Friday 29 December 2017

Eminent is Richer than the Student Union Itself — Halogen (Part I)

December 26, 2017.

Recently, the Reedof-led administration disclosed to the effect that, of the 15,000 copies of souvenirs approved for production by his predecessor, only 7,056 copies were available in the Student Union store as at the time his team took stock of the items.

Consequently, the issue has led to a widespread controversy as to the actual whereabout of the remaining copies of 7,944. In view of this, speculations are being made suggesting a likely culpability of the Eminent administration either jointly or severally.

In a bid to clear the air, the former Unilorin Financial Secretary, Miss Mashood Bolajoko, was the first to go public with what she knows as regards the scandal; a move that narrowed down the searchlight to three parties: the President (Eminent), the Welfare Secretary (Halogen), and the contractor (Arroshyd Printing Press).

In this special series, one of the alleged parties, Halogen, makes some startling revelations as to where the searchlight should be directed to; the former President, Mr Shobowale Lukman Olawale (Eminent). Enjoy!

UCJ: Did the contractor deliver the quantity of souvenir as agreed?

Halogen: Yes, I already said it in our exco group.  Yes, as regards the contract, I don't know anything. Eminent was the one taking the lead in everything. Even though I'm supposed to be the one in charge, he's the President, he can do anything. He was the one doing the meeting, the negotiation, in fact, everything!

UCJ: Is it true that Eminent instructed you not to count the souvenirs after they were delivered by the contractor?

Halogen: Why will I be lying? He was the one having the conversation...I even told him...the message he sent to the contractor to ask for money, I saw it!

UCJ: Why is he then denying the allegation and allegedly turning the table round against you?

Halogen: Well, constitutionally, I'm the one who's in charge. Conventionally, it is not like that. He's your President, he'll tell you.

UCJ: How possible is it for Eminent to singlehandedly oversee a massive project such as the souvenir transaction without your knowledge as the former Welfare Secretary?

Halogen: Do you know what? It's so unfortunate that you guys don't know who really is Eminent. You get it? I believe the majority of members of the SU Central Executive Council during the Eminent administration know what I'm talking about. Eminent is someone who looks like a saint, and he's not like that. It is stated clearly that all Union properties shall be in the custody of the Welfare Secretary. Yet, convention has made everything to be ascribed to the office of President.

The starter pack as we speak, is supposed to be the project of the SU Welfare Secretary. However, it's been handled by the SU President. Do you know that the flash drive that was condemned by most students, Eminent was the one who singlehandedly told us that we should let go of it. According to him, the time of delivery might not be okay for our administration. Then, he decided that we should give a project that is not good to the students. So, as we speak now, the SU project that is supposed to belong to the Student Union, was ascribed to Eminent, which all of you, you don't know(sic)...

UCJ: Cuts in...How do you mean, sir?

Halogen: Eminent is richer than the Student Union itself. Do you know that the muffler that was produced for graduates, is a project that is being undertaken by the Student Union in the name of the Student Union President? So, tell me, you bid for a project for an organization, and you call it a personal project, is it possible?

UCJ: If you knew all these things from the outset, why did you keep quiet since then and decided to voice out now that a scandal is being linked to the office you once held in the Union?

Halogen: You see, before I know(sic)  

all this, we are(sic) through with our administration. Even before I saw the message Eminent sent to the contractor to ask for money, it was after the contractor was paid. So, what should I say? It got to a stage the Central exco decided that we want to distribute the starter pack ourselves, and Eminent went to the Student Affairs to report me. So, I've been labeled in his administration. You get that? So, I need to keep my head low(sic). It is now that I'm done with the Student Union and the students that I can talk. So, if you're fighting with the President, it is likely you're not going to finish your administration. So, Eminent was the one who gave me the order not to count anything.

UCJ: Are you saying categorically that Eminent gave you the order not to count the souvenirs?

Halogen: Yes! I even called him, and said, please, come and witness the counting of the souvenirs before we do anything, and he said I should not worry, that he already spoke with the contractor.

UCJ: Wait a minute, let's assume Eminent unilaterally executed the souvenir project, don't you think you have a duty to verify to ensure compliance with contractual terms?

Halogen: You see, at the end of the day, I said to myself, why are you disturbing yourself? At the end of the day, everything comes back to the Student Union President. As the Chairman of the CEC, he will attend to every matter that comes up. It was after I saw the message that I understand what is going on (sic)...

To be continued...

Osuji Chima Francis

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