Wednesday 30 August 2017

SU Press Release: Hearty congratulations from the Student Union


On behalf of the Student Union, we wish to express our profound joy on the success of the University Council in appointing a new Vice Chancellor to succeed our amiable Vice Chancellor, Prof. AbdulGaniyu Ambali OON.

It is our believe that Prof. Sulyman Age Adbulkareem will carry on with the good work of the outgoing Vice Chancellor. His credentials are befitting for a man of his calibre to assume the most exalted position in the Better by Far University.

As a matter of fact, engineers are known for being pragmatic, technology-driven and result-oriented. It is against this backdrop that the Union believes the five-year tenure of the new Vice Chancellor will be characterised by groundbreaking milestones. Being in a Better by Far university, it is believed the reign of Prof. Sulyman Age Abdulkareem will be better than that of the outgoing Vice Chancellor.

There is still a lot of work to be done in making the University of Ilorin the numero uno in the comity of African universities, and of course, a force to reckon with on the global stage. We, as a Union, can attest to the impact and success story of Prof. Ambali's administration. However, we are well aware of the fact that a university's challenges cannot be surmounted in five years. It takes consistent administrative policy and appropriate action plans to respond effectively and efficiently to the teeming challenges of administration in a tertiary institution.

We believe the new Vice Chancellor, Prof. Sulyman Age Abdulkareem, is well positioned intellectually and professionally to take the university community to the promise land. Prof Age is a veteran administrator, a distinguished inventor, an erudite scholar among other striking attributes. He is indeed the one whom the VC cap fits the most to succeed our gallant and loving Vice Chancellor, Prof. AbdulGaniyu Ambali OON.

To that end, we salute the Board of the University Council for a job well done. We also congratulate the the entire university community on the emergence of Prof. Sulyman Age Abdulkareem as the new Vice Chancellor of our great alma mater. We pray that his determination will remain unshakeable in his bid to take the university to greater heights.

From all of us here at the Union, we say congratulations. Above all, we wish the new VC uncommon success beyond leaps and bounds during his tenure.


Shobowale Lukman Olawale (Eminent)
Executive President,
Student Union,
University of Ilorin.

Omotosho Ahmed Damilare (YAyi)
Public Relations Officer, Student Union, University of Ilorin.


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