Wednesday 30 August 2017

Tanzania 🚀Launches 🌐World's Biggest Drone Drug Delivery

Tanzania is set to launch the world's largest drone delivery network in January, with drones parachuting blood and medicines out of the skies to save the lives of women giving birth and children struck by malaria, in a country larger than Nigeria.

California's Zipline will make 2,000 deliveries a day to more than 1,000 health facilities across the east African country, including blood, vaccines and malaria and AIDS drugs, following the success of a smaller project in nearby Rwanda.

The drones fly at 100 km (62 miles) per hour, much faster than travelling by road. Small packages are dropped from the sky using a biodegradable parachute. The government also hopes to save the lives of thousands of women who die from profuse bleeding after giving birth.


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