Wednesday 6 September 2017

North Korea 🇰🇵 says US 🇺🇸 is a “heinous aggressor who is begging for war"

North Korea said Tuesday it will "respond in our own ways" to any new sanctions that may be put in place following Pyongyang's latest nuclear test.

According to Yonhap, In a Q&A session with the state-run Korean Central News Agency, the North Korean foreign ministry spokesman blasted the United States for leading the international efforts to adopt a fresh sanctions resolution.

Flipping the table on Nikki Haley's Monday Statement that North Korea is begging for war, North Korea said that it was the US that a “heinous aggressor who is begging for war."

"Testing an H-bomb for an intercontinental ballistic rocket is a normal process that we must carry out to accomplish our policy of byongjin," the spokesman said, referring to the North's signature policy of seeking nuclear armament and economic development.

"In the face of the U.S. scheme of putting pressure through sanctions, we'll respond in our own ways," he added. "And the U.S. will be fully responsible for the catastrophic consequences that follow."


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