Tuesday, 11 July 2017

Checkout Trump's latest tweets

🐦 ​James Comey leaked CLASSIFIED INFORMATION to the media. That is so illegal!​

Trump wants his Trumpcare bill passed. Congress is trying to put it off because they can't find the votes to pass it. The longer they take to pass it, the less likely that they will find the votes, so Trump is doing his bit to get them to do their jobs.

🐦 ​I cannot imagine that Congress would dare to leave Washington without a beautiful new HealthCare bill fully approved and ready to go!​

He then turned his attention to the news from last week. He left a G-20 meeting, and his daughter immediately took his seat. Eyebrows were raised. Naturally, he felt the need to defend his daughter, and remind us all of the news from last week.

🐦 ​When I left Conference Room for short meetings with Japan and other countries, I asked Ivanka to hold seat. Very standard. Angela M agrees!​

And also bring Chelsea Clinton into it. We should give him credit here. He's probably right that if Hillary were president and Chelsea had taken her seat, the media would have acted differently. However, he needs to learn how not to react to every little thing too.

🐦 ​If Chelsea Clinton were asked to hold the seat for her mother,as her mother gave our country away, the Fake News would say CHELSEA FOR PRES!​


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