Monday 31 July 2017

Reflections on the Determination Unshakeable Mantra: A Critique of the Eminent-led Administration.



OSUJI, Chima Francis
Going Back in Time

At the twilight of the Idris Alao (Observation) led-administration, majority of the student populace had become upset with the Student Union due largely to what many had termed poor inter-human relations.” For example, the infamous response given by the Special Adviser to the President on Media and Publicity to the open letter written by Mr Akeukanwo Sulaiman, received untold condemnation and swift reprisals from several quarters within the student circle. In the main, the rejoinder in question drifted from the germane issues raised by the author of the open letter, and dwelled mainly on technicalities and trepidations against the author.

Another instance of the widespread criticism against the immediate past administration was the protracted delay in distribution of sweatshirts. To most students, the ugly situation represented the height of administrative insincerity and unaccountability. Consequently, one mans action became the casus belli that led to the hostility by a seemingly angry group of students against the entire members of the faculty of Law; the former constituency of Mr Alao Idris.

To this end, the hate mantra, 'No-More-Law' was used as a tool by interest groups to incite public indignation against the red tag bearers. Law students had to pay the ultimate price for the shortcomings of Mr. Observation to the point that a member of his constituency who was an aspirant for the post of SU General Secretary was booed beyond measure during the build-up to the 2016 SU general elections. And what was his sin? He lost because, he was a law student.

The overwhelming challenges that confronted most students then, together with the not-so-effective communication skill of the immediate past president, invariably inflamed the embers of conflict at various quarters within the university community.

By necessary implication, the above stated circumstances birthed an era of political resurgence; a period within which most students developed keen interest in the political dynamics of the Student Union. Evidencing this assertion was the massive turn-outs of students at the various pre-election events such as the manifesto night, press night, and the presidential debate. Worthy of mention, was the presidential debate which was perceived as the actual determinant that decided the fate of the next SU president.

The prevailing circumstances then, paved the way for the current Student Union President, Comrade Shobowale David Lukman Olawale (Eminent), as the face of hope and messiah who would take the students to the promise land. Mr Shobowale stole the show during the build-up of the 2016 SU election by outperforming his contenders for the post of president. Eminent, in this context therefore, can be rightly described as a consensus candidate. This is because, during the question and answer session of the 2016 presidential debate, Mr. Shobowale won the hearts of the electorate through his sheer display of intellectualism, and oratory prowess. There is no gainsaying this fact; it is a public knowledge.

Thus, the student populace had decided their fate by bringing about a change of administration based on shared sentiments and challenges. The rest is history.

The Journey on Murky Waters Begins

Upon its inauguration, one of the visible steps taken by the Eminent-led administration was making the contacts of the entire members of the Central Executive Council (CEC), available to the student populace. This move was deemed by many as a positive step in the right direction as it represented a paradigm shift from the usual focus on the office of President to other members of the executive council. In fact, the fairly high approval rating of the incumbent Unilorin Student Union is premised on its ability to learn from the shortcomings of the immediate past administration. Concrete steps were also taken to avoid the pitfalls that riddled the last administration.

Without mincing words, the Eminent-led administration has, to a great extent, given a human face to the phenomenon of leadership in the annals of history of the Student Union of the University of Ilorin. It has not only given a touch of humanity in service delivery, but also brought the Student Union right down to the doorsteps of students.
Be that as it may, like previous SU administrations, the Eminent-led administration also has its own flaws despite its huge success story.

It is against this backdrop that the author of this article seeks to do a personal critique of the Eminent-led administration with a view to appraising the collective and individual performance of the Central Executive Council, which is intended to serve as source of reflection to the incoming Reedof-led administration. 

Redeeming the Dented Image of the Student Union: The Agenda of the Eminent-led Administration

The generally held view by pundits and students alike, is that the Student Union in Nigeria is the agency of the University Management. That is, rather than serving the interest of the students, Union officials act according to the script of the powers that be within the university system. The University of Ilorin is not left out of this. Many students no longer keep faith with the operations of the Student Union due largely to the factor mentioned above.

The immediate past administration of Mr. Alao Idris was not spared at all in this regard. The Sweatshirt saga was just enough upset that caused most students to unleash their anger and dissatisfaction against officials of the Student Union. During the period under review, The students perceived their leaders as those engaged in double-standards; this was the kind of Student Union Mr. Shobowale inherited from his predecessor.

Perhaps, the choice of slogan —Determination Unshakeable, adopted by the Eminent-led administration was a foreshadow of the tons of challenges that would eventually engulf the students.
Having said that, it is trite knowledge that the philosophy, temperament, character, and personality of a leader determines the atmosphere of any given organization. A careful anatomy of Mr. Shobowale, portrays him as friendly, sensitive, emotive, vibrant, and diplomatic. Eminent's personality was the factor that created an enabling environment for his colleagues in the Central Executive Council to flourish.

As mentioned earlier, one of the pitfalls of the Observation-led administration was the gap in communication between the Student Union and the student populace. This is where many have rated the current Student Union, a record high in terms of information dissemination. This was achieved by visionary and proactive leadership through the sensational propaganda machine of the SU Public Relations Officer. Thus, most students were being carried along as regards matters that bothered on their welfare. They could tell, to an extent, the happenings in the Union. This is commendable.

Another commendable policy of the Eminent-led administration, was the tactful way with which Union officials responded to public criticism. Rather than unleashing a canon of malicious rejoinders to criticisms, they focused on addressing the real issue through civil means. In other words, tact and diplomacy were given a pride of place.

As a collective, the 2016/2017 SU administration is widely perceived as successful due to largely to effective communication.

The Place of Diplomacy in the Eminent-Led Administration: An Overview

The role of diplomacy in the process of public administration, international relations and conflict resolution cannot be over-emphasized. A leader who is bereft of this core trait of leadership is inevitably bound for crises.

Diplomacy is a construct in the parlance of International Relations. Encarta dictionary (2009) defines diplomacy as the management of communication and relationships between nations by members and employees of each nations government. The term can also be said to be a skill in international dealings etcetera. At the level of inter-human relations, it means skill and tact in dealing with other people.

In view of this therefore, the Eminent-led administration scores a record high in terms of information management. Mr. Alao Idris is arguably the most criticized SU President despite the laudable projects his administration undertook during the 2015/2016 academic session. One of the challenges of Mr. Alao Idris was his rigid philosophy of corporate governance, and his not-so-effective approach to criticisms with the commensurate diplomatic response. In other words, his response to critics was on a pay-as-you-go basis.

Conversely however, this is where the strength of the incumbent SU leadership lies. Most commendable is the way and manner the current SU leadership has handled appraisals from the likes of the Union of Campus Journalists (UCJ), razor-sharp criticisms by Mr Akeukanwo Sulaiman (The Pen), among others.

However, being diplomatic sometimes means robbing Peter to pay Paul. It means telling a series of lies in order to sustain the confidence of the followers in their leaders. Quite frankly, the Eminent led-administration cannot categorically exonerate itself from this. Doing such, means that every member of the Central Executive Council is saintly without blemish. Only the Heavens can tell the number of times the SU leadership must have engaged in double-standards in order to save its face and to be perceived as pro-students.
Diplomacy sometimes connotes double-standard. Many a time Union officials engage in double standards just to stay in the good books of the university management on the one hand, and the students on the other. To this end, the deliberate use of ambiguity becomes a veritable tool and close companion of student leaders in a bid to avoid being quoted verbatim on sensitive issues that are capable of invoking the wrath of the university management against them. In a very sensitive environment such as the University of Ilorin, the Eminent-led administration cannot claim innocence to this obvious status quo.

Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown. It is instructive to mention that SU officials occupy an extremely sensitive position at the epicenter mediating between the university authority and the students. It's never easy balancing the scale of interests on both sides of the divide. That said, the basic concern of a purpose-driven leader, is service delivery, not factors remote or trivial to the business of governance.

Thus, it is safe to submit that the good side of the Determination Unshakeable Administration far outweighs its shortcomings.

A Personal Anatomy of Unilorin SU Central Executive Council of 2016/2017 Academic Session.

I dare say that the current SU Central Executive Council, has, to a reasonable extent, done well as a collective unit. Together they have moved like a torrent with Eminent as the alpha of the pack.

Generally, the approval rating of the current SU leadership is arguably a record high. The seat of Executive President of the Student Union is an embodiment of executive power; a shield for protecting students interest, and a vehicle to attain social justice and positive change. Comrade Shobowale David Lukman Olawale a.k.a Eminent, has demonstrated these traits commendably.

At this juncture, each member of the CEC will be appraised based on performance from the standpoint of the author of this piece.

Miss Rufai Kehinde Esther a.k.a. Mhiz Khenny

Beginning with the office of Assistant General Secretary, Comrade Rufai Kehinde Esther (Mz Khenny), is an executive delight to behold. Though the dominant presence and competence of the General Secretary may seem to have eclipsed her duties, she still stands out as a public servant.
Mhiz Khenny is the go-to person any day, anytime. Her receptive heart always gives an air of care and friendliness. Her contagious smile gives a warm embrace of mutual respect and connection. This young lady is not only smart but also hardworking. Believe it or leave it, she truly merits her status as a consensus candidate.

However, it is difficult to determine the right yardstick to measure her actual performance. Besides, by Article E, Subsections 1-4, the SU Constitution accords a secondary role to the office of Assistant General Secretary who must be a female student of the University of Ilorin. So, it is a plus for Mhiz Khenny, not a minus. Congratulations!

Mr. Abdulazeez Habeeb Olawale a.k.a. Solution

Comrade Abdulazeez Habeeb Olawale (a.k.a. Solution) is not only a gentleman par excellence, but a humble public servant. His workaholic nature might have been the secret behind the success of this gentleman of letters. He has succeeded in managing effectively the affairs of the SU secretariat with the right sense of precision and commitment to duty.

However, a fair assessment of Mr. Solution is that, he simply maintained only the standard set by his predecessor, Comrade Ifective; a man known for his wizardry in writing, and prowess in speaking. In the absence of the immediate past president, the then CEC was still cool and confident in the hallowed chambers of the Senate Council with Ifective on ground.

That said, in terms of temperament and inter-human relations, Mr. Ifective (with the utmost respect) is no match to Comrade Solution. The humble nature of Mr. Abdulazeez is arguably the most profound among his colleagues. Generally, Mr. Solution gave his all to public service and he should be commended for it.


The Financial Secretary is next in line. The only obvious issue as regards her office, is the fact that she didn't publicize the account of the Union as stipulated by law. This is due largely to a pending case in the SU Judicial Council about the preferred schedule in publishing the account of the Student Union. 

As the norm, when an issue is in court it is prejudicial for litigants to speak about it officially, or act publicly in a manner inconsistent with subject of litigation. Thus, stalling any move by the Financial Secretary to publish the account of the Student Union as required by law.

Mario, however, missed the opportunity to do justice to this question during the SU Officials Media Chat event. The bone of contention in court is the frequency of publishing the Union account; it does not, in any way, restricts the Financial Secretary from discharging her constitutional duties.

During the said event, the earnings of Union officials were disclosed but no mention was made as to how much was in the account of the Union, and how much has been expended so far. This is antithetical to the principles of transparency and accountability.

Mario missed that golden opportunity to prove her critics wrong by not giving a statement of account of the Student Union. Unfortunately, this vacuum has cast a shadow of doubt on the entire SU officials and by extension, rendering her other duties unnoticed.

Personally, I believe she has given her all in service to the Union. Publishing the Union's account is just one out of the numerous and onerous duties of her office. I have had the benefit of seeing her take on the school management on sensitive issues in which she did fearlessly and respectfully. The thing is, Mario, like everyone else, has her own limitations. It does not in any way, cast a shadow of doubt on her personality and integrity as a public servant.

Mr. Omotosho Ahmed Damilare a.k.a. YAAyi

Comrade Omotosho Ahmed Damilare (a.k.a YAAyi) is a sensation to behold. He and his preferred media handlers have changed the entire complexion of publicity in the history of the Kaduna Nzeogwu building of Unilorin Student Union. He is one of the humble but cunning members of the Central Executive Council, whose inter-human relations is highly commendable. As the image maker of the Union, he scores a record high in terms of prompt information dissemination.

However, YAAyi's personal relationship with what some have tagged the 'SU's official information handlers cum propaganda machine,' has allowed for an inadvertent abuse of office. It is a known fact that before any media outfit (whether online, corporeal or incorporeal) can operate on the Unilorin campus, it must have been duly registered by the Student Affairs Unit as contained in the Student Handbook of the University of Ilorin. Even freelance journalists are required to register their designated pseudonyms with the appropriate authority without which, their activity would be termed illegal.

YAAyi seems not to be well acquainted with this rule regulating media practice in Unilorin. So far, the Union of Campus Journalists (UCJ) remains the most recognized press outfit on the Unilorin campus. UCJ is a convocation of student-journalists trained in the ethics and ethos of journalism regardless of discipline or field of endeavor.
Alas, the larger than life status and sudden rise to fame and celebration of YAAyi's close media associates, was occasioned by the good office of the Public Relations Officer, and the general disposition of the 2016/2017 administration of UNILORIN Student Union.

His associates are people who claim to be seasoned journalists yet hold political offices and are deeply soaked in partisanship. As such, they can never play their roles as watchdogs in taking affirmative actions whenever Mr. YAAyi and his cohorts do anything wrong as public servants. Compromise therefore, is a good bargain in exchange for favours and popularity.

You will never find such traits in the current leadership of UCJ UNILORIN, who understands that politics is a murky water a journalist must be willing to watchdog without fear or favour. For this reason, practicing student-journalists are not permitted to occupy elective positions and political appointments in the line of duty.

Nevertheless, what keeps this gentleman going, is his humble spirit and amiable nature. His ability to cause both public and private media outfits on campus to work closely with him (including the UCJ), is highly commendable. That notwithstanding, YAAyi has also done well within the purview of his duties.

Mr. Afolayan Kazeem Ibrahim a.k.a. Halogen

Comrade Afolayan Kazeem Ibrahim a.k.a Halogen, is another executive phenomenon that needs special evaluation. He is an unrepentant workaholic, and a personality full of life and humour. He has done his best to discharge his duties as required by law.

However, the ubiquitous nature of the office of President has contributed a great deal in compelling Mr. Halogen to work behind the scenes. Testimonies abound about the untiring spirit of Mr. Halogen toward protecting the interest of students generally, especially those staying in the school hostels.

Having said that, the most significant shortcoming, was his lack of follow-up on Miss Sarah Omoye, who, together with her neighbours, was a victim of arson attack somewhere off campus. During the tragic experience, Miss Sarah lost all but the cloth she was wearing to the flames that ravaged her apartment. A huge disaster such as this, ought to have got the undivided attention of the Welfare Secretary. Unfortunately, reverse was the case.

After a couple of moves by the Student Union, Miss Sarah was left alone to her fate. As God would have it, it took the timely intervention of a non-governmental organization who came to Miss Sarah's aid. The rest is history.

The denial of the Eminent-led administration to own up to the fact that no effective follow-up was made on Miss Sarah, remains a dent in the image of Mr. Halogen in particular, and the Student Union in general.

Furthermore, the perennial challenge of transportation remains a tall order for any Student Union administration so long as the students themselves, are not ready to embrace change and make sacrifices to that end. At best, they can only cushion the effect if the status quo remains the same.

Based on this therefore, there is little or nothing Mr. Halogen can do to solve the transport problem if students themselves remain unreceptive to changes.

Mr. Zubair Ibrahim Opeyemi a.k.a i-Zubair

Zubair Ibrahim Opeyemi (a.k.a i-Zubair) is yet another perfect gentleman. He has completely changed the complexion of sports in the university of Ilorin. His signature project, Unilorin League, is one of the milestones this humble public servant has achieved as the Sports Secretary under the 2016/2017 SU administration. The exploits of the school teams at the 2017 edition of NUGA held in Benue clearly attests to the fact that Comrade i-Zubair is a silent achiever.  In fact, you can hardly tell the difference between his sports updates from those of media outfits on the Unilorin campus.

Comrade i-Zubair scores a record high in the discharge of his duties. I pray he continues with his trailblazing moves of working and achieving more while talking less.

Mr. Olona Shakiru Tola a.k.a MC Peperenpe

The SU Social Secretary, Comrade Olona Shakiru Tola (a.k.a MC Peperenpe), is another executive sensation to behold. The cap of the office of Social Secretary truly fits this young man, especially from the standpoint of his skill as a talented stand-up comedian. He too, has taken social activities to unbelievable heights on the Unilorin campus.

With the advent of this rising comedy maestro, new acts have emerged and are being giving a platform to showcase their gifts and talents. This is due largely to the influence of MC Peperenpe who used his good office to make such things happen on campus.

Having said that, the 2017 edition of the Student Union Week was arguably not as widely felt as the 2016 edition. A recent vox pop conducted by UCJ UNILORIN clearly corroborates this assertion. MC Peperenpe was more concerned about comedy half hour and talent hunt shows than having a bigger and better SU Week than that of the immediate past administration. Obviously, the level of student participation in the week-long activities of the 2017 SU Week is way lower than the 2016 edition. The facts are there in the public domain for all to see.

Another disapproving action made by Mr. Peperenpe was his extreme lateness to the maiden edition of the 2017 SU Officials Media Chat. As a public office holder, it is irresponsible to place personal gains over and above public interest. The said event was meant to serve as a stock-taking session, whereby each member of the Central Executive Council and the principal members of the Senate Council gave account of their stewardship. It was at such an important event that the Social Secretary would decide to make his appearance at the eleventh hour.

The incidence was a litmus test of responsible leadership of which Mr. Peperenpe failed woefully. The whole scenario gives credence to the saying that a persons talent and gift will certainly take him/her to the top but character is what keeps the person there. Up till now, Mr. Peperenpe is yet to tender a public apology for his irresponsible conduct due to personal and political reasons.

Be that as it may, the SU dinner was truly better than the 2016 edition. The event witnessed new categories of improved awards, and the presence of a hip-hop artist, 9ce. The experience would remain evergreen to the mammoth crowd that attended the event.

Comrade Aremu Ademola Sikirula a.k.a Hezkay

Comrade Aremu Ademola Sikirula a.k.a Hezkay, may have done well in office but the infamous remark that he made during the SU Officials Media Chat brought him under heavy criticism by members of the panel and congressmen alike.

While he was exposed to a certain information displayed by a member of his constituency to the effect that the toilets in a given hostel were in a deplorable state, his response was rather alarming. According to him, he was unaware of such complaints and that not until complaints are brought to him, there was no way for him to know the happenings in the hostels at the College of Health Sciences.

In other words, his style of leadership is that which requires a formal complaint to be made before any affirmative action can be taken.
Such comment ought not to have been by a public servant, saying such only amounts to gross ineptitude and dereliction of duty.

Comrade Aderemi Temidayo Racheal a.k.a Mz Taymih

Comrade Aderemi Temidayo Racheal a.k.a Mz Taymih, has also done well in discharging her duties to the best of her ability. In comparison with life on the permanent campus, there is an obvious bridge on the gap that used to exist between COHS and PS.

However, members of her constituency are still in dire need of an effective and efficient transport system. As the foremost SU officials at the College of Health Sciences, I believe she ought to have done better.

SU Attorney-General

Mr. Oke Ridwan S.A.U. is an charismatic leader with many caps. His role is to give legal advice to members of the Central Executive Council especially the President. Beyond his legal advisory role, his handling of the publicity towards the SU Leadership Summit is highly commendable. I wish him well in his future endeavours.

Comrade Iromini Tohira Omolola a.k.a Purity

The SU Vice President (PS), Comrade Iromini Tohira Omolola a.k.a Purity, is one of the brains behind the success of the Eminent-led administration. She is effective in communication and confident in articulating her position on any subject matter. Her Women of Impact (WOI) initiative is also commendable in driving the cause of female students on campus and extending humanitarian gestures to the needy.

However, she also missed the golden opportunity of addressing the Sarah Omoye issue exhaustively as a female role model.

Another yardstick one can use to measure her level of success or otherwise, is the performance of her predecessor, Ummu. Her predecessor's feat remains unmatched. Ummu executed some laudable projects which had an impact on most students. For example, the Women of the 21st Century, an event she organized saw the likes of renowned female personalities like Mrs. Joke Silver Jacobs, Dr. Joe Odumakin, co-convener, Bring Back Our Girls Group, Mrs. Aisha, a female senator of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, etcetera. It is worthy to note that Ummu outsourced the funds needed to put such a colossal event together.

Ummu's health week was, to a great extent, successful. Students felt the impact generally. Purity's version however, was not as effective due largely to ineffective planning.

However, you cannot take her effectiveness to lead in the absence of the president. She made frantic efforts in giving student-entrepreneurs a chance to development through her partnership with the school's vocational center.

The question is, how many students enlisted for the scheme?

Comrade Shobowale David Lukman Olawale (a.k.a Eminent)

Comrade Shobowale David Lukman Olawale (a.k.a Eminent), would go down in the annals of history as arguably, the most diplomatic, and best President of Unilorin Student Union. His diplomatic acumen and approachable personality strike him as an astounding leader.

It is on record that he won the award as the Most Astounding Student Union President in Nigeria in 2017. It is worthy to note that Eminent has just been nominated, along two others, as the Students' Political Icon of the Year, in the ongoing Nigerian Universities Merit Awards (NUMA) Top Three Nominees.

His selfless nature is also not in doubt. He is witty and mature in action. One of the qualities that endears him in the hearts of students is his tolerant nature.
The SU/UCJ oratory contest is a good example of the above ascertion. The question is, how do you partner with those who criticize you regularly? To this end, therefore, Mr President scores a record high in terms of servant-leadership which is why he is a popular president.

The presidential slap saga clearly demonstrates the depth of Eminent's maturity and diplomatic skills in sustaining not only the Union, but also the stable academic calendar of the Better by Far varsity. Rather than retaliating, he decided to sheathe his sword for peace to reign. His action did not come as a surprise to some people who understood the overriding philosophy of the university system.

As mentioned earlier, diplomacy is a loose concept that has several meanings. It is catalytic in nature depending on the object of focus. Eminent has indeed done well and his achievements will surely endure in the sands of time. The kerosene depot is an acknowledgment of his untiring effort. Such should be sustained by the subsequent administration. The 2017 edition of the SU leadership summit, was monumentally successful. It sums up the mission statement and quality leadership of the Eminent-led administration.

The Unshakeable End

Generally, the Determination Unshakeable Team are star-studded with individual members blessed with different talents and gifts. They have raised the bars of leadership to such amazing height in that potential successors might find it very difficult to surpass.

This is indeed a student-friendly, and at the same time, a management-enabled administration; a perfect blend of two distinct worlds brought together by necessity.

Osuji Chima Francis is currently a student of law at the University of Ilorin, Kwara state; President, Union of Campus Journalists (UCJ) UNILORIN, and National Vice President, National Association of Nigerian Campus Editors (NANCE).

You can shoot him an email@:
Call him on his cellphone: 08036543643, 08097909404.


  1. You have spoken well sir. But we still have an insane Union.

  2. Great job. More power to your elbow sir.


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