Wednesday 27 December 2017

Trump Tweet: Season's Greetings

The President sends Season's Greetings over Christmas, and also touts his achievements a great deal, while throwing a punch or two at Fake News for not acknowledging his successes.

🐦 .FoxNews-FBI’s Andrew McCabe, “in addition to his wife getting all of this money from M (Clinton Puppet), he was using, allegedly, his FBI Official Email Account to promote her campaign. You obviously cannot do this. These were the people who were investigating Hillary Clinton.”

McCabe is expected to retire after he becomes eligible for his pension in 2018. This is not the first time Trump has targeted him. McCabe's wife, Dr. Jill McCabe, did receive $450,000 for a 2015 state legislature campaign from a PAC run by Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D), who was co-chair of Bill Clinton's 1996 re-election campaign and chair of Hillary Clinton's run in 2008. However, Andrew McCabe did not have oversight of the Clinton emails investigation until after his wife lost her race, and while she was running the FBI said he "implemented a system of recusal from all FBI investigative matters involving Virginia politics" to avoid conflicts of interest.

🐦 ➿ oregon4TRUMP: Thank you President TRUMP!!

🐦 The Fake News refuses to talk about how Big and how Strong our BASE is. They show Fake Polls just like they report Fake News. Despite only negative reporting, we are doing well - nobody is going to beat us. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

Trump approaches 2018 amid a flurry of polls that show him with a dismal approval rating. A poll released last week by CNN found that it had tumbled to just 35 per cent, from the 45 per cent he enjoyed in March shortly after taking office. A a nonpartisan poll released by the NBC/Wall Street Journal found the president’s approval rating stood at 40 per cent. Peter Hart, a Democrat who helped conduct, said his final survey of 2017 found Mr Trump had “lost the support and respect of a majority of Americans in his first year as president”.

🐦 The Tax Cut/Reform Bill, including Massive Alaska Drilling and the Repeal of the highly unpopular Individual Mandate, brought it all together as to what an incredible year we had. Don’t let the Fake News convince you otherwise...and our insider Polls are strong!

🐦 People are proud to be saying Merry Christmas again. I am proud to have led the charge against the assault of our cherished and beautiful phrase. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!



🐦 ➿ Eric Trump: We should all take a moment to say a prayer for those who paid the ultimate price — Their bravery and sacrifice allows us to live in the greatest country in the world. USA ArlingtonNationalCemetery Christmas 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

🐦 I hope everyone is having a great Christmas, then tomorrow it’s back to work in order to Make America Great Again (which is happening faster than anyone anticipated)!

Trump didn't remark on what has he has accomplished to further is "MAGA" agenda, but Trump's sometimes-bumpy first year has been marked with notable successes, including picking a new Supreme Court justice — Neil Gorsuch, a strong stock market, and just before the holiday break he and the Republicans in Congress succeeded in making their broad tax reform plan a reality.

🐦 Based on the fact that the very unfair and unpopular Individual Mandate has been terminated as part of our Tax Cut Bill, which essentially Repeals (over time) ObamaCare, the Democrats & Republicans will eventually come together and develop a great new HealthCare plan!

The individual mandate, requiring everyone to purchase some form of health insurance, was repealed as part of the Republican tax plan that Trump signed into law last week, and it was among the most controversial parts of the Obamacare law. Democrats were unwilling to work on any proposal that involved a repeal of Obamacare, but they have acknowledged the law needs to be amended to address rising premiums and a lack of options on the exchanges.

🐦 WOW, foxandfrlends “Dossier is bogus. Clinton Campaign, DNC funded Dossier. FBI CANNOT (after all of this time) VERIFY CLAIMS IN DOSSIER OF RUSSIA/TRUMP COLLUSION. FBI TAINTED.” And they used this Crooked Hillary pile of garbage as the basis for going after the Trump Campaign!

President Donald Trump on Tuesday asserted that the FBI is “tainted” and it is using a “bogus” dossier alleging ties between his campaign and Russia to go after him. Trump seemed to reference a segment from “Fox & Friends,” a TV show that the president watches and often praises. GOP Rep. Francis Rooney on Tuesday also raised doubt about the FBI’s intentions.

The Florida congressman said during an interview on MSNBC that the “American people have very high standards” for government agencies and suggested they aren’t being met. Rooney said the agency – and in particular Peter Strzok, a top FBI agent who was involved in the Hillary Clinton email investigation – needs to be purged.


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