Saturday, 23 September 2017

Trump tweet: A bit over the top

While the President seems to be enjoying the UN General Assembly, he has been a little too proud of his speech and the sanctions that he slapped on North Korea yesterday. Also, if that wasn't enough, he's now puffing his chest for topping the list of world leaders who are most tweeted 🐦 about on the first day of the UNGA!

🐦 It was a great privilege to meet with President Moon of South Korea. Stay tuned! 🇺🇸🇰🇷 UNGA

This meeting is where Trump decided to slap extra sanctions on North Korea, attacking trade partners and financial institutions 🚫 to cut off connections with the 'rogue' country.

🐦 Today, I announced a new Executive Order with re: to North Korea. We must all do our part to ensure the complete denuclearization of NoKo.

The order is aimed at cutting revenues that help the isolated communist nation in its mission to develop nuclear weapons. "Foreign banks will face a clear choice: do business with the U.S. or facilitate trade with the lawless regime in North Korea," Trump said.

🐦 Senator Luther Strange has gone up a lot in the polls since I endorsed him a month ago. Now a close runoff. He will be great in D.C.

Trump will campaign Friday night in Huntsville alongside Sen. Luther Strange -- a recent appointee who has based his entire campaign on his allegiance with the President. The tweet 🐦 is a brag about the importance of his presence.

🐦 A big day for the U.S. at the United Nations!

🐦 Rand Paul, or whoever votes against Hcare Bill, will forever (future political campaigns) be known as "the Republican who saved ObamaCare."

This warning ⚠️ from Trump targets Republicans who choose not to support the Graham-Cassidy healthcare bill 🏥 will face a challenging future in politics.

🐦 Kim Jong Un of North Korea, who is obviously a madman who doesn't mind starving or killing his people, will be tested like never before!

Trump's latest tirade came after the North Korean dictator chastised Trump, calling the president's United Nations address earlier this week "unprecedented rude nonsense." "The mentally deranged behavior of the U.S. president openly expressing on the UN arena the unethical will to 'totally destroy' a sovereign state, beyond the boundary of threats of regime change or overturn of social system, makes even those with normal thinking faculty think about discretion and composure," Kim said in a statement circulated by state news agency KCNA.

🐦 Thank you!

A trump supporter, the founder of Turning Point USA praised Trump's speech at the UN and called it the 'best speech' he has ever heard from the US President at the UN.

🐦➿ Twitter Data: These are the 10 most Tweeted about world leaders during the first day of UNGA General Debate

Guess who topped the list

🐦➿ Donna Warren: POTUS TRUMP🇺🇸 & FLOTUS🌺 When ALL seemed HOPELESS...YOU brought HOPE! You INSPIRE us ALL! MAGA Harvey Scavino45 USA TexasStrong

🐦 The Russia hoax continues, now it's ads on Facebook. What about the totally biased and dishonest Media coverage in favor of Crooked Hillary?

Trump called Russian interference in the 2016 election "a hoax" again this morning, a day after Facebook said it would turn over some 3,000 Russia-linked political ads purchased during the 2016 election to congressional investigators‼️

🐦 The greatest influence over our election was the Fake News Media "screaming" for Crooked Hillary Clinton. Next, she was a bad candidate!

🐦 Will be in Alabama tonight. Luther Strange has gained mightily since my endorsement, but will be very close. He loves Alabama, and so do I!


A video 📹 montage of the UN General Assembly taking place in New York.

Source: Duta


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