Thursday 13 July 2017

Checkout Trump Tweets🐦

🐦 *My son Donald did a good job last night. He was open, transparent and innocent. This is the greatest Witch Hunt in political history. Sad!*

Trump started his day defending his namesake son. These tweets seem to ignore the fact that it was his son who published his email correspondence that clearly indicated collusion between him and an alleged representative of the Russian government.

🐦 *Remember, when you hear the words "sources say" from the Fake Media, often times those sources are made up and do not exist.*

🐦 *ISIS is on the run & will soon be wiped out of Syria & Iraq, illegal border crossings are way down (75%) & MS 13 gangs are being removed.*

🐦 **WashTimes* states "Democrats have willfully used Moscow disinformation to influence the presidential election against Donald Trump."*

2 things to note about this next tweet. First, Hillary faced a lot worse from Republicans in Congress. Second, Clinton lost, Trump won.

🐦 *Why aren't the same standards placed on the Democrats. Look what Hillary Clinton may have gotten away with. Disgraceful!*

🐦 *The W.H. is functioning perfectly, focused on HealthCare, Tax Cuts/Reform & many other things. I have very little time for watching T.V.*

If this is perfect functioning, we'd hate to see what imperfect functioning is. Regarding is TV watching habits, it appears that he watches plenty of TV, considering how much his tweets coincide with what's on TV at the time.

🐦 *"After 14 years, U.S. beef hits Chinese market. Trade deal an exciting opportunity for agriculture."*

🐦 *Getting rdy to leave for France @ the invitation of President Macron to celebrate & honor Bastille Day and 100yrs since U.S. entry into WWI.*

🐦 *Stock market hits another high with spirit and enthusiasm so positive. Jobs outlook looking very good! MAGA 🇺🇸*


🐦 *Big WIN today for building the wall. It will secure the border & save lives. Now the full House & Senate must act!

Source: Duta


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