Sunday, 10 September 2017

Trump on Irma️– 'We've never seen anything like this'

President Donald Trump reiterated his warning ⚠️ that those in the path of Hurricane Irma need to get out of its way in remarks to his Cabinet at Camp David on Saturday.

"My administration is monitoring the situation around the clock, and we're in constant communications with all of the governors, with the state and local officials," Trump said in a video 📹 of the meeting released by the White House.

"We're doing everything possible to help save lives and support those in need. Again, we've never seen anything like this. Together, we will restore, recover and rebuild. We will do it quickly."

Trump said he approved 📋 emergency declarations in Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands. 

"This is a storm of enormous destructive power, and I ask everyone in the storm path to heed all instructions, get out of its way," the President said, echoing a tweet he posted Saturday evening. "And government officials, I know you're working so hard, you'll never work like this, and I appreciate also your bravery. Property is replaceable but lives are not, and safety has to come first."

He also plans to ask Congress to expedite tax reform efforts in the wake of damages caused by the hurricane. "I think now, with what's happened with the hurricane, I'm gonna ask for a speed up," he said 👍🏻. "I wanted a speed up anyway, but now we need it even more so. So we need to simplify the tax code, reduce taxes very substantially on the middle class, and make our business tax more globally competitive. We're the highest anywhere in the world right now."


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