Tuesday 26 September 2017

Trumpcare collapses again

The latest Republican effort to unwind the Affordable Care Act collapsed, as a third GOP senator announced her opposition to the proposal and left it short of the votes it would need to win passage.

Sen. Susan Collins announced she could not back the measure authored by Republican Sens. Bill Cassidy and Lindsey O. Graham, moments after a much-anticipated partial analysis of the measure by the Congressional Budget Office forecast that “millions” of Americans would lose coverage by 2026 if it was enacted.

Two GOP senators — Rand Paul and John McCain — had already come out against the bill, even after a new round of drafting, and Collins’ announcement means it lacks the votes to pass.

Republicans hold a 52-to-48 advantage in the Senate and can lose only two votes from their party and still pass legislation with the help of a tiebreaking vote from Vice President Pence.

A fourth Republican, Sen. Ted Cruz, indicated through his aides Monday that he could not back the bill because it does not go far enough in repealing the 2010 law.


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