Sunday 3 September 2017

Google 🌍 shares the top 10 “how to” ❓ questions that people search🔍

Google’s Data Editor, Simon Rogers, recently said that the company noticed that “how to” searches have had a 140% increase since 2004.

The company partnered up with Xaquín González Veira to create a visual representation of the most popular “how to” searches, and this partnership all came together in the form of “How to fix a toilet…and other things you couldn’t do without Search.”

The data within this visual shows that the most common types of “how to” searches revolve around people wanting to know how to fix things, and it goes as deep as showing the most popular items that people want to know how to fix by country.

For example, the United States sees the most searches for wanting to know how to fix doors, windows, toilets, washing machines, and refrigerators, but the order of popularity for these searches in Japan goes by windows, doors, washing machines, and toilets.

Along with these more detailed findings, Google also outlined the top 10 most popular “how to” searches from all across the globe. Without further ado:

  1. How to tie a tie
  2. How to kiss
  3. How to get pregnant
  4. How to lose weight
  5. How to draw
  6. How to make money
  7. How to make pancakes
  8. How to write a cover letter
  9. How to make french toast
  10. How to lose belly fat


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