Thursday 31 August 2017

University of Ilorin, Student Union Senate, elected her principal officers at the first Senate sitting, on 31st August, 2017.

The Deputy Senate Clerk was vied for, by Sen. Abdulkareem Habibat, Faculty of Education.

Total number of votes cast is 49 for Sen. Habibat a.k.a D'Light, with 42 valid votes and 7 void votes.

Senate President declares Sen. D'Light as a returning Deputy Clerk.

Deputy Senate President

Those contesting for this post include: Sen. Muhammed Jubril (Kolo), Sen. Ahmed Jamiu (D-G), Sen. Afolabi (Park Well), and Sen. Olufoye Taofeek.

4:30pm—Aspirants just delivered their respective manifestoes.

4: 53pm—Voting begins

4:56pm—Counting of votes

Total votes cast = 46

Results of Votes Cast

Park Well = 18
Kolo = 11
Taofik = 14
D-G = 1

Senate President declares  Sen. Park Well as returning Deputy Senate President.

Aspirant for post of Clerk are;

Senator.  Hamzat Adedamola (Success)

Senator. Onaolapo Paul Oluwaseun (POG)

Senator. Adedokun (Herby)

Total votes cast: 47

Void vote: 1

Result of votes

Success: 4

Herby: 18

POG: 23

Senate President declares, Senator. Senator. Onaolapo Paul Oluwaseun (POG), as returning Clerk of the Senate.

Two aspirants for the position of Senate President.

They include:

1. Sen. Adekunbi Ademola (Law)

2. Sen. Alausa Issa Sanni (Arts)

5:21pm—Delivery of Manifesto

5:22pm—Sen. Kunbi markets himself to his colleagues. He sues for collective effort in achieving the goals of the Senate Council.

5:24pm—Sen. Sanni makes his case to his colleagues. He says senators should shun religious bigotry and do things that will add value to the students.

5:27pm—Voting proper

Total Votes Cast= 48


1. Sen. Kunbi = 23
2. Sen. Sanni = 21

And therefore, the Senate President declares Sen. Kunbi               as returning Senate President for the 2017/2018 Parliamentary Year.

It's a wrap people. Happy Eid celebration.

Osuji Chima and Tomori Uriel.


Defense Secretary Jim Mattis on Thursday pushed back on the perception that he disagrees with the president on the best strategy to handle tensions with North Korea.

President Donald Trump on Wednesday implied that diplomacy with North Korea is over, tweeting that “talking is not the answer.” When asked about the tweet 🐦 hours later, Mattis seemed to disagree, saying that “We're never out of diplomatic solutions."

But on Thursday, Mattis stressed that there was “nothing contradictory there" and said news reports have "widely misinterpreted" his comments. “It didn’t contradict anything the president said. We’re not talking to the North Koreans right now,” Mattis told reporters in an impromptu appearance at the Pentagon.


Observation Is Successful

_Being a valedictory address in commemoration of SU Transition Program/Oath Taking Ceremony_


1. Fellow Unilorites, today being the 31st of August 2017, marks another watershed in the history of not only our Union but also the most sought after, most peaceful and most stable Nigerian University – the Better by Far University.

2. It is trite principle of natural law that nature abhors vacuum in the circle of life. Similarly, the system of governance is basically a continuum from one dispensation to another. It is in light of this we dare to say that we have concluded the full cycle of our administration. We have fought the good fight.  And therefore, it is time to pass on the baton of leadership to the next administration. As vanguards of the students, there is no greater feeling than championing the cause of the Union to a logical conclusion.

3. Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, what more could I have bargained for but the highest level of your support and unalloyed loyalty throughout my tenure as the 30th President of our Union. On your firm shoulders, the Determination Unshakeable mantra stood tall. We cannot appreciate you enough. Our hearts and tongues are full of gratitude.

4. Fellow Unilorites, the title of my handover speech is “Observation is successful”. The choice of this topic is not unconnected with the fact that having a successful successor is the true yardstick for measuring the success of a predecessor.

5. This assertion is corroborated by the submission of a popular author on leadership, Dr.  John C. Maxwell, who stated that “Success without a successor is a failure in disguise”.  It is within this context therefore I would like to commend the exceptional achievements of my predecessors. This is because each administration had its own strengths and weaknesses.

6. Against the odds, they strove relentlessly to deliver the dividends of good governance to the students. Most instructively is the fact that despite the daunting challenges of leadership, each administration somehow found a modicum of good fortune to improve on the low points of the previous one. I believe this phenomenon is in consonance with the ideals of purpose-driven leadership and standard practice in every given democratic setting.

7. Perceptibly howbeit subjective, the preceding administration to ours tagged “Team Positive Change” as ably led by the distinguished Comrade Alao Idris (Observation) was not without its own flaws.  In spite of this however, it still recorded countless landmarks to say the least. And therefore, we make bold to say that the Observation-led administration is one of those that redefined the concept of leadership in the Union. It organized many valuable and qualitative programmes for members of the Union. Some of these laudable initiatives include the SU Press Conference, Unilorin Idol, Leadership Training Programme (LTP), Breast and Cervical Cancer Awareness Programmes among several others.

8. Consequently, therefore, these groundbreaking and record-setting achievements served as the foundation upon which the “Era of Unshakable Determination” was built. Hence, whatever success or achievement attributed to my team, it is the resultant effect of the strong pillars erected by the Observation-led administration.

9. Ladies and Gentlemen, as much as my team and I would gladly love to enumerate our achievements, we humbly resist the temptation of blowing our own trumpets. Perhaps, the best way to achieve a win-win outcome in this puzzle is by asking some pertinent questions: What are your ratings of this administration? Has the Eminent-led administration delivered the goods? Was our struggle to attain justice vindicated? Did the era of unshakable determination raise the bar of constructive unionism? Have requisite values been added to Unilorin and Unilorites alike? Was our determination truly unshakable? I would allow the answers to these questions titillate and titivate your subconscious mind with the hope that you would find answers to them within your heart. 

10. When Emile Durkheim, a French sociologist said, “Every new generation is reared by its predecessor; the latter must therefore improve in order to improve its successor. The movement is circular”, he might have had in mind, a perfect model for a successive leadership structure which ought to be relished everywhere on planet earth.
Invariably therefore, the true benchmark with which to measure my success as the 30th President of the Union is hinged on the newly elected Central Executive Council as led by my good friend and brother, Comrade Adebisi Ridwanullah Abimbola popularly called (Reedof). As such, I would like to appeal that they raise the bars of unionism above the level we took it. The rationale behind this admonishment is that the success of my successor is also mine and vice versa. Well begun they say is supposedly half done just as the beginning is the half of the whole.

11. May I humbly use this opportunity to appreciate every individual who, in one way or the other, contributed positively to our administration. To the school management under the leadership of Prof. Abdulganiyu Ambali, I say thank you for creating and sustaining the enabling environment for constructive student unionism. To the Dean, Student Affairs, Prof. Talabi, you are indeed a father! To the Sub dean, the comrade of all comrades, I salute your sagacity. To the entire members of the Determination Unshakeable Team, you all are wonderful. God Bless you for your support. To every other person, whom for want of space and time I can’t mention, your support meant a lot to me and I will never forget your loving-devotion any time soon.

12. In conclusion, followership they say begets leadership, I hereby encourage members of the Union to remain good followers that they truly are. In order to make our struggle to attain justice profitable, we must do the right things and we must do things right. We must take the right steps in the right direction so that in the end, the right peg would have been placed in the right hole.

13. Once again, it has indeed been a privilege of a lifetime to serve as your President. There has been good days and there has been tough days. But I have learnt to live everyday inspired by our inner greatness. Permit me to quickly steal the moment to implore you all to look forward to my book titled “Emerge”. It chronicles my childhood and details my experiences as the 30th President of the Union.

14. As I go now to the Labour Market, I will continue to serve and be a goodwill ambassador of our Better by Far Institution. And I will always be honoured to give all my support to the new administration.

15. And so my fellow Unilorites, thank you for everything. This is not goodbye but see you again.

May God bless the Student Union.

May God bless the University of Ilorin.

Thank you.

Shobowale Lukman Olawale (Eminent)
Fmr. SU President,
Student Union,
University of Ilorin.


Kim Kardashian comment about President Trump, says "Anyone can run the U.S. better. My daughter would be better," the Keeping Up With the Kardashians star said in a new interview with Harper's Bazaar Arabia.

"We've worked so hard to get where we were and to have so many things that we were so proud of in our country, to just literally revert backwards is the most frustrating thing," she continued.

"Every single day when you can't really believe what's going on, the next day it's something else even more crazy and tragic."

That said, Kardashian occasionally finds herself censoring her social media 🐦 posts.

"Sometimes I feel like I want to speak out more about political issues," she explained. "You have to be really careful about what you say because a lot of things can be taken in the wrong context and I always want to be respectful, I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings."

The social media mogul is not one of Trump's 37-plus million followers on Twitter. "I do not [follow him]. I follow [Barack] Obama though," she told Harper's Bazaar, adding that "you just don't feel safe any more" with the former Celebrity Apprentice host, 71, in the White House.


The U.N. human rights chief denounced President Donald Trump's repeated attacks on major news organisations, saying "demonization" of the press can endanger journalists.

Zeid Ra'ad al-Hussein also made his first public comments decrying racist and anti-Semitic cries by far-right groups in Charlottesville violence, calling the events on its streets "an abomination" and "a nightmare."

He said he didn't initially respond because there was already a "cacophony of noise" in the United States. Zeid, who is a Jordanian prince, said Trump's constant complaints against media outlets such as the New York Times, the Washington Post and CNN was "an incitement for others to attack journalists."

This comment, however, does not dispel the irony that press freedom in Jordon has gone through a sharp decline since the Arab Spring and there are regular incidents of abuse against journalists in the Arab nation.

"You don't have to stretch the imagination to see then what could happen to journalists," he said.


Cameroon banned people from watching a popular television station that says it represents the interests of the English-speaking population.

Cable TV providers were told they will be sanctioned if they do not stop broadcasting the South Africa-based channel, SCBC.

But content can still be viewed online. There have been months of protests by Cameroon's Anglophone population against what they say is discrimination by the Francophone majority. Some activists are accused of campaigning for a separate country.

SCBC, or the Southern Cameroons Broadcasting Corporation, airs programmes about the history and culture of the Anglophone region, as well as interviews with exiled lawyers and documentaries about human rights abuses in Cameroon, a BBC correspondent says.


President Muhammadu Buhari welcomed the victorious D’Tigress in Abuja. He met with the Basketball Team at the council chambers on Wednesday morning, a few days after they won the Afrobasket Championship title for the first time in 12 years in Mali.

President Buhari also disclosed that each player will receive the sum of a million naira while the officials will receive half a million.

Nigeria defeated defending champions Senegal to win the trophy in Mali on Sunday night.


Tuesday and Wednesday morning were a little disheartening 💔 for Trump, especially since he was watching Hurricane Harvey's devastation and relief efforts from Texas.

Apart from that, a sly threat ⚠️ from North Korea and the Fake News 📰 seem to have only dampened his mood further, so much that he's barely been tweeting!

🐦 The U.S. has been talking to North Korea, and paying them extortion money, for 25 years. Talking is not the answer!

The tweet, though expected from Trump, seemed to contradict a statement from his top diplomat that the US will continue to seek a peaceful resolution to tensions with Pyongyang. It was not immediately clear what Trump meant by "extortion money," 💰 though previous administrations have tried to defuse nuclear tensions by offering the North Korean regime food and aid packages.

🐦 After witnessing first hand the horror & devastation caused by Hurricane Harvey,my heart goes out even more so to the great people of Texas!

Trump’s tweet 🐦 Wednesday morning appeared to be a delayed response to criticism that his prior comments lacked empathy.

🐦 After reading the false reporting and even ferocious anger in some dying magazines, it makes me wonder, WHY? All I want to do is #MAGA!

The tweet comes one day after Trump and first lady Melania Trump visited southeastern Texas, which has seen devastating flooding 🌊 after Hurricane Harvey made landfall over the weekend.

Some coverage focused on the fact that Melania Trump wore stiletto heels when leaving the White House, then switched to white sneakers during the flight.

🐦 Will be leaving for Missouri soon for a speech on tax cuts and tax reform - so badly needed!

Source: Duta


The Duke of Cambridge and Prince Harry are to pay tribute to their mother on the eve of the 20th anniversary of her death, amid scented roses and other favourite flowers in a new memorial White Garden at Kensington Palace.

A Kensington Palace spokeswoman said the garden visit would “allow the princes to pay tribute to the life and work of their mother the day before the 20th anniversary of her death. “Together they will reflect on the significant achievement of the princess, and the legacy of her work which continues to resonate with so many today.”

There is no public service as her sons chose a small private service to mark her birth, not her death – on 1 July – to rededicate her grave, which is on a private island in an ornamental lake at the Spencer family’s ancestral home at Althorp House, Northamptonshire.

It was attended by the Spencer family, William, Kate and Harry and the Cambridges’ children George and Charlotte, and officiated by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby.


President Donald Trump said, "talking is not the answer" when it comes to North Korea -- contradicting a statement from his top diplomat that the US will continue to seek a peaceful resolution to tensions with Pyongyang.

"The U.S. has been talking to North Korea, and paying them extortion money, for 25 years. Talking is not the answer!" Trump tweeted just days after North Korea launched a missile that flew over northern Japan. It was not immediately clear what Trump meant by "extortion money," though previous administrations have tried to defuse nuclear tensions by offering the North Korean regime food and aid packages.

The North Korean launch was "the first step of the military operation of the (North Korean military) in the Pacific and a meaningful prelude to containing Guam," North Korea state media said.


Evidence emerged to further back up the, story that Kano law professor Mamman Lawan, who was nominated to the board of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) by President Muhammadu Buhari, is embroiled in corruption, abuse of privilege and professional misconduct issues.

Available court documents now categorically identify Mr. Lawan as a lawyer to late Mohammed Musa and later, his heirs. Mr. Lawan was appointed to an estate owned by Musa before he died in February 2004, to hold and manage the estate in trust for the heirs who were minors at the time of their benefactor’s demise.

Lawan denied “direct client-lawyer relationship with the heirs,” admitting only to rendering legal services to the estate on the instructions of the administrator.

A source familiar with the family and the lawsuit told our correspondent “Lawan lied shamelessly,” adding that he is using his influence in the Kano judiciary to delay the course of justice because no lawyer is as close to the estate as he is.


Nigeria’s President Muhammadu Buhari on Wednesday, chaired his first cabinet meeting since returning from sick leave in Britain this month. Buhari returned to Nigeria on Aug. 19 after more than three months in London for treatment for an undisclosed ailment.

Last week he cancelled a cabinet meeting, raising concerns that the president, criticized for inertia by his opponents, was returning to his former ways, when he worked from home and missed weekly cabinet meetings.

The refusal to disclose details of Buhari’s illness has caused speculation about whether the 74-year-old is well enough to run Africa’s most populous country and biggest economy. After returning form his first stint of medical leave in Britain on March 10, Buhari had reduced his working day to a few hours, diplomats said.


Prices of rams jerked up in some markets in the Federal Capital Territory in spite of low patronage few days to the Eid-el-Kabir celebration, the News Agency of Nigeria reports.

A check at the livestock market in Kuje, Abaji, and Kwali showed that in spite of the availability of all sizes of rams, there were very few buyers.

Several rams were seeing being dragged about in the market by hawkers, who were also seeking potential buyers despite the high cost. Malam Sani Gada, a livestock dealer at Gudaba in Kuje Area Council told NAN that business was not moving as expected.

“People are complaining that there is no money and they have so many responsibilities to take care of. “Some people prefer to buy broiler chickens, layers and beef because they said they have no money to purchase ram,” Gada said.


“Katy [Perry] is pretty upset about how everything went down at the VMAs. She agreed to be the host and thought it was her big night, only to have it stolen by Taylor [Swift].

Taylor didn’t have to premiere the video then, but she wanted to hurt Katy. In Katy‘s eyes it just proves once again what she always felt — Taylor is the biggest mean girl in the business,” a source close to the singer reveals.

Katy left the VMAs stage to avoid watching Taylor’s new video. Katy was nowhere to be found when the VMAs came back from a commercial break and went into Taylor’s new video for “Look What You Made Me Do”. Therefore, no one introduced the video — just a PSA on the monitors made the announcement. And once Taylor’s video ended, Blackish star Yara Shahidi went on stage to introduce a performance by Shawn Mendes. Katy was still MIA.


Here's a Blade Runner 2049 prequel short film “in-world” piece that explains what happened in the world of Blade Runner between the first movie, set in 2019, and this sequel, set in 2049.

The short film "Nexus: 2036" takes place in the year 2036 and revolves around Jared Leto’s character, Niander Wallace. In this short, directed by Luke Scott (Morgan), Wallace introduces a new line of “perfected” replicants called the Nexus 9, seeking to get the prohibition on replicants repealed. This no doubt has serious ramifications that will be crucial to the plot of Blade Runner 2049.


Suspected billionaire kidnapper, Chukwudumeme Onwuamadike, popularly known as Evans, pleaded guilty to conspiracy and kidnapping before a judge of the Ikeja High Court. Evans and five others were arraigned on a two-count charge of conspiracy and kidnapping.

The judge ordered that all the male defendants be remanded at Kirikiri Maximum Prison while the female defendant, who pleaded not guilty to all the charges, be kept at the Kirikiri Female Prison. He adjourned till October 19.


The former Queen of Ife, Olori Wuraola confirmed the end of her marriage to the Ooni of Ife, Oba Adeyeye Enitan Ogunwusi.

Her post partly read, “What I can confirm is that the Ooni and I are no more. I inhale love and exhale gratitude...No matter how much time you’ve invested, no matter the use of media to silence & manipulate, no matter the circumstance, slander, embarrassment, threats and lies: Get out and seek immediate help! My journey continues as a humanitarian aiding women and victims of domestic violence & abuse with the United Nations.”


If you're around Dupont Circle in Washington DC today, prepare yourself to see something out of the ordinary - the Trump rat.

The rat balloon was made by artist John Post Lee, after Trump's victory in November. "I wanted to do something meaningful, and also something cathartic to help myself," said Lee. "This is what I know — I know how to help artists make things."

A character sketch, a Kickstarter campaign and a build later, the Trump rat made his debut two weeks ago in New York, appropriately, near the Trump Tower.

He's now making a two-day appearance in Dupont Circle. The rat's visit in D.C. comes just weeks after a giant inflatable chicken that had Trump-esque hair made an appearance just south of the White House. Expect to see more rat pop-ups in the future.

“As long as Trump is in office, Trump Rat lives," he said


Wednesday 30 August 2017


          For every known beginning must have an end,evolving and transition is a compulsory process in completion of life cycle.

         The incoming executives of the students' Union wish to notify the general Better by Far Community of the Inauguration ceremony of the Students' Union. The transition process which doubles as the official commencement of the Union activities for the 2017/2018 session under the new leadership ushered in by the last Students' election in the Campus is slated to hold as scheduled below:

Date:  Thursday, 31st of August 2017

Time : 11:30 am prompt

Venue:  University Auditorium


Comr Adebisi Ridwan


Comr Oyewumi Muftau
Public Relations Officer ELECT



On behalf of the Student Union, we wish to express our profound joy on the success of the University Council in appointing a new Vice Chancellor to succeed our amiable Vice Chancellor, Prof. AbdulGaniyu Ambali OON.

It is our believe that Prof. Sulyman Age Adbulkareem will carry on with the good work of the outgoing Vice Chancellor. His credentials are befitting for a man of his calibre to assume the most exalted position in the Better by Far University.

As a matter of fact, engineers are known for being pragmatic, technology-driven and result-oriented. It is against this backdrop that the Union believes the five-year tenure of the new Vice Chancellor will be characterised by groundbreaking milestones. Being in a Better by Far university, it is believed the reign of Prof. Sulyman Age Abdulkareem will be better than that of the outgoing Vice Chancellor.

There is still a lot of work to be done in making the University of Ilorin the numero uno in the comity of African universities, and of course, a force to reckon with on the global stage. We, as a Union, can attest to the impact and success story of Prof. Ambali's administration. However, we are well aware of the fact that a university's challenges cannot be surmounted in five years. It takes consistent administrative policy and appropriate action plans to respond effectively and efficiently to the teeming challenges of administration in a tertiary institution.

We believe the new Vice Chancellor, Prof. Sulyman Age Abdulkareem, is well positioned intellectually and professionally to take the university community to the promise land. Prof Age is a veteran administrator, a distinguished inventor, an erudite scholar among other striking attributes. He is indeed the one whom the VC cap fits the most to succeed our gallant and loving Vice Chancellor, Prof. AbdulGaniyu Ambali OON.

To that end, we salute the Board of the University Council for a job well done. We also congratulate the the entire university community on the emergence of Prof. Sulyman Age Abdulkareem as the new Vice Chancellor of our great alma mater. We pray that his determination will remain unshakeable in his bid to take the university to greater heights.

From all of us here at the Union, we say congratulations. Above all, we wish the new VC uncommon success beyond leaps and bounds during his tenure.


Shobowale Lukman Olawale (Eminent)
Executive President,
Student Union,
University of Ilorin.

Omotosho Ahmed Damilare (YAyi)
Public Relations Officer, Student Union, University of Ilorin.


Phillipe Coutinho to Barcelona: This is a saga that has gone on for a while. The Brazilian wants to go but the Reds want at least another season from their talisman. Barca are desperate. This could go either way.

Gareth Bale to Man United - Reports suggest that Bale is unsettled and that the Welshman would prefer a move back to the league where he made his name. Title contenders United seem interested in the pacy winger.

Thomas Lemar to Barca/Liverpool - Lemar is one of the few gems remaining from the title winning Monaco team. The Reds and the Catalans seem to have developed a Transfer rivalry. Irrespective of which club the player chooses, he could end up as the alternative for Coutinho either way.

Sanchez to Man City - Pep dreams of a team of 10 attackers. He has 9. 'Demoralised' Alexis Sanchez is his target. If this one goes through, the fans could turn on Arsene.

Raheem Sterling to Arsenal - But the Frenchman has an ace up his sleeve. He reportedly wants another winger+cash for Sanchez. Sterling may not be anywhere near the class of the experienced Chilean but at least he is good enough to play for the Gunners.

Ross Barkley, Danny Drinkwater to Chelsea - The defending champs are on the lookout for a Matic replacement. After being turned down by the Ox, they are actively pursuing Leicester's Drinkwater. Barkley hopes he can escape the Merseyside Blues and step up.

Ox, VVD to Liverpool - Whats a transfer window without the Reds signing a Saints player. Ox is a product of their academy and shares the Dutchman's desire to play under Klopp. £75mil to go with the apology in July could see Southampton begrudgingly let go off VVD.

Divock Origi to Monaco - The Belgian could be used in a makeshift loan deal to bring Lemar to Liverpool. A return to France might do some good for Origi who has fallen down the pecking order.

Mamadou Sakho to Crystal Palace - Yes. The French defender is still around and apparently kicks the ball outside Melwood. Frank de Boer wants to save his job and believes Sakho is the man. The Reds are demanding £30 million. The Eagles are hoping for some final day discounts.

Jonny Evans to Man City/Arsenal/Everton - The West Brom man is suddenly hot property. Pep needs a ball playing defender and Man United fans swear that his passing is underrated. Everton have been compulsive shoppers this window and don't want to miss out on the fun. Arsenal.. well they need players.


Here are details on University of Ilorin, screening and post screening:


Aspirants are advised to enter their details carefully and accurate.

Registration Opens on 28th August till 8th of September, 2017.


Aspirants can only pick either Ilorin or Lagos, as venue for their examination.


Aspirants are advised to be punctual to examination venue, on the day of their examination, which is on their registration slip.

Also, aspirants are advised to take their registration and payment slip, to examination venue, for clearance.


Aspirants are advised to dress decently to the venue of examination, else, they will be deprived entrance to the University.


The Examination will be Computer Based Test.

This means you will not answer the same questions your friends answered. Questions will come randomly, so be wise and be prepared.

Aspirants are advised to read all subjects, giving preference to English Language.

Candidates are advised not to get involved in any form of examination malpractices, as the University will not condole such. It must be avoided like plague.


Results of screening, will be sent to candidates, who took part in the examination via, SMS and Email.

Aspirants can also check the school portal for their results.


Aspirants are advised to check the school portal from time to time, for their admission status, if they met the cutoff mark required, for both UTME and PUTME, in the course of their choice.

Aspirants should note that, the school admits candidates base on merit and should avoid paying to anyone for admission.

Keep in touch with UCJ, UNILORIN, on more information, on screening processes.

Contact us via :

IG: @ucj,unilorin

Or Call;

Osuji Chima: (President)
Aisha Shittu: (VP Admin) 08140347572
Uriel Idowu: (Editor-in-Chief) 07034503416
Akinyemi Muhammed: (Director Of Publicity) 08177522712

Tomori Uriel,


A couple in North Dakota are facing murder charges over allegations they killed a pregnant woman to claim her baby as their own.

Savanna LaFontaine-Greywind, 22, was eight months pregnant when she went missing on 19 August. Her body was found by kayakers in the Red river on Sunday, wrapped in plastic and trapped by a log.

Her death has been preliminarily ruled a homicide, according to Fargo police. Thirty-two-year-old William Hoehn and 38-year-old Brooke Crews are in custody.

They have told police differing accounts of how they came to be caring for a healthy two-day-old newborn after Ms LaFontaine-Greywind visited their apartment on the day she went missing.


A federal judge dismissed former vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin's defamation case ⚖ against the New York Times newspaper.📰

The Times editorial, in discussing links between violence and "heated political rhetoric" cited a map published by Sarah Palin's political action committee, which it said featured crosshairs "targeting" 20 Democrat politicians.

Mrs Palin had sued the Times after it published an editorial, which she claimed linked her to the 2011 shooting of 19 people. The newspaper had previously apologised and corrected the article within a day.

"Negligence this may be; but defamation of a public figure it plainly is not," Judge Jed Rakoff wrote in his decision.


Antonio Guterres, secretary-general of the United Nations, lashed out at Israel's 🇮🇱 illegal settlement activity, calling it a "major obstacle" to achieving a two-state solution and peace with the Palestinians.

"There is no plan B to the two-state solution," he said on Tuesday after meeting Palestinian 🇵🇸 Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah in the West Bank city of Ramallah.

His remarks came a day after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed to never uproot any West Bank settlement - just days after a White House envoy was in the region trying to restart peace talks with the Palestinians.

"We believe that settlement activity is illegal in the international law and it's an obstacle for peace, we are obviously in a disagreement of what was said," Guterres told Al Jazeera's Harry Fawcett at the press conference.

The Palestinian Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah expressed frustration that the US 🇺🇸 peace team was taking too long to answer questions on where it stands regarding Israeli settlements and the two-state solution.


A woman, Chioma Pius, accused men of the Rivers State Police Command of assaulting her for having tattoos on her body. Pius, who claimed to be travelling in a cab from Bayelsa to Port Harcourt, Rivers State, on Monday, said she was stopped by the policemen at Elebrada Junction, Emohua, Rivers State.

She alleged that after introducing herself to the policemen, the head of the patrol team accused her of being rude. She claimed that the officers subsequently pounced on her and pummelled her.

“Before I knew it, one of the officers grabbed my trousers and pushed me into the van, while the other guy slapped and punched me repeatedly. I asked why they were beating me up, but their leader used the butt of his gun to hit me on my thighs. He went away and came back with a cane and flogged me. He pushed me into their mobile cell,” she said in a post on Facebook.

She claimed that she lost her engagement ring in the scuffle, adding that while the drama lasted, other policemen were busy extorting money from other motorists and letting them go without a search.


Only 40.3 per cent of constituency projects were completed in 2016 in 20 states, a civic technology organization, BudgIT Nigeria disclosed.

The organization, which is interested in ensuring transparency and accountability in government budgets, said it tracked 852 projects across 20 states between June 2016 and June 2017. 
The states are; Kogi, Ogun, Oyo, Kano, Edo, Delta, Sokoto, Kaduna, Niger, Gombe, Lagos, Ondo, Imo, Cross River, Ekiti, Osun, Kwara, Akwa Ibom, Kebbi, and Enugu.  
BudgIT, in its latest Tracka Report, said out of the 852 projects tracked, 343 projects remained unexecuted, 118 are ongoing while only 350 reached completion. 
The Federal Government last year released N100 billion to the National Assembly for constituency projects after it failed to consider President Muhammadu Buhari’s N180 billion virement request.


Humanitarian workers pulled out of the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) camp in Maiduguri, the Borno State capital.

The decision followed the outbreak of violence in the camp during a protest by the IDPs over the quantity of food brought in for distribution.

The Gubio Road IDP camp is home to displaced persons from 11 local governments of the state, and one of the 13 government recognised IDP camps in Maiduguri.

The needs of the affected population are enormous and almost insatiable, even with the team of government aid agencies and humanitarian partners.

On Saturday last week, displaced persons were angry with the quantity of food brought in for distribution and reacted violently, smashing cars and injuring some humanitarian workers until security forces contained the mayhem.

Following the incident, all humanitarian activities in the camp were suspended until the safety of the humanitarian workers was guaranteed.


Game of Thrones season seven may be over, but fans of the hit show don't have to wait until next season to get their fill of GoT content. HBO has released the first of a seven-episode, behind the scenes series about the latest season called The Game Revealed.

Viewers will be get an inside look at how the latest season came together through interviews with the show's cast and crew, Deadline reported. You can check it out on HBO Now, HBO Go, HBO On Demand, and through affiliate portals.


This is a rare account of President Trump in a small Oval Office meeting, venting at senior staff for sometimes resisting his hawkish trade agenda.

During Gen. Kelly's first week as Chief of Staff. Kelly convened a meeting 🔊 to discuss the administration's plans to investigate 🔍 China 🇨🇳 for stealing American intellectual property and technology 💻.

Kelly stood beside Trump, behind the Resolute desk. In front of the desk were U.S. 🇺🇸 Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer, senior trade adviser Peter Navarro, top economic adviser Gary Cohn, and Trump's former chief strategist Steve Bannon.

Trump, addressing Kelly, said, "John, you haven't been in a trade discussion before, so I want to share with you my views. For the last six months, this same group of geniuses comes in here all the time and I tell them, 'Tariffs. I want tariffs.' And what do they do? They bring me IP. I can't put a tariff on IP." (Most in the room understood that the president can, in fact, use tariffs to combat Chinese IP theft.)

"China is laughing at us," Trump added. "Laughing."

Kelly responded: "Yes sir, I understand, you want tariffs."

Gary Cohn, who opposes tariffs and the protectionist trade measures pushed by the Bannonites, had his shoulders slumped and was clearly appalled by the situation.

Staff secretary Rob Porter, who is a key mediator in such meetings, said to the president: "Sir, do you not want to sign this?" He was referring to Trump's memo prodding Lighthizer to investigate China 🇨🇳 — which may lead to tariffs against Beijing.

Trump replied: "No, I'll sign it, but it's not what I've asked for the last six months." He turned to Kelly: "So, John, I want you to know, this is my view. I want tariffs. And I want someone to bring me some tariffs."

Kelly replied: "Yes sir, understood sir, I have it."

Source: Duta


The Headquarters of the United States Department of Defence, the Pentagon, informed the US Congress of the sale of 12 Super Tucano A-29 ground attack aircraft and weapons to Nigeria to fight the Boko Haram insurgency.

Reuters reported that the Pentagon communicated the sale of the 12 ground attack aircraft valued at $593m (N181bn) to the US Congress on Monday. The report quoted Pentagon’s Defence Security Cooperation Agency as having made the announcement to the US legislature.

The Super Tucano A-29, “an agile, propeller-driven plane with reconnaissance and surveillance as well as attack capabilities, is made by Brazil’s Embraer.”

The US had in April, this year, agreed to sell high-tech aircraft to Nigeria to tackle the Boko Haram insurgency in the North-East. United States officials told the Associated Press that the Congress was expected to receive formal notification within weeks, setting in motion the deal with Nigeria.


Atletico Madrid may wait till the final hours of the transfer window to secure the signing of Chelsea striker Diego Costa, as they have thus far failed to reach the £40 million asking price of the Stamford Bridge club.

Los Rojiblancos remain hopeful they can make a deal for the Premier League champions' top scorer from last season, but they have been working hard to bring down the asking price.

Costa remains in Brazil and hasn't been involved in a professional football set-up since Chelsea lost 2-1 in the FA Cup final to Arsenal. He has been training in his native Lagarto but has refused Chelsea's orders to return to London for training.

Diego Simeone's side have targeted the re-signing of Costa for more than a year but the move has been complicated by Atletico Madrid's six-month transfer ban.

Chelsea and Atletico Madrid will continue negotiations for two days to find an arrangement, with the transfer window due to close on Thursday at 23:00 BST.


The Minister of Information, Lai Mohammed refuted insinuations that government may be trying to stifle freedom of expression in the country. He stated that rather, the government is working at curbing hate speech which has been on the rise.

The Minister made this known during an interview on Channels Television’s Breakfast Programme, Sunrise Daily. “Those saying that the government is going to clamp on the freedom of the press, I think they are just exaggerating the issue.

He said, “Secondly, the report crediting the military that they will be monitoring the social media to me I think it is something that the military does all over the world – Monitoring speeches, monitoring actions just to balance and to ensure that there is no security threat. It does not mean that the military is going to arrest anybody or prosecute anybody.”


National Bureau of Statistics, NBS, stated in its latest report released yesterday, that food price pressure continued into July as all major food sub-indexes increased, with food inflation in the country rising by 20.28 percent year-on-year (YoY) in July.

According to the NBS, this represents the highest year-on-year increase in food prices since 2009. The report came on the day President Muhammadu Buhari charged the Finance Minister, Mrs Kemi Adeosun,& others to rev up efforts to quickly steer the economy out of recession, but expressed delight at the improvement the economy had made.

In the report, the NBS noted that the food index in July was up by 0.37% over 19.91% recorded in June. The report further stated that the rise in the food index was caused by an increase in prices of bread and cereals, meat, fish, oils and fats, coffee, tea and cocoa, potatoes, yam, and other tubers and vegetables.


United Airlines, Southwest Airlines, Spirit Airlines and American Airlines each say they've airlifted supplies into or people out of the city since Hurricane Harvey hit on Friday.

Those restrictions cover 1,200 square nautical miles over the city and are intended to keep airspace clear for search and rescue flights, the FAA said.

United said it would fly two 777 jets loaded with water, blankets and donated amenity kits to Houston from Chicago's O'Hare International Airport on Tuesday.

American flew a 757 with supplies to Houston from Dallas late Monday, although it said the items on board were "for their team members."

While far from the busiest air travel holiday in the US, an industry group had projected that 16.1 million people would travel in the week around Labor Day.


Antoine Griezmann's former agent claimed that the star forward would certainly have joined Manchester United had Atletico Madrid not received a transfer ban.

The France international was a target for the Premier League club in the early weeks of the transfer window and was reportedly the subject of a bid of close to €100 million.

Griezmann, who was also linked with Real Madrid, confirmed he would stay at Atletico and extended his contract by a year following their FIFA-imposed ban on signing new players until January.

Eric Olhats, who was the 26-year-old's agent until September 2016, says the ban is the only reason he remains an Atletico player.

"Griezmann hasn't felt able to leave Atletico," Olhats told France Football . "It showed the integrity of his links with the club, [who were] unable to sign players. Without that ban, he would have gone, without a doubt."


A Republican lawmaker put forth an amendment that would stop funding for the special counsel’s Russia investigation 180 days after it becomes law.

The amendment from Rep. Ron DeSantis would also prevent special counsel Robert Mueller from probing “matters occurring before June 2015,” which is the month Trump announced his presidential bid.

The amendment was submitted as part of the upcoming spending package the lower chamber is expected to weigh after the congressional recess.


North Korea's launch of a missile over Japan was a prelude to more military operations directed at the American territory of Guam, North Korean state media warned.

The country's state-run Korean Central News Agency reported leader Kim Jong Un presided over the dawn launch Tuesday of the "ultra-modern rocket system," the first missile ever fired from the capital Pyongyang.

North Korean officials told CNN in Pyongyang that Kim was "very satisfied with the performance of the missile."

The intermediate-range missile, identified by the North Koreans as the Hwasong-12, flew over Japan, further fueling tensions between North Korea and the United States and its allies, Japan and South Korea.


Kim Kardashian says she will “treasure forever” a new magazine cover photo shoot 📷, in which she’s dressed up like Jackie Kennedy while posing with daughter North West.

But not all her followers on Twitter 🐦 are so crazy about her look for the cover of Interview, which proclaims her to be “America’s New First Lady.”

For one thing, some people say that a woman who rocketed to fame by first making a sex tape and then starring in a reality TV show shouldn’t try to liken herself to Mrs. John F. Kennedy, always seen as the First Lady who most epitomized dignity and class‼️

Then there is the matter of race. Some suspect that Kardashian’s skin was digitally altered to look darker in the photos and to match the tone of her 4-year-old biracial daughter, whose father is rapper Kanye West. Kardashians’ ethnic heritage is Armenian, as well as English, Scottish, Irish, German and Dutch


Tanzania is set to launch the world's largest drone delivery network in January, with drones parachuting blood and medicines out of the skies to save the lives of women giving birth and children struck by malaria, in a country larger than Nigeria.

California's Zipline will make 2,000 deliveries a day to more than 1,000 health facilities across the east African country, including blood, vaccines and malaria and AIDS drugs, following the success of a smaller project in nearby Rwanda.

The drones fly at 100 km (62 miles) per hour, much faster than travelling by road. Small packages are dropped from the sky using a biodegradable parachute. The government also hopes to save the lives of thousands of women who die from profuse bleeding after giving birth.


Nigerian Meteorological Agency predicted localised thunderstorms over the Central States of Kwara, Niger, Abuja, Nassarawa, Jos and Kaduna on Wednesday morning.

NiMet’s Weather Outlook by its Central Forecast Office, on Tuesday in Abuja also predicted cloudy conditions over some parts of the region in the morning.

It added that the central states would experience isolated thunderstorms later in the day with day and Night temperatures in the range of 24 to 31 and 11 to 24 degrees Celsius respectively.

The agency predicted that the Southern States would experience cloudy with chances of isolated rains over Obudu, Ogoja, Ikom, Abakaliki, Enugu, Eket, Calabar and Port Harcourt in the morning.

It also predicted localised rains over Osogbo, Shaki, Ado-Ekiti, Iseyin and Akure, Portharcourt, Benin, Calabar, Eket, Owerri, Umuhahia, Enugu, Abakaliki during afternoon and evening hours with day and Night temperatures of 28 to 31 and 21 to 24 degrees Celsius respectively.


US President Donald Trump said, North Korea's latest missile launch signals "contempt" for its neighbours and the UN. He said the North would only increase its isolation and that "all options" were on the table.

The north released a missile 🚀 yesterday, which flew over northern Japan's Hokkaido island before crashing into the northern Pacific Ocean. Pyongyang says it is being provoked by US-South Korea military exercises which it says are a rehearsal for invasion. Russia and China have also cited the drills as the source of the latest tensions.

The UN Security Council is due to hold an emergency ⚠️ meeting in response.


Chelsea signed Kylian Hazard, the younger brother of star winger Eden.

Kylian, 22, is four years younger than his decorated sibling, who has won two Premier League titles, the League Cup and the Europa League at Stamford Bridge, as well as Ligue 1 and the Coupe de France for Lille.

Kylian Hazard joins Antonio Conte's side from Hungarian side Ujpest FC, and will link up with the club's development squad.

The younger Hazard has played for White Star Brussels and Zulte Waregem FC, prior to joining Ujpest in 2015. He has scored four goals in 42 appearances for the side from the left wing position.

He becomes the third Hazard to play for the Premier League champions, with Thorgan Hazard having been on the books at Stamford Bridge before joining Borussia Monchengladbach.


South African minister criticised African leaders who seek medical treatment abroad. Aaron Motsoaledi condemned "health tourism" while speaking in Zimbabwe. President Robert Mugabe, who frequently receives treatment in Singapore, had left the meeting of health ministers when Dr Motsoaledi made the comments.

Mr Mugabe's spokesman has said that the president's doctor "is not only Zimbabwean, he is actually black… He is very, very, very black". George Charamba made those comments to Zimbabwe's state-run Herald newspaper in May, insisting that President Mugabe was not turning his back on Zimbabwean medical help.

Nigeria's Muhammadu Buhari and Angola's José Eduardo dos Santos have also been criticised for seeking medical treatment abroad this year. Dr Motsoaledi said: 
"We are the only continent that has its leaders seeking medical services outside the continent, outside our territory. We must be ashamed of that... This is called health tourism. We must promote our own."


Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said Sunday that President Donald Trump, "speaks for himself" when asked whether the President's response to the violence ⚔ in Charlottesville, Virginia, raised questions about Trump's values.

The brief remark from the top Cabinet official appeared to be the latest subtle sign of a gap between Tillerson, a former globe-trotting oil executive, and the freewheeling President, who ran a campaign in large part against how the US 🇺🇸 interacts with pillars of the international community.

It also points to a distance between Trump and some of his team on Charlottesville. Tillerson said on "Fox News Sunday" that the United States was committed to freedom and "equal treatment of people the world over" when posed the question by anchor Chris Wallace.


A Michigan woman was sentenced ⚖ to life in prison for the shooting her husband in a crime apparently witnessed by the man's pet parrot.

Glenna Duram of Sand Lake learned her sentence Monday after a jury found her guilty of first-degree murder and a felony firearm charge last month. Forty-six-year-old Martin Duram was shot five times in May 2015. Glenna Duram suffered a head wound in what prosecutors said was a suicide attempt, but survived.

Martin Duram’s ex-wife, Christina Keller, has said that after the slaying, the pet parrot, Bud, repeated “don’t (expletive) shoot” in Martin Duram’s voice. Keller took ownership of the bird after Martin Duram’s death.


The authorities in Niger 🇳🇪 have ordered thousands of people to leave their homes in the capital, Niamey, because of serious flooding.

Flooding is a recurrent problem in Niger, but this year more than 40 people died since the rainy season began in June. Buildings have also been destroyed, and key roads cut in several parts of the country.

We've lost our home, our money and our clothes," Ramatou Ali, a man in his 70s from a western suburb of Niamey, told the news site Jeune Afrique.

Floods last year affected tens of thousands of people and killed dozens, mainly in the desert regions of Agadez and Tahoua.


Fifty-seven rights groups from around the world on Tuesday demanded a United Nations inquiry into abuses in Yemen 🇾🇪, where an escalating conflict has killed thousands and fueled a humanitarian crisis.

Yemen, the Arab world's poorest country, has been wracked by violence ⚔ since Houthi rebels and their allies seized vast tracts of territory, including the capital, Sanaa.

HRW said in a statement that the Saudi-led coalition had conducted scores of "unlawful air strikes, some of which may amount to war crimes that have killed thousands of civilians and hit schools, hospitals, markets and homes".

In an interview with Al Jazeera, Lynn Maalouf, Middle East research director at Amnesty International, which also signed the letter ✉️, said human rights groups operating in Yemen have been documenting 📋 abuses from all sides of the conflict since March 2015.

"This makes it all the more urgent for member states at the Human Rights Council when they meet next week in Geneva to heed the calls of our organisations for an independent, international and impartial investigative body."


South Korea's 🇰🇷 air force staged a live-fire drill simulating the destruction of North Korea's leadership, hours after Pyongyang launched a missile 🚀 over Japan.

Just hours after the launch, South Korea's Presidential Office announced 🔊 four F-15K jetfighters had dropped eight MK 84 bombs on a simulated target at the Taebaek Pilsung Firing Range in the country's northeastern Gangwon province, about five hours drive from Seoul .

South Korea joined with the United States and Japan Wednesday in calling for an emergency ⚠️ meeting of the United Nations Security Council to discuss the North Korea launch, Japan's UN ambassador Koro Bessho told CNN.

"It definitely expresses contempt for Japan but it's not a threat to them," Josh Pollack, senior research associate at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterrey, told CNN.


With the President busy addressing a natural disaster 🌊 and other issues, it looks like he hasn't had too much time to tweet 🐦! Late Monday and Tuesday saw him merely retweeting about Hurricane Harvey L️. The saving grace is his response to Laura Ingraham, a reminder that the President will soon be back on his game.

🐦➿ NWS Houston: Historic flooding is still ongoing across the area. If evacuated, please DO NOT return home until authorities indicate it is safe! Harvey

🐦 ➿ Texas Military Dept: PhotosFromTheField Aerial photos from our rescue crews earlier today. Harvey TMDHarvey USNationalGuard

🐦➿ The Five: "Trump just won on law & order and now he's delivering the goods." -jessebwatters thefive

Even on a lean day, Trump remembers his daily the pat-on-the-back tweet!

🐦 Leaving now for Texas!

The president is scheduled 📋 to receive briefings on the relief efforts in Corpus Christi, Texas, and later meet with state officials at the emergency️ operations center in Austin. The president was joined by first lady Melania Trump and other officials.

🐦 .foxandfriends We are not looking to fill all of those positions. Don't need many of them - reduce size of government. IngrahamAngle

During a segment on “Fox and Friends,” commentator Laura Ingraham said that the devastation of Hurricane Harvey️ in Texas shows how desperately Trump needs to fill open posts at agencies that help with disaster recovery.


Source: Duta


Fire gutted the headquarters of a Sierra Leone opposition party, the Alliance Democratic Party (ADP). Mohamed Kamaraimba Mansaray, outspoken leader of the party, told a Reuters reporter in the that the fire was caused by a petrol bomb.

He said the bomb was thrown into their offices in the early hours of Tuesday morning. Police have yet to comment on the attack. The attacked headquarters is located in a central part of town with other offices very close to it. Reports indicate that the other buildings were not affected.


Tuesday 29 August 2017

Kit Harrington's character, Jon Snow 🐺, was revealed to be the nephew of Daenerys Targaryen 🐉, played by Emelia Clarke‼️

We found out that information during a scene where Jon and Dany made love 💟 for the first time!

Emilia was asked to react to her character 🐉 making love 💟 to her nephew, Aegon Targaryen.

“Ewwwww!” Emilia told EW. “I think that’s how it’s going to go. I get the toothbrush–”


Google admitted that wide-spread connectivity issues in Japan were the result of a mistake by the tech giant.

Web traffic intended for Japanese internet service providers was being sent to Google instead. Online banking, railway payment systems, as well as gaming sites, were among those affected.

A spokesman said a "network configuration error" only lasted for eight minutes on Friday but it took hours for some services to resume.

Nintendo was among the companies who reported poor connectivity, according to the Japan Times, as well as the East Japan Railway Company.

The country's Internal Affairs and Communications Ministry has launched an investigation into the error which resulted in Google temporarily hijacking traffic to a major telecoms provider, NTT Communications Corp, which claims to have over 50 million customers in Japan, because Google cannot provide transit to third party networks, explains industry expert BGPMon, the traffic was lost.


When singer 🎤 Pink accepted the 2017 Vanguard Award 🏆 last night, she gave the most incredible speech.

She recounted a conversation 🔊 she recently had with her 6-year-old daughter, Willow, one that many parents can probably relate to on some level‼️

The conversation was a great reminder of what it means to truly 💪 be our most authentic selves and to not give into other people's definition of "beauty."


Katy Perry shares a laugh with her "Feels" collaborator Calvin Harris and Khalid while attending Calvin's 2017 MTV VMAs After Party 🎊 with director Emil Nava.

The trio were also joined 👍 at the post bash by Jared Leto, who hit the main stage at the MTV VMAs with his Thirty Seconds to Mars bandmates earlier in the night to perform their new single 🎤 "Walk on Water."

That same evening, Katy and Jared made their way to the UGG x Jeremy Scott Collaboration Launch Party held at The h.wood Group's 'Poppy' in West Hollywood.

Also in attendance were Paris Jackson, Liberty Ross, Jimmy Iovine, Jasmine Sanders, Sasha Lane, Isabela Moner, Lil Yachty, KYLE, Adwoa Aboah, DJ Mia Moretti and Jeremy Scott himself.

Source: Duta


A team of astronomers observed the magnetic field of a galaxy five billion light-years from Earth. The galaxy is the most distant in which a coherent magnetic field has been observed and provides important insight into how magnetism in the Universe formed and evolved.

The observation shows a magnetic field of a similar strength and configuration to that seen in our own Milky Way Galaxy, even though the distant galaxy is five billion years younger than ours. This is evidence that galactic magnetic fields form early in a galaxy's life and remain relatively stable.

"This finding is exciting," says Dr. Sui Ann Mao, an astronomer and Minerva Research Group leader at the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy and lead author of the paper describing the observation.

"It is now the record holder of the most distant galaxy for which we have this magnetic field information." The paper will be published August 28th in Nature Astronomy.


Sarahah bills itself as a way to “receive honest feedback” from friends and employees.

But the app is collecting more than just feedback messages. When launched for the first time, it immediately harvests and uploads all phone numbers and email addresses in your address book.

Although Sarahah does in some cases ask for permission to access contacts, it does not disclose that it uploads such data, nor does it seem to make any functional use of the information.

After this piece was published, the app’s creator, Zain al-Abidin Tawfiq, tweeted that the contacts functionality would be removed in a future release and had been intended for a “‘find your friends’ feature.”

He later told The Intercept the feature was stymied by “technical issues” and that a partner, who he has since stopped working with, was supposed to remove it from the app but “missed that.”

He claims the functionality was, however, removed from the server and that Sarahah stores no contacts in its databases.


Despite all the epic performances 🎤 at the VMAs, some say the adorable celeb kids, who showed up as their parents' dates, MADE the night!🌃

We love 💟 how some celebs wanted to share their special night with their little ones, and they ended up turning the fun-filled night into a family affair - coordinating ensembles and everything!

And when Pink accepted her Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award, she dedicated her speech 🔊 to her daughter, talking about Willow's struggle with self-esteem - as Willow watched with her dad from the crowd‼️

Of bringing Sophia to the VMAs, Farrah shared that she was so excited for her little girl to see some of her favorite stars and get to talk with celebs🌟.


You might remember Miley Cyrus's infamous VMA performance in 2013. The one where she twerked on Robin Thicke and showed us some really...creative moves‼️ It was Miley's way of telling the world 🌍 she was ~all grown up~ now — and the message ✉️ was received loud and clear!

So last night, just hours before her performance 🎤 for the VMAs, she marked the occasion by posting 📷 a throwback of her scandalous VMA performance...with her father's face photoshopped on top of it, with the message "Sorry dad... ill be good tonight i promise... ‼️ It looks like dad hasn't commented 👀 on the photo yet!


FOOTAGE of an ‘alien life form’ crawling along the ground left witnesses searching for answers of what it might be.

Huang Meilan filmed the mysterious insect after it was seen creeping around rocks in Hsinchu, Taiwan on August 29.

When asking the internet for advice, Ms Meilan said many people suggested the brittle looking creature was likely several ‘’horsehair worms’’ tangled together — a common sight because the parasitic creatures become entwined while they use a host to breed.


Guatemala's President Jimmy Morales was condemned for his order to expel the head of the UN's anti-corruption mission in the country.

The US ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, said the decision to expel Ivan Velasquez was profoundly worrying.

Guatemalan prosecutors have accused Mr Morales of funding irregularities in the 2015 election. The UN has backed calls for the removal of Mr Morales' immunity so he can be investigated. Ms Haley said that Ivan Velásquez had the "total support" of the US.

"As the head of the United Nation's International Commission Against Impunity (CICIG), Velásquez is an essential voice in calls against corruption," she said.

Mr Morales has said he ordered Mr Velásquez's expulsion on the grounds he had "meddled in domestic affairs that are the sole responsibility of the Guatemalan state". The expulsion has created a crisis in the country, with at least eight high-level government officials resigning and two being sacked.


Court ⚖ seized $21m from bank accounts 💰 linked to Diezani Alison-Madueke, a former oil minister who faces corruption allegations‼️

Abdulazeez Anka, federal high court judge, ordered the immediate forfeiture of the sum allegedly held in local bank accounts by Alison-Madueke, who was once one of Africa's most prominent female politicians.

Nigeria's 🇳🇬 anti-graft Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), which accuses Alison-Madueke of corruption 💰, argued in the Lagos court that she had illicitly laundered the funds with the help of top oil officials.

Alison-Madueke - the former president of the global oil cartel OPEC, and the first woman to hold the post - has always denied 🚫 the allegations which involve billions of dollars syphoned from oil deals and state accounts‼️

After the discovery, Nigeria's National Intelligence Agency (NIA) claimed the money 💰 belonged to the organisation, prompting President Muhammadu Buhari to suspend its head, Ayodele Oke Also suspended and under investigation 🔍 is Lawal Babachir, Buhari's secretary and longtime ally, following his indictment by the legislature for an alleged 200 million naira ($635,000) scam.


Adam Levine lashed out at the MTV VMAs on Twitter Sunday night, calling the annual fete “utterly horrible.”

The Maroon 5 frontman was outraged after best new artist nominee JulIa Michaels' performance 🎤 was cut short 📺 on the telecast.

“It’s always exciting to see how utterly horrible the VMAs will be. They really delivered so far this year,” Levine tweeted 🐦, using the hashtag “holy f—” in all caps.

He added, “Julia Michaels gets cut off while she’s singing and Lorde gets to NOT sing her whole song.” Lorde performed an interpretive dance during the awards 🏆 to the tune of her song “Homemade Dynamite,” after tweeting earlier in the evening, “I have the flu so bad I needed an IV.”


The Federal Government declared Friday, September 1 and Monday 4, 2017 as public holidays to mark the Id-el-Kabir celebration.

The Minister of Interior, Lt. Gen. Abdulrahman Dambazau (retd.), made the declaration on behalf of the Federal Government in a statement on Monday in Abuja by the Director Overseeing the Office of the Permanent Secretary, Dr. Rufa’i Attahiru.

Dambazau congratulated the Muslim faithful and urged all Nigerians to use the occasion to pray for peace, unity, prosperity and the stability of the country’s democracy.

He admonished the citizens to join hands with the government of President Muhammadu Buhari “in its avowed determination to build a peaceful and harmonious country, where the rights of every citizen, are protected and guaranteed,” as enshrined in the Constitution of the country.


1831 – Michael Faraday (pictured) discovered electromagnetic induction, leading to the formation of his law of induction.

1842 – The Treaty of Nanking, an unequal treaty ending the First Opium War, was signed, forcing the Chinese Qing dynasty to give control of the island that is now the site of Hong Kong, and other concessions to the British.

1903 – The Russian battleship Slava, the last of the five Borodino-class battleships, was launched.

1930 – The last 36 residents of St Kilda, Scotland, now a UNESCO World Heritage Site for its natural and cultural qualities, voluntarily evacuated to Morvern.

2007 – Six nuclear warheads were alleged to have been mistakenly loaded onto a United States Air Force heavy bomber that flew from Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota to Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana.


The Nigeria Customs Service, Federal Operations Unit, Zone ‘A’, announced that it made a number of seizures amounting to over N783m between August 9 and 25, 2017.

The Controller of the zone, Mohammed Garba, disclosed this while conducting journalists round the command’s warehouses where the seized items were kept.

According to him, some of the items seized include 27 different brands of vehicles, ranging from 2007 to 2013 models, all valued at N228.2m.

In addition to frozen poultry, he listed other confiscated items such foreign parboiled rice, Indian hemp, pharmaceutical drugs, used tyres and general merchandise.

Garba said that the unit also impounded three containers with items worth N303.2m, due to what he called false declaration.


Lucas Vazquez was called up to the Spain squad to replaced injured winger Vitolo.

"Yesterday morning in training, the player suffered a strain in the medial collateral ligament of his knee," the Royal Spanish Football Federation (RFEF) said in a statement on Monday. 

"After consultation with the medical services of his club and those of the RFEF, the player will leave the squad this evening."

The former world champions face Italy in their latest Group G match on Saturday before a trip to Liechtenstein next Tuesday.


Well Hurricane Harvey took up most of President Trump's sunday, what with continuous posts 🐦 about how it is being dealt with and some news 📰 about it being a historic rainfall ☔️.

He did have enough time, in between, to take a jab at the Governor of Missouri, asking Mexico 🇲🇽 to pay for the wall and then threatening ⚠️ them when they said no and of course, posting tweets 🐦 of his followers who are truly Trump-tastic!

🐦 A great book by a great guy, highly recommended.

Here's the President promoting his avid supporter, Sheriff Clarke's, book 'Cop Under Fire'.

He is a the notorious Wisconsin lawman with a long history of alleged abuse‼️ Clarke is at the center of several lawsuits ⚖ accusing him and his employees in Milwaukee County of neglecting and abusing inmates, sometimes allegedly leading to their deaths.

🐦 Great coordination between agencies at all levels of government. Continuing rains and flash floods are being dealt with. Thousands rescued.

🐦 Many people are now saying that this is the worst storm/hurricane they have ever seen. Good news is that we have great talent on the ground.

🐦 I will be going to Texas as soon as that trip can be made without causing disruption. The focus must be life and safety.

Trump will be travelling ✈️ to Texas on Tuesday to survey damage.

🐦 I will also be going to a wonderful state, Missouri, that I won by a lot in '16. Dem C.M. is opposed to big tax cuts. Republican will win S!

That's a little jab at the Governor, two days after McCaskill had welcomed 👏 Trump to Missouri and expressed hope that she could work with him.

🐦 Wow - Now experts are calling Harvey a once in 500 year flood! We have an all out effort going, and going well!

Apparently, Harvey isn't the only storm to receive these centennial honors. The media 📰 has called Hurricane Katrina 🌪️ a “100-year-storm” when it swept New Orleans in 2005.

It did the same for Hurricane Sandy, which hit New York City in 2012. Parts of Texas Floods in 2016 were also categorized as 500-year (or even more unlikely) events.

🐦 With Mexico being one of the highest crime Nations in the world, we must have THE WALL. Mexico will pay for it through reimbursement/other.

Mexico 🇲🇽 reiterated that it would not pay for the wall and also addressed the president's assertions about its crime rates, saying that it was a "shared problem."

The only way to end it was to address its causes: high demand for drugs in the United States and supply from Mexico and other countries." BAM! 👊🏻

🐦 We are in the NAFTA (worst trade deal ever made) renegotiation process with Mexico & Canada.Both being very difficult,may have to terminate?

The president also suggested that the United States 🇺🇸 could pull out of the North American Free Trade Agreement, which he criticized long before he took office. Mexico said it would not renegotiate the deal over social media or other platforms. The second round of renegotiation talks are set to take place in Mexico 🇲🇽 City later this week.

🐦 Going to a Cabinet Meeting (tele-conference) at 11:00 A.M. on Harvey. Even experts have said they've never seen one like this!

🐦 Major rescue operations underway!

🐦 HISTORIC rainfall in Houston, and all over Texas. Floods are unprecedented, and more rain coming. Spirit of the people is incredible.Thanks!

🐦 ➿ Dinesh D'Souza: Finally, as if by accident, the washingtonpost breaks down & admits the truth about where the violence is coming from

The Washington Post story: About 100 anarchists and antifa— “anti-fascist” — members barreled into a protest Sunday afternoon in Berkeley’s Martin Luther King Jr. Civic Center Park. Shortly after, violence ⚔ began to flare.

A pepper-spray-wielding Trump supporter was smacked to the ground with homemade shields. Another was attacked by knife-clad antifa members, each windmilling kicks 👢 and punches into a man desperately trying to protect himself‼️

🐦 ➿ Katie Pavlich: Your boss pardoned a traitor who gave U.S. enemies state secrets, he also pardoned a terrorist who killed Americans. Spare us the lecture.

A Trump supporter retaliated to Obama foreign policy advisor 🔊 and speechwriter Ben Rhodes' tweet 🐦: Obama used his pardon and commutation power to give a second chance to people who deserved empathy, not racists who showed none.

🐦 ➿ Inspirational Quotes: No color, no religion, no nationality should come between us, we are all children of God. - Mother Teresa

🐦 ➿ Greg Abbott: Thanks to the Texas National Guard for their help to rescue flooded Texans. HurricaneHarvey

Source: Duta


Vice-President Yemi Osinbajo said the present administration has reached out to the United States government to step up its assistance in ensuring that corrupt officials do not have a safe haven in the US for their loot.

According to a statement by his Senior Special Assistant on Media and Publicity, Mr. Laolu Akande, the Vice-President spoke during a visit of a US Congressional Delegation to the Presidential Villa, Abuja, on Monday.

“We have reached out to the US government with respect with helping us with the repatriation of proceeds of crime and proceeds of corruption,” he was quoted as saying. Osinbajo reportedly told the delegation that the present administration regarded corruption as an existential threat that must be dealt with at its root.


Thousands of ATMs 💸 and electronic card payment machines in Indonesia 🇮🇩 went offline over the weekend, and it might take two more weeks before full service is restored, after an outage from a satellite belonging to state-controlled telecom giant PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Telkom).

Around 15,000 ground sites across Indonesia 🇮🇩 were affected by the problem on the ’Telkom-1’ satellite 🛰, whose service is used by government agencies, banks 🏦, broadcasters 📺 and other corporations, Telkom’s president director Alex Sinaga told reporters 📰 on Monday.

A shift in the direction of the satellite’s 🛰 antenna, which was first detected last Friday, had disrupted connectivity‼️

Bank Central Asia (BCA), Indonesia’s largest bank 🏦 by market value, had around 5,700 of its ATMs affected by the outage, or 30 percent of the total operated by the bank, BCA chief executive Jahja Setiaatmadja told reporters. The Internet connection 💻 in some remote BCA branches were also affected, he said.


Seven African and European leaders are meeting in the French 🇫🇷 capital, Paris, to discuss ways to stem the flow of migrants and refugees into Europe from northern Africa.

French 🇫🇷 President Emmanuel Macron has invited ✉️ his counterparts from Niger and Chad as well as the head of the Libyan UN-backed government Fayez al-Sarraj, whose countries lie on the main transit route for people fleeing violence ⚔ and poverty in parts of Africa and the Middle East.

German 🇩🇪 Chancellor Angela Merkel, Spanish and Italian Prime Ministers Mariano Rajoy and Paulo Gentiloni, and Europe's top diplomat Federica Mogherini will join Monday's talks‼️

Italy has sought to impose a code of conduct 📋 on the NGOs, which face accusations from some critics that their operations have encouraged migrants to attempt the crossing with the knowledge that they will be picked up in an emergency.

The code has been signed by five of seven NGOs with rescue ships 🚢 - only the French organisation Doctors Without Borders and Germany's Sea-Watch have refused 🚫 as a matter of principle, saying they wait to maintain their independence‼️


In her first public statement since she left South Africa following allegations that she assaulted a young model at a Johannesburg hotel., Zimbabwean First Lady Grace Mugabe has reportedly urged young men to treat women with respect, especially as rape cases remained high in the southern African country.

She said, "You are not just respecting your mother alone, but other women as well. When you see a woman anywhere, you should think about your mother, sister or your wife."

The statement obviously conflicts with her actions when she assaulted the young South African model Gabriella Engels on August 13.

In the same statement, she said that she "turned to God for wisdom" as her two sons (also studying in SA) were giving her "sleepless nights" after they were kicked out of an apartment block over "unacceptable behaviour" & and doing drugs. She blamed their behaviour on demons saying "Nowadays there are spirits attacking our children.

The spirit of drinking, drug abuse and doing other abnormal things way beyond their age... does not matter if they are the president's children or not. All children are mischievous these days."


With a filmography full of characters like Aliens’ Ellen Ripley and The Terminator’s Sarah Connor, James Cameron is often credited with making movies that feature strong female leads.

When recently asked about the tremendous success of Wonder Woman, however, his response came off as rather dismissive.

In an interview with The Guardian, he said, amidst a long and confusing conversation about “strong, independent women” in film and his personal life, that he did not care for the film or its reception.

“All of the self-congratulatory back-patting Hollywood’s been doing over Wonder Woman has been so misguided,” he said. “She’s an objectified icon, and it’s just male Hollywood doing the same old thing! I’m not saying I didn’t like the movie but, to me, it’s a step backwards.

In a tweeted note, Jenkins responded, “Strong women are great... But if women have to always be hard, tough[,] and troubled to be strong, and we aren’t free to be multidimensional or celebrate an icon of women everywhere because she is attractive and loving, then we haven’t come very far have we.”