Monday 31 July 2017

🌍African Union Troops Killed in Al-Shabab Ambush🇸

At least 23 African Union peacekeeping troops and a Somalian soldier, were killed in an ambush carried out by armed group al-Shabab in the country's south, according to a senior regional official.

The fighting broke out when the al-Shabaab fighters attacked the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) troops, in the Bulamareer district of the Lower Shabelle region, about 140km southwest of the capital, Mogadishu.

"We have carried 23 dead AMISOM soldiers and a dead Somali soldier from the scene where al Shabaab ambushed AMISOM today," Ali Nur, the deputy governor of Lower Shabelle region, told Reuters news agency.

The armed group, which has been fighting the Western-backed government in Somalia, claimed they had killed 39 African Union troops.


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