Wednesday 30 August 2017

Rex Tillerson: "The President speaks for himself"

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said Sunday that President Donald Trump, "speaks for himself" when asked whether the President's response to the violence ⚔ in Charlottesville, Virginia, raised questions about Trump's values.

The brief remark from the top Cabinet official appeared to be the latest subtle sign of a gap between Tillerson, a former globe-trotting oil executive, and the freewheeling President, who ran a campaign in large part against how the US 🇺🇸 interacts with pillars of the international community.

It also points to a distance between Trump and some of his team on Charlottesville. Tillerson said on "Fox News Sunday" that the United States was committed to freedom and "equal treatment of people the world over" when posed the question by anchor Chris Wallace.


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