Monday, 11 September 2017

Yusuf al-Qaradawi removed from Interpol wanted list

Interpol was removed from its online wanted list Yusuf al-Qaradawi, one of the most prominent religious leaders in the Middle East, according to the Arab Organisation for Human Rights (AOHR) in the UK. Qaradawi, an Egyptian, lives in exile in Qatar.

The International Police Organisation made the move after it was discovered the crimes Qaradawi was accused of were nothing more than a cover for "political crimes" of opposing authorities in Egypt - the country that requested the cleric be put on the Interpol list in 2014, AOHR said in a statement on Sunday. "The decision by Interpol to remove the name of al-Qaradawi and other names can be considered a defeat to the Egyptian regime," said Mohamed Jamil, president of AOHR.

"It has focused on killing Egyptians, executing wide-scale arrest operations and forced disappearances, extracting confessions using torture, which they subsequently use against the prisoners in court and to request 'red notices' from Interpol, in what can only be termed a cheap abuse of a respected organisation with a noble cause of fighting crime worldwide."


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