Tuesday 29 August 2017

MTV sends a message to Donald Trump, as Transgender Military Members Attend the MTV VMAs

Two days after President Trump signed a directive reinstating a ban on transgender individuals from serving in the U.S. military, the network invited a group of transgender military men and women to the Video Music Awards.

Airman Sterling James Crutcher, Air Force Staff Sgt. Logan Ireland, Army Capt. Jennifer Peace, Navy corpsman Akira Wyatt, and veterans Laila Ireland and Brynn Tannehill all walked the carpet on Sunday afternoon. The president and CEO of GLAAD, Sarah Kate Ellis, attended as well.

“It doesn’t matter who you are, our nation is only safe if we have the best and brightest in our country serving in the military,” Peace said on the carpet, according to People. “There was a time when blacks couldn’t serve, women couldn’t serve, where gays and lesbians couldn’t serve, and there was a time when trans people couldn’t serve.”


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