he doesn't want to move north of Watford, well his wife doesn't want to anyway. It's very important to the wives, believe you me. Normally they are the bosses."


The US has placed sanctions on two North Korean officials it says have led the development of nuclear missiles.

The US treasury named the two men as Kim Jong-sik and Ri Pyong-chol, and said both were "key leaders" of North Korea's ballistic missile programme.

The UN Security Council imposed new sanctions on North Korea on Friday in response to ballistic missile tests.

North Korea said the move was "an act of war" and tantamount to a total economic blockade.

The new US sanctions will block any transactions by the two men carried out in the US, essentially freezing any American assets they may have.

Both men are regularly photographed alongside North Korean leader Kim Jong-un at missile launches. 

In the past year, the country has tested ever more ambitious types of missile, and says it can now reach the entire continental United States.


The Muslim Lawyers’ Association of Nigeria has described as unlawful the recent refusal by the Nigerian Law School to allow Firdaus Amasa entrance into the venue of the ‘Call to Bar’ ceremony recently in Abuja because she put on hijab.

MULAN made the declaration in a communique on Monday in Katsina shortly after its three-day extra-ordinary National Executive Committee meeting. It read: " the refusal to allow the appellants wear it (the hijab) on their uniform is a clear infraction of their rights."

The National President of MULAN, in his presentation, encouraged lawyers to rise up to the challenge of ensuring the peaceful co-existence of Nigerians with respect and obedience to the rule of law. Justice Musa Abubakar, who represented the Chief Judge of Katsina State, Justice A. Yusuf, on the occasion, urged Muslims not to be discouraged by what he described as recurring global persecution but to hold on tenaciously to the tenets of Islam.


Chelsea midfielder N'Golo Kante capped a fine 2017 by being named France Football's French Player of the Year.

Kante beat Paris Saint-Germain star and fellow France international Kylian Mbappe to the award on Tuesday.

The 26-year-old, who succeeded last year's winner Antoine Griezmann, edged Mbappe by five votes, while Real Madrid's Karim Benzema finished third.

Kante, who led Leicester City to a remarkable Premier League title success two seasons ago, helped Chelsea to the top-flight crown in 2016-17.

Kante, who finished eighth in the Ballon d'Or behind record-equalling winner Cristiano Ronaldo, also took out Chelsea's Players' Player of the Year award.


The Depot and Petroleum Products Marketers Association (DAPPMA) has claimed that the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) lied to Nigerians on the ongoing nationwide shortage of Premium Motor Spirit (PMS) or petrol.

DAPPMA made the claim in a statement issued on Monday. Signed by its Executive Secretary, Mr. Olufemi Adewole, the statement rejected accusations of product hoarding leveled against DAPPMA members.

While DAPPMA explained that it can neither confirm nor dispute NNPC's claim of having sufficient product stock, the association said it can confirm that the products are not in the tanks of its members.

According to DAPPMA, there are always hitches in product distribution any time the NNPC assumes the role of sole importer of products. DAPPMA added that 80 percent of the country's functional product receptive facilities are owned by its members and such do not currently hold products.


President Muhammadu Buhari has failed to confer national honours on any individual since his inception of office in 2015 contrary to the usual practice of holding the investiture every year.

The President, who assumed office on May 29, 2015, failed to host the investiture in 2015 and 2016. With only three working days left this year, there are no indications that it can hold in 2017.

The national award, which is instituted annually, has as its objective to recognise and honour citizens and friends of Nigeria who have distinguished themselves in their various endeavours and contributed immensely to the development of the nation. It is also intended to serve as motivation for all Nigerians to emulate the exemplary conduct and services of those being honoured and inspire them for such national recognition.

The last time the conferment of the awards took place was on September 29, 2014 when former President Goodluck Jonathan conferred different categories of national honours on 313 persons. The investiture brought to 4,737 the total of the national honours so far conferred on individuals since its inception in 1963.


Muhammadu Buhari has called on Nigerians to be in good spirit with one another in order to allow for the development of the country.

The President said this on Monday when he received a delegation of religious, political, and traditional leaders who paid him a Christmas homage at the Presidential Villa in Abuja, the Federal Capital Territory.

According to him, people living in unity will lead to resources being reserved which will fast-track the development process of the country. “If you are in good terms with your neighbour, then you can make some savings for development but if you start fighting your neighbour, I’m afraid the resources you have you’ll waste in trying to be very clever. “So, I try to be very close to my neighbour individually and nationally. I thank you very much for being good neighbours,” said President Buhari.

In his earlier remarks, Chairman of the Christian Association of Nigeria, FCT Chapter, Reverend Jonah Samson, commended the President’s efforts in stabilising Nigeria, especially his anti-corruption drive.


Harry Kane set a new record for Premier League goals in a calendar year with two first-half strikes against Southampton on Tuesday.

The Tottenham star's Boxing Day goals were his 37th and 38th in the English top flight in 2017, breaking the record set by Alan Shearer in 1995, the year he won the title with Blackburn Rovers.

It has taken 22 years, but few will be surprised that it is Kane who has ended the England great's hold on the record.

Kane scored 21 times in the second half of last term from the beginning of the year, including hat-tricks against West Brom, Stoke and Hull, with four in one game coming against Leicester City.


Antonio Conte says that Chelsea's transfer chiefs and him will jointly decide how the club's money is spent in January transfer market.

Everton recently frustrated Chelsea in a 0-0 draw at Goodison Park in the Premier League, with Manchester City's lead now looking untouchable, as their points gap reaches double figures.

Chelsea are thought to be interested in a number of players including Alex Sandro, Virgil van Dijk and Thomas Lemar ahead of the transfer window opening.

"I give my opinion when I speak with my club but the club always has the last word," Conte said in Merseyside. "Like in the summer and it will be the same in January and then we divide the responsibility between me and the club. Not only me, not only the club, but together.

"I am very happy to work with my players, then if the squad is big enough to play in all the competitions? Only time will tell this. If we have to work as we are in the Champions League, semi final of the Carabao Cup and we are fighting for the best position in the league. I think we are doing a really good job with my players."


At the end of the one-hour special broadcast on Christmas Day, Scottish actor Capaldi "regenerated" into English actress Whittaker, who made history as the first woman to ever play the iconic time-traveling character.

Chibnall has already penned a number of episodes for Doctor Who, including stories for the Tenth and Eleventh Doctor, played by David Tennant (Jessica Jones) and Matt Smith (The Crown), respectively.

The actress made her Doctor Who debut at the end of an emotionally-charged episode where the Time Lord teamed up with a previous incarnation of himself, culminating in a scene during the famed Christmas armistice between opposing forces during WWI.

The next season is currently scheduled for Autumn 2018, and all eyes will, therefore, look to San Diego Comic-Con, where the team, fronted by Whittaker and Chibnall, will undoubtedly present the first trailer.

U.K. game show host/singer Bradley Walsh and actors Tosin Cole (who played a Resistance pilot in Star Wars: The Force Awakens), Mandip Gill (known for starring in the long-running Brit teen soap, Hollyoaks) and Sharon D Clarke (who debuted in the 1988 BBC mini-series The Singing Detective) complete the line-up for the new Doctor Who in 2018.


The Great American Eclipse of August 2017 left a ‘wake’ in the Earth’s upper atmosphere, the way a ship does when it moves through water. The phenomenon has been theorized about, but never before detected, according to Gizmodo.

A collaboration between researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Haystack Observatory and researchers at the University of Tromsø in Norway revealed the waves in our planet’s ionosphere, the ionizing section of its upper atmosphere.

The researchers tracked the waves using satellite data from 2,000 sensors placed at different locations across the United States, according to Gizmodo. A paper describing the work as "the first unambiguous evidence" of atmospheric bow waves was published in the scientific journal _Geophysical Research Letters_.

When the Earth’s moon passes in front of the Sun, it temporarily blocks not only the light we receive from the Sun but also the heat.

The shadowed zone, as Gizmodo explained, sees a marked drop in heat energy, and because that zone isn’t a single static location, but moves along as the moon does, it creates a bow wave effect as it travels; a ripple of contrasting, decreased heat energy moving across the atmosphere.


The Martian surface may have reacted with and absorbed the water that once flowed on the red planet, making it uninhabitable, scientists suggest. Although today’s Martian surface is barren, frozen and uninhabitable, a trail of evidence points to a once warmer, wetter planet, where water flowed freely. The conundrum of what happened to this water is long-standing and unsolved.

Convinced that the planet’s mineralogy held the answer to this puzzling question, scientists from the Oxford University in the UK applied modelling methods used to understand the composition of Earth rocks to calculate how much water could be removed from the Martian surface through reactions with rocks.

“On Mars, water reacting with the freshly erupted lavas’ that form its basaltic crust, resulted in a sponge-like effect,” he said. “The planet’s water then reacted with the rocks to form a variety of water-bearing minerals. This water-rock reaction changed the rock mineralogy and caused the planetary surface to dry and become inhospitable to life,” he added.